I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 114: Brotherly Love

Chapter 114: Brotherly Love

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 117. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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Shutting the door behind him and making his way back to the one-way mirror, where Fury and Coulson were waiting, Peter could feel the sudden appearance of some sort of mystic energy in the interrogation room with Thor.

'Is it Loki?' Peter thought as he remembered the events of the movie.

"He was especially chatty with you." Fury comments as Peter arrived, peaking into the window at the first chance he gets.

"Well, I did take his powers. I'm sure he was both distraught and curious about me." Peter says as he watches Thor speak to the blank air in front of him.

"So, we're believing this story about a banished god king?" Coulson asks as it was hard for him to believe, gesturing toward Thor, who was still talking to himself in the room. "Because that looks like a crazy man to me..."

"What's happened? Tell me! Is it Jotunheim? Let me explain to father..." Thor pleads like a madman to thin air.

Ignoring Coulson's words, Peter tries to move some Eldritch energy to his eyes, which is a trick that the Ancient One told him about. Turning his head away from Fury and Coulson so they couldn't see, Peter's eye glowed in a faint golden light.

Instantly, Peter could see a mass of energy in the interrogation room, standing in front of Thor.

Loki was far more skilled in the art of magic than himself, so this is the best Peter would be able to get without actually using a spell, and he would rather not alert the god-like trickster by doing so.

Especially since Fury and Coulson would see him using magic as well.

After confirming that it was Loki, sending down an illusion to speak to his brother, Peter put some Eldritch energy in his ears this time, making it possible to hear the other half of the conversation going on inside the room right now.

"Your banishment and the threat of a new war was too much for father to bear. He died shortly after you were banished." Loki lies like a master.

A horrified look appears on Thor's face. It reminded Peter of the face he showed when he saw Mjølnir pick a new wielder before his very eyes. Only magnified by ten times.

Thor thinks he is responsible for his father's death after all.

'He's truly having the worst week of his life...' Peter thought in pity.

"You mustn't blame yourself..." Loki says in fake pity, smirking inwardly at his brother's pain. "I know that you loved him. I tried to tell him so, but he wouldn't listen. Though it was cruel to put the hammer within your reach, knowing that you could never lift it, and especially cruel of him to allow some weak human to steal your powers..." Thor stares ahead, falling deeper into the abyss of despair.

Loki was loving all of this.

He's always had an inferiority complex when it comes to Thor, so this is all some twisted form of vindictive revenge or payback to him.

Peter didn't understand why he would do this though, as Loki seemed to be treated well by his family in the movies. Especially Frigga who seemed to love him just as much as Thor...

'Maybe they treated him differently in this world?' Peter thought curiously. 'Or perhaps Thor was a bad brother in his younger years?'

Although Loki was enjoying this situation, he was definitely worried about Peter, who somehow now possessed the powers of his brother. Though it did make it harder for Thor to return to Asgard, which was great for him.

"The burden of the throne has fallen to me now." Loki says, causing his brother to look at him with hope-filled eyes.

"Can I come home?" Thor asks as he just wanted to go and see his mother and apologize for what he's done.

"The truce I've brokered with Jotunheim is conditional upon your exile." Loki continues spinning his lies.

"Couldn't we find a way to..." Thor says but Loki cuts him off.

"I'm afraid mother has forbidden your return, brother." Loki says, knowing his mother would never do such a thing.

Reality sets in as Thor lowers his head like a beaten dog. He would be forever stranded in Midgard until his dying days.

"This is goodbye, Brother. I'm so sorry." Loki says, not sorry at all.

"No, I'm sorry, Loki... Thank you for coming to see me." Thor says, unwilling to look his brother in the eyes any longer.

With that, the two brothers said their farewells, and all signs of the Human-shaped bundle of energy that Peter was watching disappeared.

"He seems to be done talking to himself..." Coulson says as he turns to Peter and Fury. "Should I call a psychologist?"

"No, don't bother." Peter says as he walks back toward the room, leaving Fury and Coulson standing there in confusion.

"Hello again." Peter calls out as he enters the room once again to find an especially sullen-looking Thor.

"..." Thor doesn't even bother replying this time around.

Shrugging uncaringly, Peter walks behind the restrained Asgardian and rips his metal bindings off with ease. Seeing this, Thor looks up at Peter in confusion.

"Come on, we're leaving." Peter says as he walks over to the door and opens it, motioning for Thor to walk through before him.

"..." Thor just sat there and stared at him with dead eyes.

"Oh, come on." Peter says as he shoots a web at Thor, throwing him through the open door.

"Ahh!" Thor bellows as he shoots through the door and into the waiting hallway wall outside.


"Now up you go." Peter says he sees Thor laying on the ground, looking up at him with a look that said 'da fuq?'. "If you're going to live with the rest of us mortals, then you need to get a job and a place to live. Let's go."

Grabbing Thor by his shirt, Peter pulled him to his feet and guided him down the hall, where Fury and Coulson were waiting with questioning looks.

"I got this." Peter says as he and Thor walk right past them. "I'll fill you in later, Fury."

"...fine." Fury sighed as he let them go without a single complaint.


After borrowing a car from the Shield base, as he didn't want to reveal his portal ability to Thor just yet, Peter drove Thor back into the nearest town.

As they drove through the empty highway, Thor couldn't keep his eyes off the car's dashboard, where Peter placed Mjølnir. It was almost like the hammer was his old lover, and Thor hadn't gotten over the breakup just yet.

After a while of silent driving, Peter pulled the car up to a diner, which happened to be the same one that Jane took Thor in the movie.

"Follow me." Peter says as he hops out of the car.

Walking inside the diner with Thor following behind him, Peter noticed a help wanted sign in the window and smirked under his mask.

Instantly, a bell on the door rings, and everyone in the diner turns to see Spider-Man walk in, which especially shocked these small-town people.

"Hello, I'm here to help my friend apply for a job." Peter calls out to a nearby waitress. 'There's nothing like working a low-paying minimum wage job in the service industry to give you a wake-up call on life.'

"Uhh... sure honey." The waitress replies as she eyes Peter up and down, unsure of whether he was really Spider-Man or not. "Follow me."

After a short interview in the back of the diner, where Peter proved who he was, Thor was hired off the books and would be paid minimum wage.

They probably wouldn't have hired him if Peter wasn't helping, as the staff remembered him from earlier in the day, when he broke multiple cups and plates by purposely smashing them on the floor.

Asgardian culture is different after all.

He had to be hired off the books as Thor didn't have any identification papers or bank accounts. Though that's fine as he wouldn't be working there for long anyway.

"Alright, thank you." Peter says as he and Thor leave the diner. "He'll be here bright and early tomorrow morning for his first day."

Hopping back into the car, Peter drove over to a rundown motel and bought Thor a room for an entire month. After receiving the key, they made their way to the room and opened it up.

"Looks... nice..." Peter mutters as they see the room.

"Yeah..." Thor says as sees a cockroach crawl under the bed.

"Well, I'll leave you to it." Peter says as he walks off. "Get to bed early! You have work in the morning."

A/N: 1472 words



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