I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 774: Assistance To Beat The Dogs

Chapter 774: Assistance To Beat The Dogs

I couldn’t let Officer Ma take the class leader away. Since the class leader has OCD, if she was taken to the police station for a statement, it would tarnish her clean record and trouble her for the rest of her life.

Even if she does become a police officer in the future, she would still remember it at all times. Imagine if it gets pointed out by criminals, that would be so embarrassing.

“Hey, stop chasing me. You’ve also been brought to the station before, so what right do you have to chase after me?”

The class leader would then lower her head in shame. As she blamed herself, the murderer would escape while singing a song.

“Let’s go~~~ We’re all the same~~~”

What a merry murderer!

How can you let a murderer go free? I have to stop you for the class leader, for justice. The class leader definitely can’t be taken to the station. I would rather it be me being taken to the station rather than it tarnishing the class leader’s record.

“Officer Ma, are we good to go?” Zeng Lao Liu asked cautiously, “Since we aren’t hiding drugs in our truck, we’re in a rush, so we can leave, right?”

“You guys can’t leave! Leave the dogs behind if you want to leave!” some of the volunteers shouted.

“That’s right!” Director Cao also shouted, “We’re buying these dogs. The ‘Bloody Battle of Jin Ling’ is going to buy these dogs! Everyone is welcome to watch our series online for free!”

Not sure if it was because the Zeng brothers suspected Director Cao was going to waste their time, but they refused to sell and began arguing with Xiao Ding and some other volunteers.

Ma HuiYu also got into a heated argument with Officer Ma to prevent Shu Sha from being taken away.

Since Officer Ma had a gun, the security guards across from us brandished their first but were too afraid to actually make a move. Only Zhao Yao, whose face was swollen like a balloon, felt wronged.

There were too many people with too few police officers and the situation soon entered a stalemate. I then heard Officer Ma yell out:

“We’re only taking Shu Sha back to the police station to get a statement. Also, she accused Luo Ning of being a dog thief, so we have to at least do a confrontation.”

Now there was another reason to prevent the class leader from being taken to the police station.

I looked at Luo Ning, who was behind Captain Luo and wiping away the blood on his mouth. He was staring daggers towards us like he wanted to carve out the class leader’s flesh with his gaze.

If he was brought to the station with the class leader, the police will ask why the class leader knows Luo Ning is a dog thief. Based on her personality, she will tell the truth and probably tell the whole story from start to end.

Which will include the class leader being blocked in an alley by Luo Ning and two of his hired thugs and almost being gang-raped! While it didn’t actually happen, it’s still something that shouldn’t get out. If news of it got out, it would damage a girl’s reputation.

I have to do my utmost to prevent the class leader from being taken to the police station, but what should I do? Director Cao was still happily advertising with his sign, but out of everyone here, he was the one most familiar to me other than the class leader. Why can’t he help me out with my worries…

Hey… I have an idea. Director Cao walked over here, which meant Film City was close by. The ‘Legend of the Magic Cauldron’ was an American series and the main cast were all Americans. Out of the entire crew, probably half are Americans… Americans treat dogs as treasure.

Let’s use Ai Mi as an example. A few days ago, I brought up by chance that my grandfather ate dog meat before to cure his stomach problems, which ended up making Ai Mi kneeling on the carpet and barfing. She barfed out carrot juice, figs, and her stomach acid as if I said he ate human meat.

“Cough, cough… your grandfather is too barbaric. As I expected, Chinese people are too uncivilized. Damn manservant, go rinse your mouth, then brush your teeth, then get your stomach pumped.”

“There’s no need to exaggerate that much.” I patted Ai Mi’s back and said, “My grandfather ate dog meat, but I’ve never eaten dog meat before, so why do I need to rinse my mouth or brush my teeth…”

“The dog-eating gene is hereditary.” Ai Mi pointed at my nose and said unreasonably, “If you don’t clean your mouth, don’t even think about kissing me in the future.”

Who wants to kiss you? Who wants to kiss their own sister? I think your reason for telling me to rinse my mouth is a problem in itself, right?

Ai Mi was only a first-generation American and look at how well she treats dogs. So what about other Americans who have experienced several generations of culture where they love dogs as much as their own lives?

If I revealed the news that 188 dogs were being shipped to Guangzhou to be slaughtered to the Americans in the cast of the “Legend of the Magic Cauldron”, how would they react? They would definitely be more radical than Ma HuiYu, since in America, human rights have already extended to dogs. Killing 188 dogs at once would be almost equivalent to genocide in their eyes.

There was no time to lose. While everyone was still arguing, I pulled out my phone and called Ai Mi.

As I was making the call, I held onto the class leader’s hand with my other hand. One reason was to prevent us from losing each other in the crowd. The other reason was to reassure her. While we didn’t say anything to each other, I used my expression to express: I won’t sit still and watch her be taken away by the police.

The class leader didn’t resist. She was already in a helpless situation, but it was as if she was still worried about my heart attack. She thought I held her hand because I was seeking comfort, so she obediently went along with it.

Ai Mi’s phone rang for a minute before anyone answered.

“Hey, damn manservant, who gave you permission to call me? I’m currently busy since we’re in the middle of a shoot.”

While she sounded discontent, she still didn’t hang up and waited for me to speak.

“Ai Mi, calm down for a moment.” I said slowly, “Do you remember when I told you about how my grandfather ate dog meat hot pot before?”

“Bleehhh…” Ai Mi almost barfed again, “Why are you still bringing that up, it took a while for me to forget about it. Move your mouth further away from the receiver so you don’t pass the hereditary dog-eating gene to me.”

I didn’t fight with Ai Mi, but said with sorrow: “My grandfather never ate more than three dogs in total, but currently, in a place very close to Film City, there are 188 dogs that are about to be slaughtered! After they are slaughtered, they will be made into dog hot pot and enter the stomachs of the diners! Can you Americans turn a deaf ear to this?”

Actually, they aren’t being slaughtered here and eaten, but being killed after they are transported to Guangzhou. But there’s really no inherent differences, so I made it sound a bit more serious to attract their attention.

“Wh- what?” Ai Mi was shocked, “How could there be something that tragic happening? So there are still primitive dog-eaters among the Chinese… I’m going to start a war against the dog-eaters. I’m going to send Peng TouSi and the other bodyguards to make those dog-eaters pay in blood.”

Although gramps said Peng TouSi could become the world’s number one master, I don’t think it’s a good idea to send him and his bodyguards over.

The bodyguards who wear black suits and carry pistols would look too much like a crime organization. What if they make Officer Ma nervous and accidentally shoot, it would be bad if anyone gets injured.

“Don’t let the bodyguards come.” I instructed Ai Mi, “Go find the director of the crew. The director is American, right? Tell him to announce this to the other Americans in the crew and ask them if they want to join the protest, without resorting to violence.”

“Why.” Ai Mi wondered, “I don’t like the other people in the crew. Although they would probably be even more worried than me when they hear that so many dogs are going to be slaughtered…”

“That’s the effect we want. Call over all of your American cast and crew. If a lot of blonde-haired and blue-eyed Americans come to protest, it will evolve into a foreign affairs incident. The police will have their hands tied since they can’t treat foreign volunteers the same as domestic volunteers, so the dogs will definitely all be saved.”

Saving the dogs was of course one of my goals, but my primary goal was to create chaos, so that Officer Ma was too busy to care about the class leader hitting someone, so that the class leader could avoid the embarrassment of being brought to the police station.

As long as it’s investigated afterwards and determined that Luo Ning was a dog thief, then the class leader’s attack would be considered as stopping a criminal. Also, gramps is friends with the police chief, so I don’t believe Officer Ma can stay obstinate and insist on making the class leader go to the police station to teach her a lesson.

Anyway, not all the Americans are busy, so why not call them over to save the dogs? Captain Luo and the other security guards under your command, save your fists to fight those Americans later!

Ai Mi still wanted to send Peng TouSi over to handle it and didn’t want to notify the members of the crew that she didn’t have a good relationship with, so I had to pretend to be nervous and lie to her:

“Stop wasting time, they’ve already started killing the first dog and chopped off its front paw. If you don’t do as I say, the hostages… no, I mean the dogs are all going to die.”

“Okay… I know, I’ll talk to them right away.” Ai Mi quickly agreed and was about to hang up.

“Don’t hang up yet.” I said, “You still haven’t asked me for the address.”

Ai Mi quickly wrote down the address, then went to inform the other members of staff that there was a massacre happening right under their noses and asked if they are going to do anything.

Of course they would! Even if I wasn’t there, I could already imagine their shock followed by their anger as they were eager to go save their beloved friends!

After Ai Mi revealed the news, everyone’s reaction was pretty much what I expected:

“Oh my god.” “Jesus.”

The Americans screamed out God and Jesus’ names as their faces were filled with fright. A lot of Chinese members who stayed with the Americans for a long time also expressed their disbelief.

“How can zey do dis?” The male lead, Kyle, said in a weird accent, “Let’s stop filming and go beat the dogs.”

“You mean save the dogs.” A Chinese lighting member said.

“That’s right, beat the dogs.” Kyle’s eyes were lit with a burning fire, “No matter what, we have to beat those dogs from the beans.”

“It’s not beans, it’s blade.” The lighting member was already too tired to correct him.


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