I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 36 – The Young Lady’s Daily Study

Today is already Friday. In order to be able to completely fill up the checkered practice book before 10 o’clock on Saturday night, I have to find a substitute writer as soon as possible.

It’s best if the writer is someone from our class, has good handwriting, and can keep writing until we’re exposed.

Although there are many boys who have better handwriting than me, if Ai Mi’s mother can distinguish the difference between a male’s and female’s writing style, it will be troublesome.

Therefore, I should find a female classmate who has good handwriting and can cooperate for a long time.

Xiao Qin seems to fully meet the requirements.

But I don’t want to develop any long-term relationship with her.

It’s best to find someone else.

Who should I look for?

Because I washed the school uniform, today I dressed in dark gray casual clothing, but still wore sneakers.

I always tend to wear dark clothes because I feel that I have a higher combat power when I wear dark clothes.

I still first ran around DongShan Lake three times and then went to a street vendor for breakfast.

The old man wearing a dark reddish purple Kung Fu shirt was still practicing boxing by the lake. Although his hair and beard were both white and he was probably already 80 years old, his spirit was hale and hearty with powerful skill.

What time does he get up in the mornings? It seems that I’m not diligent enough!

The old man who saw me running by faintly nodded at me.

He probably felt that young people nowadays all stay at home browsing the net and there aren’t many like me that comes out and trains.

I didn’t meet Xiao Qin.

She probably hasn’t obtained information on the latest route I’m taking.

I guess she is not omnipotent? Or did she get delayed by something?

After entering the classroom, I found that Xiao Qin was already sitting in her spot and was organizing her textbooks with her head lowered.

Did she come early because she was afraid to stand in the cold wind like yesterday?

That’s right, you should just study properly when you’re young and build up the motherland when you grow up. Why do you keep bothering me?

I sat down on my chair, Xiao Qin was surprised and just realized that I arrived.

She raised her head and looked at me, her face immediately exposed an expression as if it was the end of the world.

“Ye, Ye Lin classmate, you...”

I was scared by her expression and tone, thinking that my expression warped, I subconsciously reached out and touched it.

“You, why didn’t you wear the school uniform!!” Xiao Qin shouted.

“Ah? Why do you care if I’m not wearing the school uniform? You aren’t a class monitor!”

“But, but, if Ye Lin classmate doesn’t wear the school uniform, then we’re not wearing matching outfits anymore!!”

Who the hell wants to wear matching outfits with you? If you want to wear matching outfits with someone, you can pick any of the other 400 students in the school! Why do you have an expression like I abandoned you!

Xiao Qin was very sad and didn’t say anything.

I suddenly noticed that her eyes were red.

“Hey, what’s wrong with your eyes?”

Did she cry last night? But I don’t think I bullied her yesterday?

Listening to my attitude of concern, Xiao Qin was flattered and blushed. She pressed her two index fingers together and sheepishly said:

“Sorry that it’s red as an apple. Ye Lin classmate must be laughing at me, right? If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have left home today. It would’ve been better if I just hid in my blankets so that no one could see it...”

“Hiding in your blankets will make your eyes worse and you still haven’t said what happened?”

Hearing my somewhat impatient tone, Xiao Qin shivered, as if I would slap her like an abusive husband in some TV drama.

“I... I wanted to make Ye Lin classmate happy...”

“Ah? How would trying to make me happy make your eyes red?”

“Un, since Ye Lin classmate didn’t lend me that manga for me to study yesterday. I think it’s because Ye Lin classmate was embarrassed? It was my fault that I made Ye Lin classmate feel embarrassed.”

Xiao Qin said as she lowered her head and apologized.

“It’s good that you can recognize your own mistakes, just don’t do it again in the future.”

“Un, I won’t trouble Ye Lin classmate anymore in the future. I will learn all kinds of knowledge myself.”

Eh? What do you mean by that? What kind of knowledge are you referring to when you say all kinds of knowledge? In the end, what kind of knowledge were you trying to learn that made your eyes so red?

“I thought that since Ye Lin classmate likes that type of manga, you would definitely hope that your future girlfriend can be like those in the manga... Although I really want to learn from it, since Ye Lin classmate refused to lend it to me, I had no choice but to find something similar online...”

Find something similar online? Where would you go to find it? Porn sites? Why’s a girl like you going on porn sites! Browsing porn sites for an entire night and then telling a male student the next day, are you not ashamed!

It seems that she didn’t realize that I was grimacing at her and Xiao Qin continued:

“I thought that those kinds of manga would be very easy to find, but I couldn’t find any.”

Fortunately, it seems that Xiao Qin is not particularly proficient in using computers. But I guess if you can find porn sites that easily, there wouldn’t be so many otakus in the QQ group asking for links. (TN: pornography is illegal in China, so lots of sites are banned)

“Sigh, I wasn’t able to harvest anything after looking for so long. I feel that I’m so stupid! How would I garner Ye Lin classmate’s favor in the future if I’m so stupid!”

No, you don’t have to garner my favor. I’m already very satisfied that you’re not killing me.

“So, I asked on Baidu if anyone could help me.” (TN: Baidu is like a Chinese Google combined with like Yahoo and lots of other stuff)

Did you ask on Baidu? Would anyone even answer this kind of question?

“This is how I wrote the question: Hello everyone, my boyfriend is very lecherous, where should I go to learn more H knowledge to make him happy?”

Who’s your boyfriend! Who’s very lecherous! Who’s gonna be happy just because you learned H knowledge!

“I didn’t think that anyone would respond immediately. However, everyone was very proactive.”

I can probably imagine how hot this question was.

“At the beginning, there were a few enthusiastic netizens who left their QQ numbers, told me to add them as friends and said that they wanted to teach me H stuff personally...”

Hurry and refuse! Those are strange uncles that are trying to trick you to video chat with them! Maybe, Director Cao, that big loss was one of them!

“I thought that their tone was very strange so I ignored them.”

Fortunately, you still had some common sense.

“Later, a few decent netizens left some URLs...”

Decent my ass! What are they trying to achieve by giving a girl links to pornographic sites! That being said, did you go and check it out!

“I finally pasted the URL into the right place and then hit the Enter key. I thought I didn’t have to bother Ye Lin classmate to teach me and become a self-taught genius.”

Self-taught genius your mom! What kind of genius are you trying to become by learning that kind of thing? Hurry and click on the top right corner of the page and turn off the page that corrupts teenagers!

“But I waited for a long time and nothing happened on the page.”

Was it a broken link? Because the people’s government struck down very strictly, the lifespans of porn sites are generally very short.

“And then... and then...”

Xiao Qin had an expression like she was watching a horror film.

“Then my mother’s notebook suddenly made a strange noise!!”

What? You were sneakily using your mom’s notebook to visit porn sites! If Auntie Ren knew that her daughter was doing that kind of thing, she would secretly shed tears due to her failure in educating her child.

“What kind of strange noise?”

To be honest, I’m also slightly curious.

“That is... it was like there was a female ghost in the notebook...”

What? The news headline was just “The Girl in her Prime of Youth Took a Look at Pornography Sites and Lost Her Way” and immediately became a modern version of “Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio“?

“I felt that the female ghost seemed to be suffering...”

“What kind of suffering?”

“She was screaming very miserably, very loud, like she was beaten by someone...”

I vaguely felt something was wrong.

“She was screaming while begging for forgiveness, saying: Master, Master...”

Don’t fucking say anything anymore! Isn’t this just an advertisement that often pop-up on porn sites! First it’s a vulgar flash animation, then it’s coupled with a woman’s moaning sound to tempt everyone to click it. But in fact, it is just a link to the registration page of a stupid game!

“That female ghost kept incessantly screaming, I got scared and wanted to close the website, but the website didn’t respond no matter how I tried to click close. I thought that my mom’s notebook might be broken...”

Did it get a virus? Because the unfilial daughter secretly used it to browse porn sites, so it got a virus? Auntie Ren’s legendary reputation as the world’s MMA champion was destroyed in a moment by you!

“I tried fixing my mom’s notebook for a long time until my eyes turned red, it wasn’t fixed even after I tried removing the battery. Now, as soon as I turn it on, a lot of nude females will pop up and the female ghost is still screaming...”

Serves you right! Let’s see what auntie Ren will do when she comes back! She’ll definitely spank your butt to punish you!

Xiao Qin became sadder as she spoke, looking at me with helpless eyes.

“What should I do? Ye Lin classmate, my mom will come home on Sunday. If my mom finds that kind of things on her notebook, she’ll definitely scold me...”

Eh, just scolding and no spanking? Seems like that isn’t enough to let off steam?

“Although I just said that I don’t want to trouble Ye Lin classmate, but I, I’m already desperate. Tomorrow is Saturday, can Ye Lin classmate come to my house and help me drive out the female ghost from the notebook?”

Who’s going to your house! Also, I’m not a priest, I don’t know any exorcism! Besides, I still have to deal with Ai Mi’s stuff on Saturday, where would I find the time!

“I don’t have time! Auntie Ren’s notebook must be a brand name, right? You can just contact customer service and won’t they help you repair it?”

Xiao Qin looked at me as if I had just abandoned her and the children in her stomach.

“Why, why are you like this? Making me take such a shameful notebook to the after-sales staff... How can I face people in the future! Also, what if the after-sales staff knows that I’m home alone and since the notebook got that kind of virus, then he tries to do something to me?”

Where would you find that kind of after-sales staff? Do you think this is the plot of Japanese AV film! And your martial arts skill is so strong, that regardless if it is ASUS or Lenovo, you’ll eventually snap their neck and send them on their way!

“Anyways I’m not going!”

I steeled myself, I definitely couldn’t negligently go to Xiao Qin’s house. There might even be traps waiting for me.

“But, but if Ye Lin classmate helps me fix the computer, I will return brother Optimus Prime to you!”


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