I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 120: Destroyer

Chapter 120: Destroyer

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 123. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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Loki stands with Gungnir in hand, surveying his kingdom from one of the many balconies on Asgard's royal palace, when an Einherjar Guard quickly approaches him, out of breath from rushing through the palace halls.

The Einherjar are a group of Asgardian warriors that serve as the army of Asgard and are the warrior class of its society. They are tasked with protecting Asgard and quelling conflicts within the Nine Realms.

"My liege, the Warriors Three and the Lady Sif have gone missing." The armored warrior states.

Loki's eyes narrow towards the rainbow bridge in the distance, knowing exactly who is responsible for this.

Gathering some soldiers, the King of Asgard made his way straight to the prime suspect.

Approaching Heimdall on the Rainbow Bridge with a small army of Einherjar Guards at his back, Loki stands menacingly before the all-seeing gatekeeper of Asgard, who doesn't even flinch upon seeing the forces surrounding him.

"Tell me, Loki, how did you get the Jotuns into Asgard?" Heimdall asks in an accusatory tone.

"I had nothing to do with the attempted robbery of the weapons vault. Though there are secret paths between worlds to which even you with all your gifts are blind to. Of course, I have no use for them anymore, now that I'm king." Loki says truthfully, knowing that he wouldn't be believed. "And as King, I say, for your act of treason, you are relieved of your duties as gatekeeper of Asgard. Your citizenship has also been revoked."

"Then I need no longer obey you." Heimdall raises his massive sword and strides toward Loki.

Before he could get too close, the army of guards slam the butts of their spears onto the ground and swiftly point them in the direction of the former gatekeeper in unison.

Although this causes Heimdall to stop his advance, the confident look in his eagle-like eyes doesn't lessen for a single second.

Not wanting to lose any of his men in a fight with one of Asgard's most skilled warriors, Loki reaches out with both hands and takes hold of something invisible, which was hovering in mid-air before him.

As it quickly fades into view, Heimdall is shocked to see the Casket of Ancient Winters appear in Loki's grasp.

The blueness creeps from his hands and up his arms, as Loki opens the Casket towards Heimdall, who is standing still in the center of dozens of spears.

From inside the Casket, all hell breaks loose.

The fury in the Casket is instantly unleashed as its winds screamed. Ice, snow, and darkness come flying straight toward Heimdall. An icy chill covers his body, freezing him slowly but surely.

The guards keep him from moving forward as the Casket completely freezes Heimdall into a living icy statue.

"You may return to your duties." Loki shoo's away the guards as he closes the Casket and vanishes it once again.

As the guards ran off, leaving only Loki and a frozen Heimdall behind, Loki inserts Gungnir into the Observatory's control panel and opens the Bifrost.

With a single gesture, the Destroyer appears before him, a fiery glow rising within it, as it turns its head toward its King.

"Ensure that my idiot brother and his friends do not return. I can't have them ruining my plans."


"My friends!" Thor happily races out of the diner to greet his comrades.

Peter follows him out with Tony following closely behind, both interested in meeting the warriors three and Sif. Especially when they find out that Peter has all of Thor's powers.

"I don't believe it..."

"Who are they?"

"He can't have been telling the truth?"

Jane and her group were shocked and in denial. They still didn't believe that Thor was the banished king of an alien race of god-like beings.

Though they would believe soon enough.

"My friends, I've never been happier to see anyone, but you shouldn't have come." Thor says, knowing that he deserves his exile.

"We're here to take you home." Sif reveals.

Jane did not appeared melancholy upon hearing the news of Thor leaving. She wanted to spend more time with the big muscle head.

"You know I can't. My father is dead because of me. I must remain in exile." Thor says woefully, causing his fellow Asgardians to exchange puzzled looks.

"Thor... your father still lives." Volstagg says, wondering why Thor thought Odin was dead.

"But... Loki said..." Upon uttering these three simple words, Thor knew exactly where he went wrong. "He lied..."

Believing in his brother, Loki, will always be Thor's greatest downfall.

"Thor, why does this oddly dressed mortal have your hammer?" Sif asks as she points to Peter, who walked over with Mjølnir in hand.

"Yo." Peter says with a wave of his hammer. "I'm Spider-Man."

"Yo?" One of the warriors three repeats in confusion.

"Father placed an..." Thor tried to explain, but before he could get into it, the Bifrost storm began to form in the distance.

"Was somebody else coming?" Tony asks as the Bifrost funnel shoots down to the ground only 20 yards away.

As the funnel disappears, a large metal armor-like robot appears in the middle of the road. After witnessing the very odd event ending with the appearance of a killer robot, every sane person within the area started running and driving in the opposite direction as fast as they possibly could.

"What's the destroyer doing here?!" Thor exclaims in alarm as the metal automaton marches in his direction.

"Oh, now this just got interesting..." Tony says as he presses a button on his watch.

Tony is never too far away from his Iron Man suit. Merely seconds after hitting the button on his watch, a large missile comes flying over from out of town and hits the ground in front of him.

As the dust cleared from the impact, Tony was already suited up in his red and gold armor. When his mask slammed down into place, hiding his face, the Asgardians next to him couldn't help but gawk at such a magnificent set of armor.

"Midgard certainly is different..." Volstagg mutters, as even in Asgard this kind of armor would be impossible to find.

"I'll take the first round if you don't mind." Tony's metallic voice fills the air.

"Sure, have at it." Peter says as he spins Mjølnir in hand. "Though, I call second round. I haven't been able to test out this baby to its fullest extent just yet."

"You got it, Web-Head." Tony says as his hands and feet light up and he shoots toward the incoming robot.

Turning to the side, Peter could see Thor looking intently at Mjolnir.

"Unless you think you're worthy?" Peter remarks as he drops the hammer at Thor's feet, which causes the sidewalk to crack in a spiderweb pattern.

"What does he mean by that?" One of the warrior's three asks in confusion, wondering why Thor would need to be worthy.


A loud metallic banging sound fills the street as Tony's metal fist collided with the Destroyer's fiery face. The force of the punch sends the Asgardian robot reeling backward but doesn't knock the thing off its feet.

"You're a hefty piece of machinery, aren't you?" Tony comments after scanning it and seeing that it wasn't alive. "Let's blow you up and see what happens. I'll use your scraps the update my suit."

While Tony was shooting missiles at the Destroyer and laying waste to any nearby structures, Thor stares down at Mjolnir with a look of uncertainty.

After a few more explosions went off as he watched the retreating forms of the nearby weak and frightened humans, Thor's resolve grew as he became determined to fight.

Hammer or no hammer. Powers or no powers. Mortal or not Thor would do his best to protect these people.

"Leave this town now." Thor says as he turns to look Jane in the eyes. "Get yourself and your friends to safety."

"What about you?" She asks worriedly.

"I must stay and fight. Only the King of Asgard can command the Destroyer, which means my brother is the one who sent it. It's my responsibility..." Thor explains.

Before Jane could argue back, Thor turned to his Asgardian comrades.

"I'm still a warrior, and I will fight by your side!" Thor exclaims as he stares down at Mjolnir.

"Good luck..." Peter says, feeling that this is the moment he loses exclusive use of Mjølnir. 'It was good while it lasted.'

Bending down as Tony clashes with the Destroyer, Thor reaches out and grips the handle of Mjølnir with a single hand.

'I can do this...'

A/N: 1446 words :)



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