I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 110: Rage Fueled Decision

Chapter 110: Rage Fueled Decision

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 113. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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Thor enters the Vault below the Throne Room with his hammer in hand and stares shocked at the sight before him. The Warriors Three and Loki hurry in behind Thor and stop short.

Shattered and melting ice is strewn about the floor. The smoldering and twisted remains of the tall blue-skinned humanoid thieves lay sprawled out all over the floor. The blue-skinned thieves just lost a savage battle, without a single survivor among them.

Amidst this horrific scene, shrouded in the shadows, stands a black metal creature, a fiery glow coming from within it.

[Insert picture of The Destroyer here]

The Destroyer is an enchanted Asgardian automaton used primarily to guard Odin's Vault, though it could also be used as a weapon against its master's enemies. The Destroyer unquestionably obeys the ruler of Asgard and wielder of Gungnir.

It holds the blue casket, which the thieves tried to steal, safely in hand. Awaiting its master orders.

"The Destroyer..." Sif mutters in fright as she lays eyes on the shadowy figure.

"The Tesseract?" Loki mutters with an interesting look in his eyes. 'I thought it was just a legend...'

Of course he was mistaken, as the tesseract is on earth, but the two are oddly similar in appearance.

"The Jotuns must pay for what they've done!" Thor exclaims as he sees the dead bodies of the Asgardian Vault guards.

"They have paid with their lives. The Destroyer did its job, and the Casket is safe. All is well." Odin placates as he walks over, frowning sadly at the dead Asgardian soldiers.

"All is well?! They broke into the Weapons Vault! If the Frost Giants had stolen even one of these relics..." Thor was p*ssed.

"But they didn't." Odin interrupts Thor.

"I want to know why they did this?" Thor asks without taking his eyes off of the Asgardian bodies.

"The Casket of Ancient Winters belonged to the Jotuns. They believe it's their birthright." Odin explains.

"And if you hadn't taken it from them they would have laid waste to all the Nine Realms!" Thor counters angrily.

"We have a truce with Laufey, the Jotun King." Odin explains.

"He just broke your truce! We must act!" Thor says, pointing to the bodies in the room.

Odin turns to Loki and the Warriors Three.

"Leave us, please." Odin says and they follow his command, leaving the Vault.

Loki couldn't keep his eyes off of the Casket until he turned the corner and followed the Warriors Three away from the area.

"What action would you take?" Odin turns back to Thor and asks.

"March our army into Jotunheim as you once did, teach them a lesson, break their spirits so they'll never dare try to cross our borders again!" Thor says with a proud look.

"Thor, you are a King now." Odin says as he walks over and places his hand on his son's shoulder. "I know that this seems like an act of war to you, but it's not worth starting another war. Learn from me and my mistakes, my son. War brings nothing but pain and death to both sides. If you march soldiers into Jotunheim, many of those soldiers will die. Fathers, Sons, Mothers, and Daughters will leave their homes and never return to their families ever again. Do you want that?"

Hearing his father's words, Thor's hands grip tightly into fists as his fingernails break the skin of his palms, drawing blood that slowly drips to the floor.

"How many Asgardians have to die to satiate your pride, Thor? Let's not even mention the fact that the Jotuns are our people as well. You seem to forget that Jotunheim is a part of the Nine Realms, of which you are the sworn protector and King."

Thor didn't notice, as he was far too enraged to see it, but Odin was speaking from experience. He let his pride dictate all of his actions and was once what many would call a warmonger. Millions have died at the tip of Gungnirs spear.

"They got this far... What am I supposed to do?!" Thor grits his teeth, unsure of how to act as a King in this situation.

"We will find the breach in our defenses. It will be found, and it will be sealed." Odin says as he pats his son on the shoulder and walks off.

"That's it?" Thor asks with a scoff.

"Yes, decisions made in anger and without thought are detrimental to any ruler. Go and calm yourself. Once you're calm, we can come up with a less violent way to handle this situation." Odin says as he turns the corner, leaving Thor standing alone among the dead bodies.

Odin left the area thinking he got through to his son and helped steer him in the right direction, but he was only half right.

'If I can't send the army, I'll just go myself... Laufey will answer for this!' Thor thought as he left the vault, grasping his hammer tightly in hand.

Thor took his father's words about war and the death of his people seriously, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want retribution. Thor is the type to always jump headfirst into his problems, so that's what he would do.

The only Asgardian life he would risk will be his own.


Arriving at the rainbow bridge alone with his hammer in hand, Thor walks across the bridge toward the Bifrost.

The Bifrost is a dome-shaped building at the end of the rainbow bridge. It's used to teleport anyone to and from Asgard.

Arriving at the end of the bridge and entering the dome, Thor was surprised to find his brother Loki and the Warriors Three waiting. All of them dressed for combat.

Standing off the side, Heimdall stood unmoving in his golden armor, grasping his sword tightly.

[Insert picture of Heimdall here]

Heimdall is an all-seeing and all-hearing Asgardian who is the Gatekeeper of Asgard and the guardian of its Bifrost. His sword is the key to activating the teleportation of the dome.

Ignoring Heimdall for the moment, Thor addressed his friends and brother.

"Why are you here?" He asks with a raised brow, ready to fight should they try to stop him.

"We know you, Brother." Loki says as he sneers. "Father said not to retaliate against the Jotuns, but you won't listen."

"So, here we are, my King." Sif says as she and the other Warriors Three drop to one knee.

""We will always guard your back, My King!"" The three proclaim all at once.

"Yeah..." Loki says, refusing to kneel with them. "What they said..."

"Do you plan to travel somewhere, My King?" Heimdall asks from the side.



Exactly one week since Justin Hammer was handed over to the police with a mountain of evidence against him, Peter had started to relax again and get back into his schedule.

During this time, Peter, Clint, and Natasha came together to formulate a training program for teamwork. Based on the fight in Monaco, Peter was sure that this type of training was sorely needed.

The only reason Wolverine and Sabertooth won the fight against Vanko was Storm, who technically didn't do much either. Striking lightning on a grounded target while out of range wasn't a very impressive thing for her to do, after all.

The training program would be put in place in one week, as they're waiting for specially made equipment that Tony would build for them.

Speaking of Tony, His and Peter's work to recreate the Super Soldier Serum made huge strides in the last week. Thanks to the addition of Badassium, the current unstable version of the serum became 50% more stable.

The current method to do so was radiating the serum with Badassium. Simply dipping a piece of Badassium into the serum and leaving it there for 24 hours did wonders.

Now they just need to find a way to concentrate the radiation of Badassium into the Serum and they could have a completely stable Super Soldier Serum.

Things were looking good for the Avengers SSS project.


As Peter was looking for cars online with MJ and Ned in his bedroom, his phone buzzed and chimed.

"What about this one?" MJ asks as she points to an old mustang on the website they were using.

"No, he should get a Ferrari..." Ned was adamant about Peter getting a supercar.

"No, nobody needs a car like that, Ned..." MJ says as they start arguing over which cars are better.

Picking up his phone, Peter sees a text from someone that rarely messages him.

Bald Cyclops: Meet me at the Tower. Need your help with something.

"You're going to ditch us aren't you?" Ned asks.

"Of course, he is. He got the text and made that face." MJ says as she points at Peter's face.

'When did they stop arguing?' Peter thought as he looked up and saw them staring at him with their arms crossed. "What? It's not like I do this all the time..."

"Right..." Ned says unbelievably as MJ rolls her eyes.

A/N: 1498 words :)



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