I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 783: Harming Myself Instead Of Harming Others

Chapter 783: Harming Myself Instead Of Harming Others

While Xiao Qin was still in the washroom, I went back into her room and woke up the netbook, then searched the following words: “Jin Ling Young Thug”, “Dog”.

I looked through the search results and realized Jin Ling Young Thug actually had potential to become the figurehead for the event.

In the ending of the “Bloody Battle of Jin Ling”, the villain, Jin Ling Young Thug was seriously injured and couldn’t escape from a fire. His beloved dog never left him and finally they died in each others arms, which was arguably the most artistic shot in the whole series.

So on Weibo, a certain celebrity who likes to be first to post forwarded the news, which immediately went viral and Jin Ling Young Thug became an instant hit. Just today at noon, an animal protection group from out of town was trying to stop a dog meat restaurant from killing dogs. They held up a photo of Jin Ling Young Thug embracing his beloved dog as he died with the tagline:

“No matter how bad you are, a dog will still be your friend.”

It’s embarrassing since I was the one who acted as Jin Ling Young Thug in the ending! Stop raising up a picture of me! If you use me as a figurehead, wouldn’t that mean I would be cursed online every time the dog lovers and dog haters have an argument online?

Wu Sheng, I’m so sorry. Once they look at the credits, they will see the actor of Jin Ling Young Thug is Wu Sheng and call him out by name.

“Jin Ling Young Thug is the real protagonist.” A commenter said, “The female protagonist would be the dog that always stand by him. It’s a story of love between a human and a dog. I hope they reunite in their next life and finally become a couple.”

“Although I really wanted to be the male protagonist, I don’t feel any better when you compliment me like that! Who wants to date a dog, I’m not a pervert!”

What’s hard to believe was that while I was still feeling awkward about the whole event, there were people out there jealous of me and thought it was lame for me to promote myself and become well-known through the save the dogs event.

“Everyone dox him. What kind of shit acting is this? I’m going to boycott all works made by Cao Jing and Wu Sheng.”

“Hey, do you guys know that Wu Sheng is the son of a diplomat and a pianist? He’s the typical rich kid, does he have no sense of shame when promoting himself?”

“I heard Wu Sheng was in Switzerland, so how did he come to China to promote himself?”

“Idiot, of course he came by plane. He ran away when he heard people were going to dox him, what a coward.”

“It might not be Wu Sheng. I have inside information that Wu Sheng had a substitute actor, Ye Lin, who looks a lot like him. The one who appeared at the highway service stop might have been him.”

“Stop kidding around. I saw the news broadcast and there’s no way the guy wearing sunglasses was a middle school student. I looked it up and Ye Lin just started his third year at 28 Middle.”

Luckily, my body was larger than normal, but I don’t know how long it would be kept in the dark.

I replied to Director Cao’s text: “I’m not going out with you anymore, we’re both infamous now.”

Director Cao didn’t feel ashamed at all and replied: “Any reputation is better than no reputation. A lot of rich dog lovers have contacted me and wanted to sponsor my next work. I’m inviting you to be the leading role, the name is going to be ‘Seven Martial Dogs’.”

What a garbage name! Was one dog not enough, so now you’re going to have seven dogs? Since we had a sponsor who sells Rolex for the “Bloody Battle of Jin Ling”, I had to wear a golden watch in all my shoots and purposely show it off… How are you planning to film the ‘Seven Martial Dogs’?

Since our sponsors are dog lovers, are you going to use their family’s dogs as actors?

Not only will there be a bunch of untrained dogs running around, but I could already guess the plot would be revolved around stopping the antagonists from killing dogs. I’ve never seen a kung fu film with such a boring theme. I want to act in a kung fu film, not a dog film!

I turned down Director Cao’s offer. He wasn’t in a rush to persuade me because he probably received another call from a potential sponsor.

I looked at more related news online and realized: there were also other cases where they used pictures of Jin Ling Young Thug. Some owners who lost their dogs posted up pictures of Jin Ling Young Thug in their neighborhood.

If you’re liked by dog lovers, then you will naturally be loathed by dog haters. In the blink of an eye, Jin Ling Young Thug was given nicknames of ‘Jin Ling Vicious Dog’ or ‘Jin Ling Dog King’.

That wasn’t even the scariest part. Yesterday, I suspected the Zeng brothers for transporting drugs in the dogs to stall for time. Other volunteers have used it as inspiration and many cases of it have popped up around the country. When it was hard to distinguish who was right or wrong, the volunteers would say the dog dealers were carrying drugs and it used up a lot of police resources.

I have to make sure I won’t appear in any dog rights events in the future or I’ll be criticized by both sides.

I felt a bit depressed and didn’t even realize Xiao Qin hadn’t returned for a while now.

Why did this happen? I only wanted to become a respectable kung fu actor. Who are you calling Jin Ling Dog King, at least call me Jin Ling Wolf King. If I tried to look for the root cause, the reason I ended up here was all because of Kyle.

Damn it, I have to get revenge. Watch me post his personal information on a gay dating site.

I easily found a Chinese-English gay dating site that Peng TouSi frequents, then I filled out all the information I had about Kyle. I even found one of the older photos he took on set and was about to upload it.

Under the notes, I wrote: I am a bottom, looking for a beefcake to accompany me.

Ahahahaha, I’ve finally gotten my revenge! Kyle, just wait until you start receiving phone calls.

In the end, when I hit the upload button, something went wrong and I encountered a 404 page. All the information I entered earlier was all gone.

I was angry and slammed my hand down once on Xiao Qin’s desk. It made Xiao Qin, who was secretly looking into the room, yell out in surprise.

“Hey, why are you hiding over there? Why didn’t you come inside when you were done?”

“I, I’m sorry…” Xiao Qin opened the door halfway and apologized, “I saw you have a very serious expression and was sending texts, so I didn’t want to disturb you and only looked in…”

Xiao Qin has really light footsteps. I didn’t even notice at all when she walked over earlier.

“You can come in now.” I didn’t really care Xiao Qin was peeking at me, but she suddenly said with concern:

“Ye Lin classmate, why were you using a gay dating site? I didn’t believe Winnie when she warned me you might be bisexual, but I didn’t expect it to be true.”

I was only trying to get revenge on Kyle, but I didn’t expect it to harm myself instead. Don’t misunderstand! While there might be some gay pictures on the screen, I’m really not gay!

Xiao Qin sighed and said:

“It can’t be helped if you like other girls, but I’ve completely lose if I can’t even compare to men…”

Xiao Qin walked into the room in a daze, then pulled out a white medicine bottle from her drawer.

What are you doing? Even if I am gay, you don’t need to poison yourself! What were you planning by keeping poison in your room?

I quickly snatched the medicine bottle from her and realized it wasn’t poison or sleeping pills. It was a medicine with a very long name that was used to cure depression.

“Where did you get this?” I asked, “Do you also have depression like Wu Sheng?”

If Xiao Qin had depression, then I would have to bear the blame.

Xiao Qin stammered out a reply: “I… I took it secretly from the big pile of stuff Wu Sheng gave you…”

“Why did you take this, did you have depression?”

“No…” Xiao Qin said quietly, “I saw the side effects of the medicine…”

I picked up the bottle and under the side effects column, it said: “This medicine contains estrogen, so it may cause enlarged breasts in men…”

“Is there something wrong with you? Why would you eat this?” I said angrily to Xiao Qin.

“There, there is something wrong with me! My breasts are too small. If the medicine can make men have a larger chest, then it must also give women a larger chest. What’s wrong with trying to be more feminine?”

“You can’t just randomly eat hormonal medication.” I stuffed the bottle in my pockets, “I’m confiscating it. Don’t buy similar medicine in the future or I’m going to ignore you.”

Xiao Qin agreed to never eat this kind of medicine in the future. She also said she never ate it before, she was only planning on eating it to increase her charm after she found out I was bisexual.

“I’m not bisexual or gay.” I was worried about how to change Xiao Qin’s views.

“Um.” Xiao Qin nodded, “Please feel reassured, I won’t tell anyone that you’re gay.”

“But…” Xiao Qin said, “Did you send a text earlier to meet up with another gay person? Can you not go? If you go, then even Uncle Ye and Ai Mi will be sad.”


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