I’m an Infinite Regressor, But I’ve Got Stories to Tell

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

Chapter 195


The Investor IV

The writers of Busan decided to pool their creative forces.

"My creative power is 150. Yours is 150. That's a total of 300 creative power! Let's create a perfect masterpiece!"

"Such a clever idea indeed."

This was the so-called collaborative project. More than two writers came together to produce a work, a concept as bizarre as teaming Hitler and Stalin and marveling at their combined demagoguery and purge capabilities.

We all knew that no matter the process, this scenario would end with a nuclear explosion. The probability of these writers’ collaborations succeeding was about 500% less likely than a college group project receiving a standing ovation from students and professors alike.

"Of course, when we simply combine our strengths, we'll end up with a result not of plus 300 but minus 22,500."

Writer A wasn't naive enough to overlook this. He presented his PowerPoint at the pork belly restaurant where the supreme eight had gathered.

"Hence, we need to set up a strict hierarchy among the writers involved in the project. I'll be the lead writer, and while I'll respect your opinions, the final decision rests solely with me."


Murmurs filled the room as the other writers exchanged looks that varied in droopage of eyelids and eyebrow thickness but that were united in their disbelief.

‘Who do you think you are?’

Despite their incredulous stares, Writer A remained undeterred, even smirking. "Let's face it, I pioneered this DM market, and you all just hitched a ride. No matter what you think, objectively, you all owe me one."


"No one here can lead without issues. And equal participation? Bullshit, that'll just end in chaos."


The writers exchanged glances, expressions now changing to ones of reluctant agreement.

Writers have always been susceptible to compelling nonsense. If they were truly rational, they wouldn’t have chosen such an illogical career.

"Let's say you do lead. How exactly will you coordinate our opinions?"

"We'll divide responsibilities among the writers." Flipping through his makeshift PowerPoint, Writer A revealed, "I haven't told you this, but over the years, I’ve made a secret pact with the fairies to observe your DM work."


"You all started your DM businesses without paying me a commission, it was fate. Now, deal with it. Thanks to this, I know where each of your strengths and specialties lie."

‘This is crazy.’

While the other writers contemplated how much it would cost to cover up his murder, Writer A calmly distributed the roles. "Here, roles that I think best suit your strengths."

1. NPC Management: Known since his web novel days for writing punchy, flavorful dialogue. As a DM, his characters are lively and have received rave reviews.

2. Map Management: Ingenious in designing 'stages' and 'gimmicks' during his web novel days, secretly participated in indie game development, responsible for level design.

3. Quests, Items, Training Sites: Always wrote engaging scenes where the protagonist gains new skills or trains. As a DM, became popular by letting clients experience becoming powerhouses.

4. Main Event Management: Skilled in writing about national strife or political faction fights during his web novel days. As a DM, provided intense political dramas that were highly praised by guild-level clients.

5. Worldview Management: Known for beautifully crafting fantasy world settings, offered adventures that were realistic yet thrilling as a DM.

The role of 'Historical Authenticity' was also tacked on.

Each writer's expertise was detailed in these documents, handwritten by Writer A.


The writers went deadly serious. They were always susceptible to sincerity and dedication, values they pursued all their lives.

Writer A laid down the paperwork. "I’ve bought a villa near Haeundae with the money I’ve made from being a DM."

"A villa?"

"Yeah. You guys are all single, right? Move in. Let's work there until the project is complete."


"You know we could die at any moment."

The age of anomalies.

"Let's create one last work before we go, guys."

If there was anyone who could be moved to tears by the mere sound of the word 'guys,' regardless of the era, that person was destined to be a writer.

From the lips of a bard, to the fingertips of nobles, to the palms of workers, to the shelves of university libraries, to the empty spaces in rental shops, to smartphone screens, to the dreams shaped by fairies, this truth remained unchanged.

The writers were ready to sing of humanity once more.

"Hey, Undertaker. I’ve been invited to act as a consultant by the DMs. Would you like to come too?"

Dang Seo-rin, always keeping me connected to the world, dropped this on me three years later.


"Yeah. The DMs are embarking on some joint or collaborative project. They're creating a massive fantasy world."

"Oh ho."

"They said wizards hold tremendous power in this dream world, and since I'm associated with power and magic, they invited me as a historical consultant."

"I might provide detailed consultations on executions and monster dissections, then."

"Huh? What?"

"Nothing. Anyway, I’ll come along. As an expert on the Three Kingdoms, I can offer practical advice on strategies and intrigues."

Dang Seo-rin grimaced, probably hoping not to drown fantasy with the Three Kingdoms.

We set a date and headed to Haeundae.

If you’re from Busan, you might know about Dalmaji Hill and Dalmaji Road in the area. The writers' dormitory was located in a villa with a clear view of the sea. The guards, who were Awakeners, froze upon recognizing us.

I exchanged a few pleasantries with the guards before whistling. "Quite the affluent bunch."

"They’re among the top DMs in Busan, probably some of the wealthiest civilians around."

"And they have to collaborate closely with the tutorial fairies, so no dodging taxes. Noh Do-hwa likes DMs too."

"Really? I heard she’s never hired a DM."

"True. She hardly ever asks the fairies to ensure she sleeps soundly. Says she doesn’t see why she should see monsters even in her dreams."


Just then:

-You fucking idiot!

A roar shook the villa's windows.

Dang Seo-rin and I paused just as we were about to ring the bell (not an electronic bell but one physically attached to the door handle).

-How can a law passed by the kingdom's assembly apply retroactively?! That would invalidate hundreds of years of inter-species marriages. Does that make any sense?

-It makes perfect sense! Damn it! That's why I've been emphasizing how crucial this marriage law is both in the world and the main events!

-No, dumbass! What about taxes? If married and unmarried people were taxed differently, and all sorts of laws applied differently, would you apply those retroactively too? Is the chancellor an idiot? Would they really want to triple their workload overnight because of such a stupid law?

-The chancellor is an idiot, that's why the kingdom is going to hell!

Dang Seo-rin and I glanced at each other.

'Are you sure we had an appointment today?'

'Yes, it’s supposed to be now.'

'The leader of the Three Thousand Worlds Guild is gracing them with her presence, and they’re bickering inside instead of waiting by the door. Are they even human?'

'I don’t know. Maybe they’re monsters.'

Luckily, Dang Seo-rin and I naturally resist privilege. We often disguise ourselves to go on culinary tours.


I knocked on the door.

-I can't understand this idiot... Oh? Wait. Someone's here?

-Wait. Who is it?

Dang Seo-rin cleared her throat. "Hello. I'm the Guild Leader of the Samcheon World."

-Samcheon... Oh? O-oh!

Crash! Bang!

The villa erupted into echoing chaos.

'You insane bastard!'

'Why didn’t you say something?'

'I thought it was tomorrow—'

'Motherfucker! Die! You moron, just die!'

'Put on some clothes! How many times have I told you not to walk around shirtless?'

and so on.

In other words, complete pandemonium.

Much later, in the next story, it turned out that the mistake with the date wasn't on the writers’ part, but Dang Seo-rin's. However, even in the 205th cycle, she was unaware of this fact.

"Uh..." Lacking a sense of privilege but enjoying actual privileges, the supreme dignity of the Samcheon World felt slightly bewildered. "Oh. Sorry, Undertaker. I didn’t know this was the kind of meeting I was walking into. I was just introduced by my personal DM three years ago. I thought you might be interested in novels and writers since you like the Three Kingdoms..."

"Isn't this the first time we've taken a walk together in a while?"


"I enjoyed the walk. That's all that matters. You don’t need to apologize for every little thing."


"Isn’t it interesting?" I grinned. "Imagine a startup that somehow brings Warren Buffett and Bill Gates to their office, but then forgets the date and leaves them standing outside the door. Completely insane. When else would you experience something like this?"

"Right. Yeah, it is interesting." Dang Seo-rin's usual light smile returned as the awkward air between us relaxed.

While we waited at the villa's front door, we continued to chuckle and discuss the dinner menu. The mere 30 centimeter gap between us was filled so tightly that there was no room for any resentment about status or pride as guild leaders.

"―I'm sorry!"

"We're terribly sorry!"

Thus, even as the flustered writers prostrated themselves and touched their heads to the floor in a full dogeza, we were hardly moved.[1]

Dang Seo-rin chuckled softly. "It's okay. I was also introduced by Mr. Moru DM. Seems there was a mix-up."

"No, we're truly sorry! It was our fault!" The writers remained prostrated, not daring to lift their heads.

During this time, I took in the interior of the villa.

"Whoa?" a voice called. Firstly, fairies were floating around the living room. At least five of them. "Secretary General Undertaker? What brings you here?"

"I could ask the same of you?"

"We've been dispatched here for a joint-business endeavor!"

Startled, the writers’ heads shook again at the sound of my conversation with the fairy. Roughly,

'The Undertaker?'

'The hero from the Ten Tribes and Meteor Shower Raids?'

'Why would such a hero visit this place?'

But it’s too cliché to describe such reactions in detail. If I did, each episode would be filled with the same content.

After the mood settled, Dang Seo-rin finally spoke with the historical consultant DM.

Meanwhile, I had a chance to chat with Writer A, the project overseer.

"So... um, we're creating an autonomously functioning dream world, The Kingdom Project."

"Autonomously functioning?"

"Yes, well. For example, there’s a count in the dream world's kingdom. We’ve detailed his past, the scars he bears, his thoughts on those scars, and the events he’s currently embroiled in..."

Writer A glanced at the fairy.

"We share these settings with the tutorial fairies. Then, even if we DMs aren’t actively hosting guests, the fairies can operate the dreams somewhat realistically..."

Writer A wasn't particularly eloquent or quick-witted. Thus, I felt the need to summarize his words into a more direct slogan.

"So, if you’re the game creators, the fairies act as operators?"

"Yes, yes, exactly." Writer A hesitated. "Of course, there are details too complex for the operators to handle alone. In those cases, the fairies can exchange real-time feedback with us..."

"Oh ho."

"We’ve had beta testers go through it up to the sixth round..."

"And everyone was satisfied?"

A fairy peeked out from the side. "Statistically, compared to dreams we provide alone, this Kingdom Project has given participants over 2000% more satisfaction!"

"2000%? Twenty times more?"

"Yes! That's why the Fairy Rights Commission is lending our full support and advocating for participation in the Kingdom Project’s development!"

I surveyed the villa's interior. Walls plastered with plot settings. Maps. Personal details of hundreds of main NPCs. Threads in red, blue, and yellow crisscrossed between these settings, illustrating their interconnections.

Meanwhile, the fairy continued chattering, munching on a sausage.

"Especially since the Secretary General banned tutorials, the fairies were getting a bit disheartened. But the Kingdom Project has revitalized them! In dreams, we can run dungeons just like tutorials, legally slaughtering humans as much as we want—!"

"Hold on." I whipped around and grabbed the fairy's shoulder. "What did you just say?"

"We’re happy because we can legally kill humans?"

"No, the other part. About running dungeons like tutorials in dreams?"

"Yes, that's right!"

"And, naturally, if people die in the dreams, it doesn't really affect their real lives?"

"Of course. There might be some mental trauma, but since everyone knows it's not real, it’s fine!"


I felt as if I'd been struck on the back of the head.

Why hadn’t I thought of such a simple idea until now?

During the 205th cycle, I established the Dream Casino to provide joy and circulate currency through the dream standard. I had only approached it from the aspects of welfare and economy. However, the DM ecosystem built through the Dream Casino contained potential far beyond 'welfare and economy.'

"Mr. DM." I looked at Writer A. "Do you not need detailed data on the Ten Legs and Meteor Showers?"

He looked at me questioningly.

"I can provide you with detailed information on hundreds, even thousands of anomalies. If you wish, I’ll invest whatever it takes."


The massive virtual world built by the DMs.

It could provide an endlessly 'realistic' 'practice' for both civilians and awakeners―

It was, in every sense, a 'Tutorial Dungeon.'


[1] Dogeza (土下座) is an element of traditional Japanese etiquette which involves kneeling directly on the ground and bowing to prostrate oneself while touching one's head to the floor. It is used to show deference to a person of higher status, as a deep apology or to express the desire for a favor from said person.

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