I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 116: Showing Off

Chapter 116: Showing Off

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 119. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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Returning home after confronting his teacher and learning the full scale of the enchantment on Mjølnir, Peter hopped in bed and stared sadly at the hammer on his nightstand.

Deep down, Peter knew that he wouldn't be able to keep Mjølnir, but it's hard not to get so attached to such a cool weapon. The power up he received was like icing on the cake as well.

As he was falling asleep, Peter thought of a good idea.

'If I can't keep it, then I'll use it as leverage to get something just as good...'

Of course, Peter wouldn't outright blackmail Thor or Asgard with the hammer, as that would ruin their relations and possibly lose a future Avenger. He would simply hand over Mjølnir with a bit of reluctance while letting Thor know that he owes him one.

After all, Peter would be giving up godlike powers for him, so Thor would hopefully accept that debt, allowing Peter to cash it in soon after.

There are two things that Peter would ask for.

First, Peter could study the magic system of Asgard. Though that all depends on whether he can use Asgardian magic. After all, they probably use a different sort of energy than Kamar-Taj. For all he knows, only Asgardians can use such magic.

Though technically Loki isn't an Asgardian and he can use their magic...

'I'll have to figure that out later on...' Peter thought in interest.

Secondly, Peter could ask for a weapon. A weapon for a weapon is a fair trade after all. Not just any weapon either, but a weapon created by the Dwarves in Nidavellir.

Nidavellir is a neutron star and one of the Nine Realms, which is orbited by a multi-ringed megastructure that serves as the homeworld of the Dwarves.

The Dwarves of Nidavellir are an ancient race of skilled forgers and blacksmiths who are ruled by King Eitri. They are close allies of the Asgardians, and after being asked by Odin they created the mighty weapon That's currently next to Peter's nightlight, Mjølnir.

Getting a specially made weapon similar to Mjølnir would be the best-case scenario, as Thor may allow Peter to learn Asgard's magic after joining the Avengers and getting closer to one another.

Peaking at Mjølnir one last time before falling asleep, Peter closed his eyes and dozed off into his pillow.

'Whatever, I'll just enjoy my time as a god of thunder for the time being...'


The next morning, Peter went to school as usual, but once classes were over he just had to show off his temporary godly powers.

"What's going on?" Ned asks as he and MJ sat in his room, wondering what Peter was so excited about. "Are we looking at cars again? You should really consider getting a supercar. Maybe not a Bugatti, but Ferraris aren't too expensive..."

MJ, who was sitting beside him, couldn't help but roll her eyes at Ned's childish taste in cars. In her humble opinion, supercars are for idiots that don't know what to do with their money. Especially if you buy one and never take it to a track to actually race the damn thing.

"No, it's something way cooler." Peter says as he holds out his hand and Mjølnir comes flying into his grasp from under his bed.

"What!" Ned practically jumped out of his seat. "Is that like a soul weapon from Bleach?"

Ned has been going down the anime path recently so he couldn't help but see the comparison.

"In a way..." Peter answers with a slight tilt of his head. "Though it's not connected to my soul. At least, I don't think it is."

"Does it upgrade like Shikai and Bankai?" MJ asks, causing Ned to turn to her with a questioning look. "What? I watch anime sometimes."

"No, but it does do this..." Peter says as lightning starts to dance around the hammer, which instantly spreads and wraps around his body next.

"Wow..." Ned mutters as MJ just watched in awe beside him.

"Yeah, now look outside." Peter says as he gestures toward the window.

When they turn to look, what was once a beautiful clear day had changed. Dark clouds and lightning filled the air as the sounds of rumbling thunder could be heard.

"Y-You changed the weather?" MJ asked with a dumbfounded look on her face. "You can't be serious."

"Cool, right?"


After showing off to his girlfriend and best friend, Peter dawned his superhero clothes and went to show off to his other best friend.

Texting him beforehand, Peter told Tony to wait on the roof of Avengers Tower, which he did with reluctance as there was a thunderstorm overhead.

After waiting only a few moments, Tony could see a familiar figure clad in lightning, soaring just under the storm clouds.

"..." Tony watched with a raised brow as this figure fell from the sky and performed a superhero landing right in front of him.

"Yo." Peter said with a wave of his hammer.

"What the f*ck was that?!" Tony exclaimed in shock, which was just what Peter was going for.

After explaining everything, Tony was amazed and annoyed that Peter would leave him out. He wanted to go to New Mexico as well.

Maybe he would have been able to lift the hammer before Peter? Though that was just wishful thinking on his part.

Mostly, he wanted to meet Thor, the god of thunder.

"I wouldn't go so far as to call him a god..." Peter corrects Tony before he decides to convert to a new religion. "Asgardians are just a very advanced civilization of long-lived aliens with meta-human powers. Yeah, they're a bit godlike but that doesn't make them gods exactly."

After explaining everything fully, Peter promised to let Tony study Mjølnir. Of course, Peter would be involved with it, as Tony would have a hard time handling a hammer that he can't lift.

Though he certainly tried.

"Aauhhggg!" Tony grunted as he tried every position that he could think of to lift Mjølnir from his coffee table.

He tried so hard that Peter had to put a stop to it or else Tony would end up hurting his back.

After finding out that he wasn't worthy, which was devastating for his fragile ego, Tony started sulking like a child that couldn't get his toy.

"Oh, come on." Peter says as he plopped down next to Tony, putting an arm around his shoulder. "Cheer up, not everyone can be worthy of godlike power like I am..."

"...I hate you." Tony said as turned to look Peter in his eyes, knowing that his masked friend had to be smiling right now.

"I love you too, buddy."


-New Mexico-

Knowing that he could use his low mood to get something out of him, Tony convinced Peter to take him to meet Thor, who just so happened to be working his new job.

*Ding dong*

Opening the doors to the diner, Peter shocked the staff and customers once again, but this time it was even worse since Tony was there as well.

"Table for two, please." Peter says to a shocked waitress.

"S-Sit anywhere you like, S-Spider-Man sir..." she stutters as this was a different waitress from last night.

"Thanks, darling." Tony says with a wink as he walks past Peter and picks a booth by the window.

Peter gives his thanks as well, following Tony to the booth and sitting across from him.

"So, where is he?" Tony asks just in time for the door leading to the kitchen to swing open.

Turning their heads, Peter and Tony saw Thor wearing an apron with two filled garbage bags in hand. The look on his face was that of a man that has been through some sh*t.

"Take that trash to the dumpster!" An angry voice projected from the back of the kitchen. "Hopefully, you can't screw that up too..."

Thor seemed to duck his head in embarrassment as he heard these words. Making his way out the front doors, he didn't notice Peter sitting at a nearby booth.

In almost every task they gave him, Thor would mess it up in some way or another. Dishes were broken. Food was ruined. Customers were disrespected.

As Thor made it to the dumpster across the parking lot, he went to throw both bags into the dumpster. This sudden movement caused the heavier bag to rip at the bottom and dump all of its contents onto the ground.

Thor just stood there unmoving as he looked at the mess beside the dumpster with dead eyes.

"This has to be some form of torture..." Tony remarks.

A/N: 1452 words



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