I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 112: Worthy?

Chapter 112: Worthy?

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As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 115. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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Arriving in New Mexico with a quick portal, Fury called for transport and took Peter to the site where Mjølnir landed.

At first, the area was swarming with locals, who came to gawk at the odd occurrence and play King Arthur, trying one by one to lift the hammer as if it were Excalibur in the stone.

Though that changed quickly when Shield came on the scene and kicked everyone out. They cordoned off the area with a chainlink fence and set up some makeshift buildings around the crater, using them to house the agents that would guard the area and the scientists that were there to study the hammer's properties.

When Peter and Fury arrived on the scene, the sun had begun to set and the generator-fueled lights around the crater fired up. Exiting the car and walking over to the crater, Peter and Fury passed countless guards and scientists along the way.

Arriving at the hammer, Peter couldn't help but stare in awe. In his last life, there were three things from the MCU that every fan wanted to have. The Iron Man suit, Infinity Gauntlet, and finally Thor's hammer, Mjølnir.

Especially after Odin's enchantment was placed on it. Who didn't want to know if they were worthy?

"Are you going to tell me what it says now?" Fury asks as they stand in a spotlight as the sun fully sets. "Or do you plan to keep being cryptic and annoying?"

"Whoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor..." Peter says, causing Fury to raise a single eyebrow in doubt.

"As in the god of Norse Mythology?" Fury asks in disbelief.

"Maybe..." Peter says as he walks up to the hammer.

"What are you doing?" Fury asks as Peter stands only inches from the hammer.

"Trying to see if I'm worthy." Peter says as he eyes the hammer up and down.

In Peter's mind, he doesn't know why he wouldn't be worthy. If a person like Thor, who drank with the thirst of a dozen alcoholics and was as stubborn as a mule, could wield the hammer, then Peter thought his chances were good.

Though, If he could wield Mjølnir, then Peter wasn't sure if had it in him to give it back to its rightful owner...

"..." Staring down at the hammer, Peter bent slightly and reached out toward the handle.

Before he could even touch the hammer, Mjølnir begins to give off a subtle glow, and a bolt of lightning cracked across the sky above.

Pulling his hand back, Peter looks at the hammer and then at the sky with a questioning look on his face.

"Agents down! We've got a perimeter breach!" The radio of a nearby Shield Agent goes off, signaling everyone to jump into action.

Soon enough, the sounds of a fight could be heard from behind the building on the opposite side of the crater.

'Is Thor here for his hammer?' Peter thought as he turns to Fury. "Tell them to let the intruder through. I want to see if he's worthy."

Of course, if this was the moment he thought it was, then Peter knew that he wouldn't be, but maybe something changed.

Staring at Peter in contemplation, Fury sighs in annoyance as he walks over to the nearest Shield grunt and snatches his radio.

"Clear a path and let him through to the crater." Fury orders and his men jump to action, knowing not to argue with the director.

Walking off to the side, Peter stood at the edge of the crater alongside Fury and a few other Shield agents.

As the Intruder makes his way to the edge of the crater on the opposite side of Peter, spotlights brighten and sweep towards him, illuminating the once shadowy figure.

A casually dressed Thor Odinson appeared for all to see, which was an odd sight as the Asgardian was wearing earthly-styled clothing. Peter was used to seeing Thor in his Asgardian armor after all.

Rain begins to fall as Thor marches into the crater and towards his favored weapon. As Thor approaches his hammer, Mjolnir starts to glow brighter, blue electricity sparking off its surface. The crackling energy seemed to reach out to him.

Standing next to the hammer, Thor feels its power. He bends over and reaches out to it with an air of familiarity and confidence.

Thor wraps his hand around the hammer, smiling triumphantly as he lifts it, but the hammer doesn't budge. Thor looks confused and pulls once again with two hands this time

Nothing, the hammer stays glued to the ground.

Anger and frustration overtake him, as he strains with all his might, screaming from the effort, glaring up at the storm and lightning above him.

Suddenly, something begins to glow on the side of Mjolnir. Thor looks down and takes notice, reading the runes his father left behind.

'I'm not worthy...?' Thor thought in despair.

Thor falls to his knees as the rain pours down around him, soaking his clothes completely through.

'He still isn't worthy...' Peter thought as he walked down into the crater and stood on the opposite side of Mjølnir.

As Thor picks up his head to see the blue and red spider-themed man, Peter bends once again and grasps the handle of the hammer.

Instantly, a bolt of blue lightning comes crashing down from the clouded sky and strikes exactly where Peter held Mjølnir at the handle.

Before Thor's shocked eyes, this unknown man took hold of his prized weapon and lifted it with relative ease.

"I guess I'm worthy?" Peter spoke his thoughts as blue lightning danced around his body.

"It can't be..." Thor mutters in complete and utter defeat.

Walking away from Thor, who was stunned into an unmoving stupor, Peter spins the hammer in one hand as he turns to Fury.

"Your men can detain him now. I'll come to speak with him soon." Peter says as he walks off to play with his new toy.

"Ground units, move in. Show's over." Fury calls out over the radio, shocked at the scene he just witnessed.

As the Agents surround him, Thor doesn't seem to notice or care. He just sits there on his knees, eyes trained on the back of the strange man that just stole his most prized possession with a lost and broken look.

While the Shield grunts cart off the unresponsive intruder to his cell, Peter portal'd to a more secluded portion of the desert and started testing out what he could do with the hammer.

Immediately, thunder clouds roll in as lightning and thunder fill the open desert air.

"I might be able to terraform the desert with this thing..." Peter thought as the rain started to fall.

Kicking it into overdrive, Peter wound his hand back and hurled Mjølnir forward, causing it to shoot across the desert and strike a sandy hill. The hill exploded from the impact as some of the sand was converted into glass from the lightning that surrounded the hammer.

Holding out his hand, Peter called Mjølnir back with an excited smile plastered all over his face. He always wanted to do this...

Instantly, the hammer shoots out of the sands and back toward Peter, landing safely back in his hand.

"This is so cool..." Peter muttered as he stared at the hammer in awe.

Continuing his tests, Peter found that he possessed every power that Thor once had. Just as the enchantment Odin left said.

The hammer could generate electricity, manipulate storms, change its weight, and grant Peter flight if he threw it and hung on for the ride.

As for Thor's Asgardian powers like super strength, durability, speed, agility, stamina, reflexes, healing, and longevity, Peter wasn't sure how to test that as he already has those powers.

Maybe not longevity though...

'I'll have to test it later and see if my powers have increased.' Peter thought as he spun the hammer and flew back in the direction of the crater.


Thor sits in a chair, staring forward blankly, hands cuffed behind him, unable to break them even if he tried.

Agent Coulson stands across from him with a notepad in hand.

"It's not easy to do what you did. You made us all look like a bunch of mall cops. That's hurtful." Coulson says but receives no response from the broken Asgardian.

"The men you so easily subdued are highly-trained professionals, and in my experience, it takes someone who's received similar training to do what you did to them. Would you like to tell me where you received your training?" Coulson continues asking question after question, but soon gives up as Thor doesn't respond to a single one.

As he got up to leave the room, Thor finally spoke.

"Who was the man that took my hammer?"

A/N: 1475 words



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