I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 122: A Badly’s Debut

Chapter 122: A Badly’s Debut

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 125. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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-Asgard Prison-

"Heimdall! Open the Bifrost!"

In a cramped prison cell, Heimdall stood frozen like a large armored popsicle as Thor's voice rang out in his head. Although the former gatekeeper of Asgard was frozen solid, he could still see and hear as he usually does.

Nothing escapes his all-seeing eyes and ears. Unless of course, some sort of magic was in place to do so, as Loki did when he visited Jotunheim.

Sadly, although he could see, Heimdall was unable to move and follow the orders given to him by the rightful King of Asgard. Even if he could thaw himself, getting out of this prison and maneuver passed the countless guards was practically impossible.

He could only watch and listen as the events around him took place, completely powerless to act.


"He would open it if he could. I fear the worst." Thor says as he looks at the others with concern.

"Then we're trapped here forever." Volstagg comments in defeat.

There was only one way in and out of Asgard, and that was through the Bifrost.

At least that they knew of.

If Heimdall wouldn't or couldn't open the pathway, then they would remain trapped on earth for the foreseeable future.

"Then I suppose we'd best start settling into our new lives." Fandral looks to Darcey flirtatiously, turning on the charm. "Are all earth maidens as fair as you?"

A feline smile forms on Darcy's lips as she enjoys the attention. Jane couldn't be the only one with a handsome alien suitor after all.

"No, you're in the presence of greatness." Darcey answered in a conceded tone.

"Heimdall!" Thor ignores the talking around him and shouts back up to the sky.

'Is he not able to open it?' Peter thought as once again nothing happened.

Peter wasn't sure exactly when it would happen, but he could swear that the Bifrost should have shot down by now.

As Thor began to realize that he may not be able to return home, Tony snuck away from the group and made his way to the lifeless Destroyer.

'You are a beauty, aren't you?' Tony thought as his HUD scanned the downed automaton. 'I'm going to rip you apart, learn everything about you, and use you to upgrade my suit.'

While the inner mad scientist in Tony was boiling over to the surface, Thor finally gave up calling for Heimdall, knowing that something had to be wrong.

"Looks like we have more time to ourselves, my love..." Fandral was really laying it on thick with Darcey.

Ignoring the newfound couple that was forming, Peter turned to Thor, who was filled with a growing feeling of dread.

'Should I portal them to Asgard?' Peter thought as he wondered if he could do such a thing.

Peter has never portal'd outside of earth, and wasn't even sure if he could open a portal to somewhere in a random portion of space without coordinates or something.

Yeah, he can open a portal to places he's never been on earth, but at least he has an idea of where they are. Hence how he opened a portal to Mount Everest without ever visiting the place before.

He knew it was in the Himalayan mountain range, which is located between Nepal and Tibet. Using those parameters, Peter could sort of triangulating the location and open a portal exactly where he wanted.

With Asgard on the other hand, he's only ever seen the place in movies from his past life. Peter doesn't know the spacial coordinates, galaxy, nearest star, or even which side of the universe it was on.

Now that he truly thought about it, Peter knew for a fact that he wouldn't be able to open a portal to Asgard even if he wanted to, which he most certainly does.

'Well, sh*t...' Peter thought as he turned to see a familiar bald head in the distance.

"You've certainly made a mess of things, haven't you?" The Ancient One comments, surprising everyone as they jump into action, ready to fight once again.

She tends to watch a lot of Peter's major life events, especially since these events tend to align with her most favored timeline. At first, the Ancient One didn't want to reveal herself, but then the words of her most favorite student played in her mind.

'...You don't have to die...'

The more covert way to handle this situation, would be to simply portal over to the rainbow bridge in Asgard and open the Bifrost for Thor. She could be in and out without a single person knowing, not Odin nor Heimdall would see a thing.

Obviously, she didn't do that and truthfully she didn't know why.

Yes, her student's words may have swayed her judgment, but he was young and reckless. The flaws in his argument were countless, yet she felt the overwhelming need to just give in and trust her student.

"Does this mean you've decided to join the Avengers, teacher?" Peter asks with a smirk, confusing all those around him, especially the people that know him.

In his point of view, If she was willing to reveal herself to all of these people, then she was starting to see things his way.

"I haven't decided." The Ancient One says as she waves her hand, conjuring a portal right between Peter and Thor. "You're welcome."

Without another word, the Ancient One disappeared as if she were never there in the first place.

"Who was that?" Tony asks as he walks over, dragging the carcass of the Destroyer behind him.

"My teacher. You'll meet her again soon enough." Peter says cryptically, gesturing to the portal next to him. "Thanks to her, we have a way into Asgard."

Looking into the portal, Thor grins as he can see the familiar image of the rainbow bridge on the other side. While those that weren't used to seeing Peter's portals looked on in amazement as they studied the portal in awe.

Turning to the beautiful Lady Jane, Thor takes her hand and kisses it tenderly. Jane looks up at him with fear-filled eyes, as if she may never see him again.

"Whatever fate lies before me, you are part of it." Thor states as he lovingly takes her into his arms and leans down to kiss her on the lips.

When the farewells were said and done, the Asgardians ventured through the portal, leaving the earthlings behind.

"I'm going to explore a bit." Peter gave everyone a quick wave and dashed into the portal behind them.

Before Tony could decide whether he should do the same, the portal snapped shut.

'Whatever...' Tony thought as he grabbed the Destroyer by the foot and dragged it down the barren street. 'I have to go and dissect this thing anyway.'


-Asgard Palace-

Odin lies unmoving in his healing bed, sleeping as still as a corpse due to his Odinsleep.

Odinsleep is a state of deep sleep that Odin periodically enters to recharge his Odinforce, the magical energy that gives him his power. While in Odinsleep, Odin is left utterly vulnerable, though he is aware of what transpires, not only around him but throughout the entire universe.

His loving wife and queen, Frigga, sat at his bedside, watching over him at all times. There's a reason that Loki has been able to rule with complete impunity since his unofficial crowning as King. That's because his mother barely ever left Odin's side during his Odinsleep.

Suddenly, Frigga started to hear some shuffling outside, followed by grunts and the sound of armored guards falling to the ground.

Jumping into action, Frigga waves her hand, which activated the security measures on the doors, locking them tightly.

Grabbing a nearby sword, she expertly unsheathed it and casted a quick spell upon the blade in preparation.

*bang! bang! bang!*

Soon, the doors begin to shake as whoever was outside tried to forcefully enter the room. Although the door was locked tight, it didn't hold for longer than a few minutes before the doors broke open and an armored Frost Giant warrior bursts in.

Without an ounce of hesitation, Frigga swings her sword toward the blue towering intruder, cleaving into his shoulder.

"Ughhh!" The Jotun grunts in pain as the sword sliced through his armor and into his flesh.

Just as he was about to retaliate against the Asgardian Queen, an excruciating burning feeling filled the Frost Giants body.

"Aaaaahhhh!" The blue warrior screamed in pain as his icy body began to ignite and burn from the inside out.

It was as though someone was pumping molten lava into his bloodstream, which was especially horrible for a creature built for the cold like a Jotun. Within a few seconds the screaming stopped and the Frost Giants charred body fell to the floor in a burning and bleeding heap.

Yanking the spelled sword from the Jotun warrior's fiery copse, Frigga turned to the open doors and found something she didn't expect to see.


A/N: 1500 words :)



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