I'm A Baller

Chapter 197 - Big Surprise

Chapter 197: Big Surprise

Amidst the vigorous military music, the management elite phalanx was about to pass the rostrum.

Like Jade looked at Wang Yan, who was holding up the red flag and walking at the front. He was so excited that his hands kept trembling.


He wouldn’t be able to do it in this way!

Like Jade was so scared that he almost peed his pants. He quickly calmed himself down and mumbled to himself like a crazy man.

“He’s coming, he’s coming, he’s coming with the flag!”

“I’m done, I’m done, I’m completely done!”

“Calm down, calm down! I’d rather be struck with Potato than be trampled by an old woman!”

The effect… Emm, it brought about nothing but a f*cking negative effect. The more he thought about it, the more his hands shook.

Just as Like Jade was panicking, Wang Yan adjusted his pace and shouted the command.

“March steps… Go!”

His voice was clear and strong.

At the same time, he moved the flag to an angle before him and took the first goose step.

The end of the flagpole was close to his waist, and his right hand was holding the middle of the flagpole. His shoulders and hands were steady as rock and his movements were crisp and neat.

As he took the first step, his thighs and calves were straight, and his feet were parallel to the ground. At that moment, he looked like a statue, and his image was deeply imprinted in everyone’s mind.

On the whole, the transition between quick march and parade march was seamless. In just an instant, the audience had the feeling that a sharp sword was being unsheathed and a fierce tiger was coming out of its den.

With each kick, the moment seemed to freeze as he lifted his leg parallel to the ground.

He looked like a brilliant dancer moving with the music.

Step by step, his rhythm became one with everyone’s heartbeats..

The sharp military uniform showed off Wang Yan’s nearly perfect figure even though he wasn’t very tall. Coupled with his resolute gaze that fixed in a point straight ahead, he looked exceptionally dashing.

A gentle breeze blew, and the red flag fluttered. It was as red as blood, making him look valiant and spirited.

After taking a few steps, he set off a wave of exclamations among the onlookers.

“Wow! So cool!”

“F*ck! This guy used to be a soldier, right? He’s way better than the others!”

“Oh my God, Baby, Baby, I’m in love!”

Looking at Wang Yan marching over with a perfect posture that he could never imagine, Like Jade suddenly felt so emotional that he wanted to cry.

For some reason, hishand that was holding the DV finally stabilized.

Like Jade kept waving his left hand at the onlookers around him, shouting excitedly, “Make way, please make way!”

Pointing the camera at Wang Yan’s figure, Like Jade moved backwards to do the follow shoot.

When he reached the rostrum, Wang Yan waved the red flag to the right and shouted the second command.


Behind him, the phalanx raised their hands in unison and saluted.

Their steps were a little uneven and not very neat. However, under Wang Yan’s lead, it was not a problem.

After the phalanx stepped out of the marching range, Wang Yan withdrew the flag and shouted, “Quick march… Go!”

The parade was over.

Suddenly, there was a burst of applause and cheers rising from the audience. There were many familiar voices in it.

“Class monitor, class monitor, you are the most handsome!”

“Ahhhh, I want to have your babies!”

“Junior, I love you!”

Wang Yan glanced over calmly and found a few familiar faces.

Eh, it feels so good!

When everything was settled, Wang Yan returned the flag to the instructor. Then, he received the commendation from the military training camp and school leaders. He saluted and took a photo with them.

When he returned to the class, he received an extremely warm welcome.

Tang Butian shyly came over and presented him a bouquet of flowers.

“Class Monitor, you’re awesome!”

“Thank you, thank you!”

Jiaozi opened her arms, ready to give him a hug.


What kind of occasion was this?

Stop it, stop it!

In the end, Jiaozi still gave him a hug despite his reluctance. He was covered in sweat but she did not seem to mind at all.

Li Shuyun, wearing a white one-piece dress, squeezed into the crowd of green army uniforms. With one hand holding her phone and the other hand holding Wang Yan’s arm, she took a selfie with him.

She asked with a sour smile, “Junior, how does it feel to be in the limelight and surrounded by beautiful girls?”

Wang Yan told the truth, “There are too many people here, so I can’t do anything.”

Seeing that there were more and more people coming over, he quickly raised his voice to save himself.

“Hey, Hey, beautiful girls, if you want to express your love, let’s have a private chat at Yue Lu Hotel tonight. Let me take off my boots first, okay? It’s getting so hot out here!”

Yue Lu Hotel was a small hotel outside the north gate of the school. It was not big, but business was booming and its reputation was well known. The freshmen already knew about this joke.

Everyone burst into laughter. The girls who were on good terms with him patted him on the shoulder and gradually dispersed.

Then Wang Yan called Dutch Potato and Like Jade over.

“How was the filming?”

“It’s done. Don’t worry, it’s very good!”

Like Jade felt certain that he wouldn’t be ravaged by old women and thus smiled with great pride.

Dutch Potato asked, “Boss, you can watch it after we go back and edit it on the computer, okay? Be patient, okay?”

Wang Yan didn’t want it for himself, but he wanted someone to see it as soon as possible.

During the shoot, Like Jade had followed him using a DV. Dutch Potato had filmed him from a fixed position in the middle with Wang Yan’s phone.

Wang Yan took his phone and was about to watch the video.

As soon as he unlocked the screen, a message popped up on WeChat. San Wan?

Wasn’t she practicing her dance?

Why did she send him a message at this moment?

Wang Yan opened WeChat in confusion and saw a video.

In the video, Tang Butian was presenting flowers to him, Jiaozi opened her arms and pounced on him while Li Shuyun licked her lips and sneaked closer to him…


Wang Yan was happy. He immediately squeezed out of the crowd and looked around.

Soon, he found the pretty figure that he had been missing day and night.

She was wearing light blue slim-fit sweatpants, the husky couple t-shirt, the Armani sunglasses and the Hermes couple cap…

Who else could it be but Liu Li?

Wang Yan was pleasantly surprised. He immediately rushed over and hugged Miss San Wan.

“Little girl, are you here to ambush me? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”


San Wan screamed and patted Wang Yan hard on his back. “Stinky! Get away! My clothes, clothes!”

Wang Yan didn’t care. He simply picked her up and started to spin her.

Liu Li stopped worrying about whether her couple’s t-shirt would be dirty or not. She giggled and wrapped her arms around Doggie’s neck.

When her feet left the ground, she got excited. She pulled her hands hands and straightened her waist. With a swoosh, her right leg came up from behind.

Wang Yan was afraid that she would fall, so he quickly stopped spinning and grabbed her waist.

Miss Li’s left leg was perpendicular to the ground, and her upper body was parallel to the ground. Her right leg was lifted high, revealing her smooth and beautifully shaped calf.


Like Jade, Dutch Potato, Squirrel, and the others were all dumbfounded by this scene. Then, they swallowed at the sight of Miss Li’s magical posture.

“F*ck… What posture is this?”

“The special style of XO?”

“Emperor Dance’s girl is indeed extraordinary. I feel pain for Jiaozi and Tian Tian…”

“F*ck, She’s so beautiful… I wonder if she has besties…”

“Yeah… I also want a girl from Emperor Dance as my girlfriend… It doesn’t matter if she looks good or not!”

How could girls from Emperor Dance not look good!

At the very least, their figures were extremely beautiful.

When Liu Li was put down by Wang Yan, her left foot touched the ground first, and her right leg slowly retracted. Her movements were as beautiful as a swan.

Coupled with Wang Yan, who had just obtained the passive skill [beauty of body] , the sight of the two of them hugging and spinning was like a scene from a commercial.

The audience got envious.

“Damn it, I’m suddenly so envious of Brother Wang…”

“Sob! I used to be a winner in life, why do I suddenly feel so jealous?”

“Shh! Stop fooling around, I feel killing intent!”

There was indeed killing intent around them, and it was very strong.

Bai Zijiao, Tang Butian, and Li Shuyun and all the girls from Class One were present.

At this moment, they were staring at Wang Yan with complicated expressions on their faces.

If you analyze their expressions one by one, you could write at least a 5,000-word paper.

However, Wang Yan wasn’t afraid at all.

I, Wang Fugui, have done nothing wrong. I have never flirted with anyone just in case something like this would happen!

No one could accuse me of doing anything wrong!

Just as he was feeling pleased with himself, Liu Li slapped him on the arm lightly.

“I rushed through the schedule day and night just to come and watch your military training parade, and in the end, you gave me so many surprises?”

After all, he was caught at the scene, so Wang Yan could only brush it off with a shameless joke.

“Your man’s popularity proves that you have good taste. Your man didn’t mess around, which proves that you’re charming. It’s okay, it’s okay. As long as you’re with me, they are all your maids!”

Liu Li asked with a half-smile, “Are you sure they’re not your concubines?”

“Of course not!”

Wang Yan shook his head firmly.

For two of the girls, he didn’t intend to do anything with them; as to the remaining one, he had intended to sleep with her but didn’t have the time to do it yet. So they were not his concubines.

Even Li Nuoyi wasn’t his concubine…

“Well… Do you want to introduce them to me?”

Miss San Wan did not hold him to it, because she did not really care.

When she decided to date Gouzi, she knew that she couldn’t control everything about him.

Wang Yan thought about it and shook his head.

“I guess they are not in the mood to know you. Anyway, it’s enough that you are here. Let’s be kind and leave. I will go back to the dorm to change my clothes and introduce you to my roommates.”

“Okay, it’s your call.”

Liu Li nodded and took the initiative to hold Wang Yan’s hand.

She had her worries like any girl of her age.

But she would never make trouble for no reason.

If she was concerned about something, she’d just say it and drop it.

If it were the Little Princess Fu Yishi, she would definitely say, “Oh? So you can’t bear to see them suffer, huh?”

Then, he had to beg her until she forgave him.

In fact, the result would still be the same.

If every girl acted like Liu Li, It would save trouble for everyone, right.

“Let’s go. It’s hot out here under the sun. I’ll take you to my dormitory.”

Holding Liu Li’s hand, he shouted to his roommates, “Let’s go back to the dormitory first. We’ll go out to celebrate tonight!”

The Five Great Guardians flanked them as they walked back to the dormitory building.

Holding her hands, Wang Yan strolled into the building and greeted the gatekeeper, “Sir, my girlfriend is here to see me. I’ll take her up to cool down in the room where there’s air conditioning.”

The guy smiled and waved his hand. “Go up, Little Wang!”

He did not even ask when they would come down.

Liu Li covered her mouth and laughed. “You’re doing well, Stinky Wang. You own the dormitory, huh?”

“It’s nothing. It’s not worth mentioning. It’s not worth mentioning!”

Wang Yan teased her while scratching her palm.

After dealing with the dormitory manager, Li Zewen, Wang Yan was still very respectful to the gatekeeper. Moreover, he often did two things —

From time to time, he would give a pack of cigarettes to them.

At night, he would occasionally order more takeout and send a portion down to the guard room.

The security guards did not have much power. After all, they worked under the dormitory manager.

However, by showing them respect with the little gifts, Wang Yan had gained a lot of convenience.

Before the two of them reached the third floor, Like Jade and Squirrel started shouting.

“Bros, be careful. There’s a girl here. Don’t run around naked!”

They heard a flurry of commotion.

They brought Liu Li into their dorm and let her sit there while Wang Yan went to take a shower and change clothes.

He put on dark blue casual pants, the couple’s T-shirt with Liu Li’s portrait printed on it, sunglasses, a cap, and Hermes casual shoes.

Liu Li smoothed his clothes and asked with a chuckle, “Have you worn this T-short before?”

“Let them tell you.”

Wang Yan raised his chin at his roommates.

Like Jade immediately jumped up and patted his own chest. “Hello, sister-in-law! Brother Wang wore this on the first day for the class meeting!”

Actually, Liu Li knew that from the video. She had watched it many times.

“Good boy!”

Smiling, she gently kissed Wang Yan’s cheek and turned her head to look at Like Jade.

“Are you Wang Shouzhong?”

“Yes, yes, yes, sister-in-law, my name means I cherish my body like a jade…”

Like Jade nodded like a puppy and swallowed back the rest of his words.

Next, everyone began to say hello and make introductions.

Liu Li knew their names, and could tell who was who. She talked to each of them and quickly established her status as the girlfriend of their big brother.

Wang Yan didn’t say a word. He just looked on with a smile.

When the introduction was over, he suddenly said, “Did Pingzhi teach you that?”

Instantly, the young lady’s face turned red.

Tsk! Tsk! She looked really beautiful!

San Wan immediately changed the topic. “You’ve been standing all morning. Are you hungry?”

Actually, I’m not that hungry.


“Yes, let’s go and have lunch.”

Good boy!

Liu Li smiled and gave Wang Yan a look of approval. She took the initiative to hold his arm.

The group of people went out and walked out of the southeast gate. They entered a large Hunan restaurant.

During the meal, Wang Yan’s roommates tried their best to curry favor with their sister-in-law.

Their goal?

Actually, they were not doing it in the hopes that Liu Li would introduce girls from Emperor Dance to them.

They had been joking. In fact, they all know how unrealistic it was to be in a long-distance relationship with girls from Emperor Dance.

The only reason they were trying to please Liu Li was because she was Wang Yan’s girlfriend.

Satisfied, Liu Li warmly invited them, “If there’s a chance, I’d like to welcome all of you to the capital. As long as I have time, I’ll definitely do my best to entertain you guys!”

Wang Yan wanted to laugh when he heard that.

You didn’t even have the time to entertain me. If these silly guys really believe your words, then they’ll squat at the entrance of Emperor Dance and cry their hearts out!


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