I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 777: Media Interview

Chapter 777: Media Interview

Ever since Zhao Yao’s face became swollen after being slapped by Captain Luo, he wasn’t able to speak properly and couldn’t continue to ask his tricky (ones that make people want to hit him) questions to everyone.

After the Zeng brothers and security guards were taken away by the police, he asked the cameraman, Xiao Wang, to slap his left cheek as hard as he could.

“I, I can’t talk properly because, right face is too swollen. It would be balance, balanced if you hit my on my left cheek.”

Slap. The cameraman could only slap him due to Zhao Yao’s incessant requests. Xiao Wang had quite a bit of strength since he usually had to lug a camera around on his shoulder, so his slap sent Zhao Yao twirling like a spinning top.

“Good job.” Zhao Yao, whose cheeks were now both swollen, took a while to steady himself, then he stuck up his thumb at Xiao Wang, “It does hurt a bit, but it’s much easier to speak now. I’m going to continue with interviews. My mission is to get the juiciest and most dramatic news, so how can I lose to reporters from other news stations?”

At the same time, reporters from five other stations already began interviewing key members of the incident. Officer Ma, as the police representative who was present at the scene from beginning to end, was surrounded by three reporters. He was suffering because all he wanted to do was make up sleep, but he couldn’t escape.

“Today is a day to rejoice for dog lovers.” Some reporters focused on Ma HuiYu, “As the organizer of the dog rescue operation, Miss Ma, do you have anything to say to the nation?”

“I have something to say.” The rich woman rushed in front of the camera, “Anyone who eats dog meat will receive retribution.”

Ma HuiYu’s face darkened, she held up her hand at the rich woman to stop her, to prevent the audience from thinking they are a joke.

She cleared her throat and said seriously: “We volunteers were informed that the dog dealers were breaking the law, so we only went to stop their car to prevent them from committing crimes. We strictly abode by the law throughout the whole process and didn’t take any dramatic measures. I personally hope the country can introduce laws as soon as possible to ban the consumption of dogs and cats…”

“It’s not enough to ban the consumption of dogs and cats, everyone should be vegetarian.” The rich woman was unable to calm herself down, “Killing and eating meat is a sin that would send you to hell. The reason why our society is disjoint is because of eating meat. If everyone becomes a vegetarian, we won’t have anymore societal issues.”

What kind of logic is that? If you were the president, then we would become a country of monks.

“Cough… even if we can’t change our eating habits right away, we should at least follow the 3 fold rule!” The rich woman continued to yell, “We can slowly turn meat into a prescription medication where we could only eat it under a physician’s orders! Then after tens of years, China will become heaven on earth!”

It seems like that wouldn’t be a heaven for humans, but a heaven for animals. Well, it won’t be heave for me at least. I’m a typical meat-eater who eats all meat. I’ll become too irritable if I can’t eat meat, kind of like when a girl is on her period.

I also heard about the 3 fold rule from my dad and it sounds like something you use to deceive yourself.

The 3 fold rule has three principles. One, you can’t personally witness the living being killed (not seen). Two, you can’t hear the cry of the living being before its death (not heard). Three, the living being cannot be slaughtered simply because you want to eat it (not for self).

The three rules basically says you’re safe to eat meat as long as you didn’t see it, hear it, or do it yourself. Based on this logic, as long as the Red Cross doesn’t see the victims of a disaster, and they don’t hear the cries of the victims of a disaster, then they are free to stuff donations into their own pockets.

Screw you. We didn’t undergo millions of years of evolution to eat grass.

If tigers can eat sheep, then why can’t humans eat sheep? I’m against torturing animals and against causing unnecessary pain before butchering them, but I would still eat meat. I don’t plan on becoming Buddha because I’m a wolf or a tiger, even though most of the meat I eat adheres to the 3 fold rule (we don’t even see animals getting killed nowadays).

If we have dog rights, then we will get pig rights, cow rights, sheep rights… and soon even mice and cockroaches will have rights.

The reason why I don’t eat dogs, isn’t because I think dogs are better than other animals (how could they be better when they eat shit), but because I’ve raised a dog before and it stirs up past memories and emotions.

Officer Ma said he separates work dogs from meat dogs, which isn’t a bad idea. It should be the same for other animals too. If you’re already using them for labor, then stop always thinking about their meat.

In the end, eating dogs is simply a dietary habit. My grandfather didn’t avoid eating dogs, but he never ate beef. It’s because he remembers someone in his village kill a farm cattle and he ended up being ostracized by the entire village. As the saying goes, you should never sell a watchdog no matter how poor you are, and you should never kill farm cattle no matter how hungry you are. The farm cattle works hard for farmers and the village cattle always dies a natural death.

The family couldn’t finish all of their beef but none of the villagers took any even when they tried to give it away for free. They would also get looks from the villagers wherever they went, so they had no other choice but to sell their property and move to the city.

That was the case back then when you ate beef in villages, but what about now? All kinds of beef hamburgers have been added to luxury KFC meals. The mouths of elementary school students are covered with oil, yet no one bats an eye at them.

That’s why I approve of this attitude towards animals. If you make the animal work, then don’t eat its meat. If you plan to eat its meat, then don’t make it work.

Anyone who works for you is considered your employee, regardless if they are a human or an animal. So why would you eat your own employees? Pet dogs are also considered work dogs. How can you say being someone’s pet is not considered a job when even mistresses can receive wages?

The interview with Ma HuiYu became ludicrous because of the rich woman’s interference. On the other side, Director Cao posed as an “enthusiastic volunteer” and got the opportunity to be interviewed by people from the “Dong Shan Night Show”.

“Jie Jie Jie Jie~ We, the Bloody Battle of Jin Ling crew, have never eaten any dog meat. Xin Zhong You Fo, Yi Kou Xiang… we’ve never eaten any of those dishes before.”

The female reporter frowned: “I heard Yi Kou Xiang is a dog meat bun. I think Xin Zhong You Fo is also a dog dish. If you’ve never eaten dog before, how do you know this many dog dishes…”

Among the people watching was a driver with a full beard. He disapproved of the volunteers’ action and interrupted:

“Hmph, Xin Zhong You Fo is made with pork belly and dog meat. The name comes from the saying ‘you can eat meat and drink wine as long as Buddha is in your heart.’. If even Ji Gong eats dog meat, why can’t we eat it?”

Director Cao stared at him, “Ji Gong could eat it because he reached enlightenment, but you can’t eat it because you didn’t.”

The bearded driver said, “So monks can’t eat meat, but you can eat it if you reach enlightenment? Are you saying monks could even get married if they reach enlightenment?”

“Of course.” Director Cao snorted, “If you still have to follow all those strict rules after you reach enlightenment, then what’s the point of putting in all that hard work? Do you not see how so many office workers are clean at the beginning, but turn greedy and corrupt after they get promoted to a director position? Tang Seng must have also gotten married after he reached enlightenment.”

“Nonsense. If Tang Seng had a wife, he must have had a son. What’s his son’s name?”

“Tang Seng’s original surname was Chen, so his son must also have the surname of Chen. Chen-style taijiquan was founded by Tang Seng’s descendants. Did you not see traces of the Monkey Fist in the Chen-style taijiquan? That was a skill Sun Wukong taught Tang Seng’s son. If you don’t believe me, go ask someone who practices Chen-style taijiquan if he’s using the Monkey Fist. His complexion would definitely change because you saw through their secrets and he will try to kill you!”

Director Cao is evil, how does Chen-style taijiquan look like Monkey Fist at all? If the bearded driver actually did what you said, he would definitely get beaten up because the Chen-style taijiquan practitioners will think he was picking a fight.

The female reporter noticed they were straying off topic and awkwardly suggested: “Can we talk more about the stop the cars to save the dogs event…”

“Of course.” Director Cao faced the camera again while holding his sign in front of his chest.

“Hello everyone, our series, the ‘Bloody Battle of Jin Ling’, which took months to film, was once selected as the most anticipated martial arts series. It’s suitable for both the young and old, everyone is welcome to search online and watch it for free.”

“I can guarantee there are dogs in the series and the ending is very touching. Not only are there dogs, there are also sex scenes. The people have sex scenes, the dogs also have sex scenes, wait, reporter, don’t leave, I haven’t finished speaking yet.”

As for Zhao Yao, who took a slap to be able to speak normally, he went to the American volunteers to try and interview their representative, Kyle.

“May I ask if you think China is barbaric and uncivilized for eating dog meat?”

It was a very malicious question. If Kyle fell for it, he would definitely be chastised online.

Before Kyle had the chance to respond, Zhao Yao was dragged away by a few nearby civil police officers. The reason was because he was not allowed to ask tricky questions to guests or it would make our country’s reporters look bad.

“I don’t accept! Freedom of press, freedom of speech!” Zhao Yao yelled as he was dragged away by two officers, “The police don’t have the right to stop my interview! I want to see your boss, I want to see your chief! Long live freedom, even if you kill me, there will be another to replace me…”

What are you yelling about? All they’re doing is dragging you to the side, it’s not like they’re going to execute you. Now the Americans are going to misunderstand. Look, Kyle was already asking a Chinese volunteer if Zhao Yao was being dragged to a correctional labor camp.


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