I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 108: Wrapping Up 2

Chapter 108: Wrapping Up 2

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 4 chapters ahead at chapter 112. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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"Sir, we have a problem..." A security guard rushed over to Hammer and Vanko, interrupting their dinner.

"What?" Hammer asks in annoyance as he was doing his best to sway his guest to his side.

"S-Spider-Man is here..." The guard says with a wary look on his face.

"..." Hammer whips his head to stare at the guard, unsure if he heard correctly. "Say that again."

"Spider-Man... He's here, sir." He repeats, gripping his assault rifle tightly in hand.

"What?!" Hammer drops the glass of wine he was holding and stands up. "Where is he? We need to go!"

As Hammer comes to this realization, the sound of shouting could be heard outside.

"This is a restricted area! Turn around and leave now!" One of the more confident security guards tried to shoo Peter away.

This didn't seem to work because only seconds later the sounds of painful screams and gunfire filled the air, frightening Hammer more than he already was.

While Hammer started panicking and ordering around his guards, Vanko, who was thankfully unrestrained by this point, stood up and stealthily walked to the back of the hangar, hoping to find a backdoor exit to slip through.

As the sounds of screaming and gunfire grew further and further away, Vanko found a door with a red sign above it that read 'emergency exit'.

"Hehe, my luck is good..." Vanko chuckles lowly as he paces to the door and reaches out to push it open.

"Not so much..." A female voice says from behind as the sound of a taser gun firing could be heard.

*Pew... Zzzzzzz*

A group of small metal darts fires out of a bright yellow gun. Each metal dart is connected to a long and thin wire that connects back to the gun.

Each metal dart makes contact with Vankos unsuspecting back and digs into his flesh. Though the pain of this was nothing compared to what happened next.

Over 50,000 volts of electricity rush from the gun, down the wires, and into Vankos back. The electricity tenses his muscles and stops him in place before he could touch the door.

"Aaauuugghh!" Vanko grunts in pain as his muscles no longer listen to him and he toppled over onto the hangar floor, shaking from the constant flow of electricity moving through his body.

"Huh? This thing works pretty well..." Hammer's secretary mutters as she walks over and makes eye contact with Vanko, her eyes flashing yellow for only a brief moment. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Закро́й свой рот, су́ка! (Shut your mouth, bitch!)" Vanko squeezes out through the pain, but shuts his mouth as he sees her eyes change.

"How rude..." she says and stomps on Ivan's head, knocking him unconscious.


"Load up the plane! Quick! Quick! Quick!" Hammer instructs some guards as the sounds of gunfire and cries of pain outside the hangar lessen by every passing second. "No, we don't need that! Just get the plane running! We don't have time!"

While his employees were working in overdrive to get their boss out of the situation they'd found themselves in, Hammer noticed that someone was missing.

Vanko, who was the whole reason that he came here in the first place, was nowhere to be seen.

"Sir, the jet is ready to go!" A guard says as he runs over to Hammer's side.

"Where's Ivan? We can't leave without him!" Hammer asks his nearby guards.

"Sir, we don't have time. It's either stay and get caught by Spider-Man or leave now." One guard says it how it is.

Sadly, Hammer knew that Vanko was the key to finally outdoing Tony Stark and would do anything for that to happen. He was tired of living in the shadow of that pompous wind bag.

Now that he has a chance to step out of that shadow, Hammer would do anything to cling to it.

"Ahhhh!" A scream is heard as a guard comes flying into the hangar and crashes into the diner table a few feet away from Hammer.

As the guard's body broke through the table and hit the floor, he groggily aimed his gun outside the hanger and began to fire indiscriminately.

*bang bang bang bang...*

"Did I get him?" He asks as he ran out of ammo.

Seconds later and a second guard came soaring into the hangar and collided with the downed guard, knocking each other unconscious.

"You know what..." Hammer says as he starts to have second thoughts. "Everyone in the jet let's go!"

Hammer may want nothing more than to get one over on Tony Stark, but he is also a very self-centered man. Seeing what became of his guards outside made him wonder what Spider-Man would do to him when he arrived.

Sadly, it was too late. Hammer stalled for too long. He should have taken off in his jet when the guard said it was ready.

As the group of guards surrounded Hammer and rushed to the plane, a web hit the fold-out stairs leading into the plane and yanked it closed, sealing the plane's entrance shut.

"F*ck! Get this open. Now!" Hammer orders frantically but none of his guards would be able to get the door open with Peters webs sealing it shut.

"What's the rush? Stay and chat with me." A voice says from behind, causing Hammer and his guards to turn around.

Seated in the center of the hanger, where Hammer and Vanko were supposed to eat dinner, Peter sat with one leg crossed over the other. Beside him were a few unconscious guards, while countless other guards were sprawled out on the floor outside the hangar as well.

Out of reflex, the guards surrounding Hammer raise their guns and aim them in Peter's direction.

"None of that please..." Peter says as he gestures outside the hangar. "It didn't work for them, so do you really think it will work for you?"

Peter could see the wavering looks appear on the guard's faces as one by one they lowered their weapons. They knew that their only hope out of this was escaping but now that wasn't possible. Fighting Spider-Man is like fighting the ocean, sooner or later they would only end up drowning.

"Good, now bring Justin Hammer to me." Peter orders as he reaches over and grabs the chair that Vanko was sitting on earlier and places it in front of him, patting the seat welcomingly.

"What?! No!" Hammer yells as his guards look at each other for a moment before dragging him toward the seat. "Stop! You work for me, you idiots!"

Dragging him by the arms, the remaining guards place a thrashing Justin Hammer into the seat.

"Restrain him." Peter ordered and they chain him up in the same restraints that Vanko wore only moments ago.

Once Hammer was restrained to the chair, the guards stepped to the side and waited for further orders, not daring to do anything that could anger the super-powered individual.

"It's good to see you again, Justin." Peter says in the same fake friendly manner that Hammer used on him at the Grand Prix. "No reply? Okay, where is Ivan Vanko?"

"Vanko? You mean that maniac from the race?" Hammer asks, hoping to weasel his way out of this. "There must be some sort of mix-up. I don't have that guy here. I thought he was in jail..."

Just as Hammer was spewing lies to cover his a*s, the sound of high heels click-clacking on the hangar floor could be heard.

Looking over Hammer's shoulder, Peter could see a familiar secretary strutting her way over while dragging a knocked-out Ivan Vanko behind her by the back of his shirt.

Turning his head, Hammer saw this as well and couldn't help but curse his secretary internally.

'Why did you have to bring him back? You stupid b*tch...' Hammer thought.

Only moments ago he was ready to give up everything to get Vanko back, but now the man's presence only brought him pain.

"Good work, Mystique." Peter says as the secretary's whole form shifts and changed into her original blue appearance, shocking everyone in the room.

Especially Justin Hammer, who just found out that his most trusted secretary was some sort of alien spy.

"Mission complete." She says as she drops Vanko at Peter's feet and hands over a flash drive as well.

"What's this?" Peter asks as he takes the drive.

"All the evidence you'll need." Raven reveals as she turns her back and walks out of the hangar. "I'm going home."

"Sure, I will need a mission report by the end of the week though." Peter calls out as she gets further away.

"I know..." She says with a wave over her shoulder and turns the corner, disappearing outside of the hangar.

Turning back to Justin Hammer, who was caught red-handed in his lies, Peter gestures toward Vanko.

"You were saying?"

A/N: 1500 words :)



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