I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 106: Raceway Battle 2

Chapter 106: Raceway Battle 2

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 4 chapters ahead at chapter 110. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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As Storm, Wolverine, and Sabertooth appeared before the whip-wielding maniac, they all jumped to do something different.

All of them have been trained to the standards of a low-level shield grunt, but never have they worked together in battle before.

Victor and Logan were the only two Avengers that have a long history of fighting as partners, but sadly Logan remembers none of it.

Though that chemistry they once had seemed to still be there, if only slightly, as both brothers rushed forward at the enemy in tandem. Logan's mind may have forgotten but his body seemed to retain some memory of its own.

As the two brothers rushed at the enemy like angry bulls, Storm did what she does best.

Using the wind to carry her body up above and out of range of the enemy's whips, she spread her arms and the weather changed in an instant.

What was a clear and sunny day turned dark, cloudy, and windy at an abnormal rate. At this point, the thousands of people in attendance, who came to watch the races broke from their shock and started running to the exits. Screams were heard as they all evacuated in messy groups.

As this was happening, Logan and Victor began to close in on their opponent, claws out and feral grins on their faces.

"I'm not here for you!" Vanko says in a thick Russian accent. "Go away and bring me Tony Stark!"

With that said, Vanko winds a whip back and lashed out at both attackers, not noticing the swift change in weather up above him.

As the whip swung horizontally toward the two animalistic meta-humans, Logan dipped under while his brother jumped over, dodging the whip with ease.

Vanko saw this coming and already had his second whip ready to go, bringing it down on the brother that had nowhere to go, Sabertooth.

Victor took the high route and was now stuck in the air, unable to dodge. Logan was smart to simply duck under the first attack as he could still use the ground to maneuver his way around any follow up attacks.

Glancing up to see the second whip, which was falling vertically towards his newfound brother, Logan acted quickly and kicked off the grounds as well. Swinging his clawed hand, Logan went to cut the electrified whip and did so easily.

Sadly, the whip was in fact electrified and every bone in Wolverine's body, including his claws, was coated in metal.

As Logan's claws sunk into the whip, the current of power from Vankos arc reactor redirected its course. flowing down Logan's claws and into his body, spreading to every connected bone it could.

As the foreign electricity invaded Logan's entire body, he convulsed midair and fell to the floor with blood leaking out of every orifice of his body.

Though his efforts weren't in vain.

Logan managed to cut the whip before it touched his brother, saving Victor from his possible death. After all, Sabertooth's healing factor is nowhere near as good as Logan's.

As Victor lands and stops to look at his downed brother's form, Vanko speaks in his deep Russian accent once again.

"You should have left when I gave you the chance..." He says as he spins both whips like helicopter blades and walks toward Victor. "Now, you will die like your friend."

As he draws closer to Victor, rumbling could be heard from the sky above. Neither Victor nor Vanko seemed to notice as the loud sound of the spinning whips drowned everything else out.

When Vanko was almost in striking range, the cloudy sky lit up and a loud crashing sound could be heard.

*Crash... Zzzzzzzz*

Lightning fell from the sky and struck towards Vanko. Luckily for him, the helicopter-like whips caught it, saving his life.

Though the outcome of that certainly wasn't a good thing for him.

As the lighting hit the whip, all of the power from it shot through the whip and up to the arc reactor, causing it to crack and break. The light that once shown at the center of Vanko's chest flickered for a moment before going dim.

His whips followed suit soon after, leaving Vanko powerless.

"You're welcome." Storm says to Victor as she flew down and rushed over to Logan, who was unconscious but healing quickly.

—While that was happening—

"What?!" Tony exclaimed as he took a closer look at the glowing circle on the whip-wielding maniac's chest.

"How could this happen?" Pepper asks in shock. "Did someone steal the blueprints or hack into your workshop?"

"No, that's not possible..." Tony says with a shake of his head. "Jarvis protects all of my systems and nothing related to the reactor has been stolen. At least, not to my knowledge but it would take a very skilled and equipped thief to rob my workshop..."

"Jarvis?" Peter asks aloud, knowing that Tony was always connected to his virtual assistant.

"Yes, sir?" Jarvis answers from the speaker on Tony's smartphone.

"Find out who that man is." Peter says plainly and Jarvis gets to work.

It used to be that Jarvis would have to confirm the orders Peter gave him with Tony, but that is now a thing of the past. Since it got annoying to constantly permit Jarvis every time Peter needed something, Tony made it so Peter had a small amount of control over Jarvis as well.

Small because Peter can't use Jarvis to steal anything from Tony or look in areas that he's not permitted. Basically, if it hurts Tony or is filed under Tony's eyes only, then Jarvis wouldn't be able to help.

Though, Peter didn't plan on doing any of that so it didn't really matter.

"Yes, sir..." Jarvis says as he uses the cameras, which were still broadcasting the whole situation worldwide, to get a good picture of the Vankos face.

Not only that, but Jarvis also started going over the many security cameras in and around the building. Using that, Jarvis hoped to backtrack Vankos movements leading up to his arrival.

If there are enough cameras in this city, then Jarvis may be able to find where Vanko is staying or if he had any co-conspirators.

Of course, Peter already knows all of this information thanks to his trusty ninja organization, but he won't volunteer any of it. He would rather keep the Hand a secret from his fellow Avengers.

At least, for now.

"Facial recognition confirmed, Ivan Vanko." Jarvis says after only a few seconds.

"Why does that sound familiar?" Tony asks with a questioning look.

"Wasn't Vanko the name alongside your fathers in the original arc reactor blueprints? From the box that Fury gave you, remember?" Peter drops a major hint, which causes Tony's eyes to widen in realization.

"Wasn't it Anton Vanko though?" Pepper says as she remembered.

"Correct, Anton Vanko was his father." Jarvis says over the phone speaker.

"Okay, then why is the son a man that worked with my old man attacking the Grand Pix?" Tony asks in confusion.

"He's not attacking the Grand Prix per se..." Peter hints as Pepper begins to realize.

"He's attacking Tony!" Pepper blurts out her thought.

"Exactly." Peter says with a nod. "Why else would he ignore every car but Tony's? At least 3 cars passed him before Tony came along and all were left unharmed." Peter says, happy that they were all finally on the same page.

"Why would he want to attack Tony?" Pepper asks in confusion.

"I don't know..." Peter said with a shrug. "Maybe his father had a grudge or Tony did something that unknowingly irked him."

"Jarvis, any ideas?" Tony asks, knowing that Jarvis is looking into it.

"Yes, Anton Vanko was deported back to Russia after selling Stark company secrets on the black market. This is all the information I have at the moment, sir." Jarvis explains.

"Makes sense." Peter says with a nod.

"What makes sense?" Pepper asks questioningly.

"Well, if he was deported for selling Stark secrets, it makes sense that Howard was involved in that process. I'm sure Anton wasn't happy about that. Now, a father's hate is being acted out by his son." Peter says getting a nod from Tony. "Though there may be another reason. This one is the most likely."

*Crash... Zzzzzz*

The sound of lightning striking breaks them from their conversation.

"Looks like they're done..."

A/N: 1406 words. I didn't want to draw the fight out too long so I made it quick. Peter wasn't fighting so I knew it wouldn't be as interesting if I made it more than one chapter.

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! HehehahaHAHA! I'm king once more! Bow before your lord, Mongrels! 🤴]


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