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7 months ago
Since Guan Shan got the horror game simulator in his head, everything in his eyes became... Read more Since Guan Shan got the horror game simulator in his head, everything in his eyes became horrifying.A meat restaurant with human corpses hanging in the kitchen, an abandoned apartment building with a phone ringing at midnight, a psychiatric hospital full of murderers…[Only by killing the final BOSS can this simulation be ended! ] As an ordinary person, Guan Shan was scared.In the face of these terrifyingly powerful Bosses, he could only try his best to kill monsters and get some equipment in order to survive.He was barely able to survive each simulation.However, in the eyes of others, Guan Shan was a horror and anomaly himself!“Captain, the S-class dangerous psychic has been killed by him, and the entire base was destroyed by him, but why is he crying for help with a look of fear? Should we save him or not?”“Are you s*upid? He is coming towards us! Let’s run!” Collapse Abusive Characters, Beautiful Female Lead, Brainwashing, Buddhism, Cheats, Criminals, Evil Organizations, Game Elements, Handsome Male Lead, Human Experimentation, Investigations, Level System, Male Protagonist, Mind Control, Modern Day, Monsters, Multiple POV, Mysterious Past, Reporters, Slow Romance, Souls, Superpowers, System, Thriller rate fellow Taoists! Idk if I should bother trying since it's been dropped... Fact that it's already dropped is kinda disappointing. Makes it difficult to read knowing it'll just cut off midway Adding a dropped novel... Pro move ranobes...Hope Mc personality is ok in this novelAlso I’m Really ScaredScared as hell Join the ranobe discord, link in my profile It's good I have read hundreds of its chapter in mtl , unfortunately had to stop because it's dropped. See this is my issue I read something fall in love and my heart is shredded dumped and spit upon when I realized it ducking dropped can you link the mtl? id like to read it ranobes gives the mtl option now, it is placed to the right side of the last chapters.