I'm A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 374 - 373: The Revival of the Five Supremes!

Chapter 374: Chapter 373: The Revival of the Five Supremes!


Above the altar, five bright lights suddenly appeared, revealing five silhouettes that were too dazzling to make out.

Du Gang was bewildered when he suddenly heard the saints around him loudly exclaiming, “Welcome back, Supreme!”

The Supreme, still alive?

Not just him, the other four successors also looked bewildered, not understanding what was happening.

Now, their cultivation had reached the early stage of sainthood. The speed of the transmission from the five light pillars did not slow down but instead accelerated slightly.

Even so, it would take them some time to break through to the middle stage of sainthood.

Those present did not pay attention to these details as they were all captivated by the appearance of the five Supreme beings in the sky.


An unknown Supreme spoke, and the many saints present respectfully got up.

Du Gang and the other four had the mind to salute, but being in the array, they could not move at all.

“Son, Li Hong, greets the return of the great ancestor!”

The successor of the Divine Dynasty, clad in an imperial robe, couldn’t move, but he shouted out loud to show respect.

After he shouted, the other three successors reacted quickly, shouting out swiftly:

“Disciple Luo Bin, welcomes the return of the Demon Ancestor!”

“Disciple Xuanzang, welcomes the return of the Buddha’s Ancestor!”

“Disciple Jiang Ziya, welcomes the return of the Dao’s Ancestor!”

Out of the four remaining people, three had spoken. Only Du Gang remained silent.

Not that he didn’t want to, he just didn’t know how to address.

Although his inheritance came from the Ancient God, and he knew the greatness of Pangu, the problem was, what identity should he assume?

Disciple? Descendant? Or the younger generation?

The five Supremes did not answer, standing still as if waiting for something.

The other four successors did not dare to say more when they saw that there was no response.

As for the saints, they stood quietly without movement.

The atmosphere turned cold instantly, leaving the other four somewhat embarrassed and confused.

However, Du Gang felt relieved. At least, he was no longer struggling with how to address.

At the same time, he began to wonder why these Supremes were still alive.

Through observation, he found that the pressure exerted by the five Supremes before him was still very terrifying, extremely majestic, and even though he had achieved sainthood, he could not resist it.

But, he felt something was off with the five, as if they were…incomplete.

Suddenly, Du Gang widened his eyes, understanding the difference among the five.

The five Supremes, have no physical bodies!

The five figures emanating brilliance, shaped by Divine Thought, seemed like deities, but also like some Divine Thought avatars, but definitely not physical bodies, nor their true selves.

Are they the spiritual avatars left from a billion years ago?

He was somewhat bewildered. He understood that the five Supremes could leave spiritual avatars, but why appear now?

The location of their emergence was the altar, and, facing them, they appeared so aloof…

Looking at the other four who were also receiving the inheritance, looking at their continuously strengthening bodies, Du Gang had a bad guess.

Could these Supremes want their bodies?!

“Ha ha!”

At this moment, one of the five Supremes chuckled lightly, “Pangu, the carrier you picked is pretty smart, guessing his mission so quickly!”


Du Gang was shocked. He didn’t expect to guess correctly; these Supremes intended to use their bodies.

“Great ancestor?”

“Buddha’s Ancestor?”

“Demon Ancestor?”

“Dao’s Ancestor?”

The other four successors immediately panicked and instinctively shouted, hoping for a denying explanation.

Unfortunately, no one responded to them. The five Supremes completely ignored them.

The more they remained silent, the more terrified the five people in the light pillar became.

Middle of sainthood.

They couldn’t prevent it, their cultivation kept climbing.

“No, I wouldn’t be a sacrificial lamb!”

Luo Bin shouted, struggling madly. After exerting his full strength, he even managed to pull one hand out of the light pillar.

But just then, the twenty-eight saints sitting with crossed legs to the north all acted at once, “Get back!”

With one stern shout, Luo Bin was sent back instantly, returning to his original position in the light pillar, unable to move.

Not just him, the many saints in other directions also took action, thoroughly trapping Du Gang and the others on top of the formation.

At this moment, everyone understood!

The five of them finally realized that these saints were there to control them!

To keep them from escaping and willingly become the carriers for the five Supremes.

“So, we are just vessels, not saviors…”

Du Gang frowned, filled with resentment, and asked, “Why? Why are you doing this?!”

“Aren’t the Supremes supposed to live forever? Why are you doing this?!”

“Ha ha!”

Again, it was the laughter of the Demon Ancestor, Roho. Clearly, the other four were not interested in responding.

Laughing, Roho said, “We are doing this to save the world!”

“A billion years ago, we sacrificed our bodies to resist the invaders and save the world!”

“Now, we are going to use your bodies to walk the path we took a billion years ago to save the world once again!”

Big Bang?

The Abyss and the Heavenly Realm?

Du Gang did not quite understand, weren’t these things already in existence?

“You fortunate ones!”

With a sigh, Roho said, “You have no idea what the invaders really are!”

“What you call the Demon Clan, and the Heavenly Immortals, are just the tip of the iceberg!”

“It was us, sacrificing our own bodies, made the invaders materialized so that you can deal with them, and made means to weaken them!”

“The real invaders are something you cannot even imagine!”

Luo Bin, somewhat panicked, spoke loudly, “Great ancestor, I can kill the Heavenly Immortals, I can kill the Demon Clan, I can do those things for you…”

“Do it for us?”

Roho laughed, “You can’t do it for us!”

“Only the Supremes can resist the invasion of the invaders somewhat!”

“All you are doing by eradicating the Demon Clan and killing the Heavenly Immortals is to slow down the speed of the invaders!”

“It’s like a tower defense game. The Primordial Continent is the ultimate base that cannot be invaded. Once invaded, the world perishes, all beings, human or otherwise, will all be wiped out!”

Roho chuckled, “If saints were of any use, then these hundred or so saints would have long joined us!”

“Only the Supreme ones are qualified to resist these external enemies!”

“Amitabha Buddha!”

Xuanzang recited the Buddha’s name and glanced at his own Buddha. When he saw him not speaking, he looked at Roho and said, “Great Ancestor of Demons, since only the Supreme ones can resist, why not let the five of us also become Supreme and provide additional strength?”

“Is it easy to become Supreme?”

Roho retorted, scoffing, “Do you know what it takes to become a Supreme being?”

“The origin of the universe is the Five Elements, the foundation of all is the Five Elements!”

“To become the origin, one must prove the Dao, and one element can only certify one Supreme being!”

Du Gang was startled and asked, “What about other elements? Can wind, thunder, light, and darkness not certify a Supreme being?!”

Roho laughed, “They can, of course they can!”

“Let me put it this way, each elemental line, as long as it is refined enough, has the chance to prove the Dao!”

“If we regard the Five Elements as a primary element and a basic, then other elements, no matter what they are, belong to secondary or tertiary!”

“To resist the external enemies, only the primary Supreme ones can do it. Secondary or tertiary Supreme ones cannot!”

“How can you know for sure if you don’t give it a try?”

Jiang Ziya also didn’t want to die, so he joined the conversation, trying to persuade the Supreme ones, “We five are the most outstanding and powerful geniuses in the world. Maybe we can do it?”


Roho scoffed again, “The only thing secondary or tertiary Supreme ones can do is to provide energy to allow you, these vessels, to quickly reach the peak of sainthood…”

The five of them sensed the underlying message in Roho’s words and their faces showed surprise.

Roho’s lips curved into a smirk, “When the nest is overturned, no egg remains unbroken. Do you think only we, the five Supremes, need to make sacrifices?”

“Billions of years ago, on the eve of what you call the Big Bang, the world was on the brink of annihilation!”

“We tried to let some secondary and tertiary Supremes sacrifice their lives to resist these outer invaders!”

“Unfortunately, they were not powerful enough and were unable to resist nor delay the invasion by exterior enemies in the slightest!”

“In the end, only we five could sacrifice ourselves to block the invaders and keep this world preserved…”

Roho spoke calmly, “The outsiders are practically immortal, impossible to kill. The best plan we could come up with was to sacrifice our physical bodies and most of our divine soul power to resist the outsiders while laying down a billion-year plan.”

Without him saying, the five people present already understood what was the so-called billion-year plan.

They would use the five of them as vessels, and five Supreme ones would resurrect just before the outsiders fully invade the continent.

Du Gang realized, “So, you want to wait for us to reach the peak of sainthood, and then seize control of our bodies to re-certify the Dao?”

The reason why there had been no Supreme ones appearing all these years was that the Supreme ones had occupied all possible paths of enlightenment!

After they seize the bodies now, they would unlock the Five Elements Dao, and use new vessels to re-certify the Dao again.

Once they successfully certify the Dao, they would then use their powers to resist the outsiders.

“As I said before, only a primary Supreme one can resist the outsiders!”

Roho chuckled, “Our seizing control of your bodies is a disaster for you, but for the entire continent, it’s a righteous act!”

“This is the only way to save the continent!”

Du Gang turned to look at the saints around him. He didn’t see any sympathy in their eyes.

Each saint was extremely adamant.

At the same time, he also understood why these saints did not contact them, but chose to send a God King instead.

Were they afraid of involving themselves in karma? Or were they afraid they’d grow fond of them and become less ruthless?

“So, go in peace. The world will know about your contributions; you are the real saviors!”

Saviors sacrificing their lives, aren’t they?!

The five people remained silent.

Looking at it now, these people indeed didn’t lie to them; they truly are saviors.

The only difference is that the method of saving the world differed from what they had imagined.

In their imagination, they would certify the Dao to become Supreme ones, grow stronger and eventually defeat the outsiders, thereby saving the entire world completely.

The reality, however, is that even primary Supremes are still incapable of fighting the outsiders. They can only sacrifice their physical bodies and the majority of their energy to slow down the invasion of the outsiders.

Furthermore, those secondary and tertiary Supremes don’t even have the ability to delay the invasion of the outsiders by sacrificing themselves. They could only serve as something akin to human columns, outputting energy…

Du Gang asked, “So all the secondary and tertiary Supremes are suppressed underneath the five light pillars?”

The other four were shocked, filled with dread, and looked at Roho in disbelief.

Roho nodded, “The vessel chosen for Pangu is not bad, quite intelligent!”

“Their role is twofold, to block the way to Supreme and provide energy!”

Nu Gang understood his intentions.

This was out of fear of unexpected changes in circumstances, worried that if the Supreme ones die and the elemental pathways become vacant, other people may certify the Dao, and subsequently lose control of the situation.

The current situation is that all secondary and tertiary Supremes have been sealed by the five of them underneath the continent’s light pillars, where they cannot die and yet have to continually provide energy.

Roho chuckled, “Otherwise, do you think the Abyss and Heaven could last so long? Naturally, it’s because there are numerous secondary and tertiary Supremes continuously outputting energy!”

No matter what, all this, is for the world, to protect the continent.

However, the way it was relayed by Roho it had a villain’s aura.

The other four were completely in despair.

Even secondary and tertiary Supremes had been suppressed under the continent, becoming human pillars. What more for them?

But Du Gang did not stop questioning. Even if he were to die, he wanted to die knowing the truth.

He asked, “What exactly is the so-called outsider?!”

“It’s the Underworld!”

Roho chuckled, “Don’t think that this Underworld is the Underworld that you are thinking of. They are not the same concept!”

“It is not a world one goes to after death, but rather, our world can be referred to as Yang, and the so-called outsiders are Yin!”

“Yin and Yang are originally one…”

“And when Yin and Yang combine, they become complete!”


Du Gang was shocked, “What do you mean? Since they were originally one, why not combine them together?”

Roho laughed, “What do you think?”

Du Gang frowned, “Are you implying that if we combine them, we would die? That Yin does not wish for Yang to live?”

Roho shook his head, “No!”

“There are no humans in the Underworld!”

“Our emergence, the humans, was an accident in the first place!”

“The Underworld has been invading us in order to eliminate us and merge with Yang/”

He paused for a moment, laughed and continued, “You could think of us as a virus!”

“This world originally had no Yang, only Yin, but since humans appeared, Yang emerged!”

“Now, the Underworld needs to clean up the virus and merge with Yang!”

Du Gang’s face turned serious, “So, once the Underworld invades, and Yin and Yang merge, we humans will completely disappear?”

Roho nodded and then shook his head, “Not just humans, this world, along with all its subsidiary worlds, all creatures and objects, will completely disappear and return to nothingness!”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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