I'm A Baller

Chapter 155 - What Do You Mean

Chapter 155: What Do You Mean

Wang Yan leisurely leaned on the back of the chair and gently chatted with the new roommate.

Song Xi saw it and wanted to curl her lips. However, seeing Wang Yan’s casual manner and his lazily stretched limbs, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Chenchen’s roommate didn’t seem like a childish nouveau riche with malicious intentions…

Before she could think further, a gentle and magnetic voice sounded.

“Hello, my name is Wang Yan. How may I address you?”

“My name is Guo Ziyi… eh, the one who quelled the Anshi Rebellion in Dang Dynasty… but I’m from Henan province.”

The new roommate had a round face, thick eyebrows, and dark skin. He looked a bit dumb.

But when he opened his mouth, coupled with his shy expression, he gave Wang Yan a familiar feeling.

After careful consideration, he suddenly remembered the raised little finger that he had seen at the registration desk.

Wang Yan could not help but shiver.



The school had not officially started yet, and he meta f*cking sissy so soon?

Now we have a b*tch, arrogant young master, a cold face, and a dumb-looking sissy… F*ck, Room 303 is poisonous, right?

If I had known it, I would have asked to move to Room 404!

As he was lamenting silently, he looked like he was deep in thought, and his aura became more and more steady.

Song Xi looked at his profile and her eyes gradually narrowed. It was a sign showing that she was relaxed.

At the critical moment, the B*tch interrupted them.

“Brother Wang, all our roommates have nicknames! It’s all my work!”

“What?” Wang Yan raised his head with interest.

Wang Shouzhong pointed at the other boys one by one. “Wang Yisong is called Squirrel. Look at those two teeth. Aren’t they big?”

Wang Yisong was so angry that his eyes widened. “I’ll f*cking throw a punch and send your mother and father into the kindergarten!”

Wang Shouzhong completely ignored him and pointed at Guo Ziyi. “Dutch Potato! Doesn’t he look like it?”

Wang Yan thought about it carefully and then laughed so hard that he almost shed tears.


Then, Wang Shouzhong pointed at himself again, casually… No, that expression on his face was quite f*cking proud.

“I originally planned to let you call me Zhongchu, but I’m afraid that people would have misunderstanding of it, so you guys can call me Like Jade. It means to keep one’s body as pure as jade and it symbolizes my purity and…”

“Get lost!”

Wang Yisong, or Squirrel, interrupted with a bad temper. If he didn’t interrupt, he would probably vomit.

The three of them already had nicknames. Wang Yan didn’t know why Like Jade would save Song Chen to the last, but he was very interested.

Finally, it was Song Chen’s turn. The handsome boy was still as aloof as ever, but his eyes were shining. He was obviously very curious.

Like Jade, on the other hand, was bashful for a while. Finally, he said softly, “Brother-in-law…”

What was that?

No one understood.

Then, Like Jade suddenly knelt on one knee and cupped her fists. “Brother-in-law, please accept my bow!”

The corners of Song Chen’s mouth twitched as if he was trying to hold back his laughter.

Song Xi was so angry that she didn’t want to say a word. She grabbed her bag and turned around to leave.

Before opening the door, she hesitated for a moment and turned to look at Wang Yan.

“HMM… Wang Yan, do you have a moment?”

Wang Yan stretched out his hand and gestured for her to go ahead. Before he could say anything, there was a knock on the door.

Song Xi was startled. She quivered and reached out to touch her chest, pressing her t-shirt which showcased her curves.

She didn’t know what to do and turned around to look at Wang Yan for the second time.

“Open the door. It’s fine,” Wang Yan said lightly.

When she unlocked the door, it was Li Zewen who came in.

Wang Yan stood up, but he did not deliberately go up to greet him. He stood where he was and said, “Brother Li, I’m sorry to trouble you to make the trip here.”

“It’s nothing. I get paid to serve the students!”

Li Zewen’s attitude was very warm, not business-like but with the intimacy of friends

Although Wang Yan did not ask, he explained, “I came a little late. Just when I was about to go out, the supervisor called… We’ll talk about the details later. Is there anything I can do for you here?”

His attitude was so good that it surprised the students and parents at the door.

The people in Room 303 had not seen it but those outside the door had seen Li Zewen’s coldness when he almost reduced that trouble-making woman to tears with a harsh lecture.

Just as he thought of this, Li Zewen turned around and beckon at the woman, “Ms. Liu, come in and apologize to the students.”

The kids in the room were all stunned.

Then, they saw that the arrogant Ms. Liu rushed into the room with an apologetic look on her face, apologizing to them one by one.

“Well, I’m sorry, youngsters. I was too anxious just now, so I took out my anger on you guys without any reason. I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

The change in attitude made the freshmen dumbfounded.

Ah? !

So good?

How did this Brother Li manage to do it?

The kids were stunned, but President Wang was not.

The staff of the dormitory management office might sound unremarkable, but since they were placed here to manage a building of more than a hundred dorms, they had quite a power in their hands.

Everything related to accommodation was decided by these people.

It was not easy to manage the third-years and the fourth-years, but the freshmen had to live on campus, so it was a piece of cake for them to deal with one or two trouble makers among them.

Therefore, professional matters were left to professional people. When Wang Yan closed the door, he did not think that there would really be any trouble outside.

His calmness at this moment, combined with the confidence he had showed previously, gave Young Master Wang a new halo.

Previously, Squirrel had been reluctant to call Wang Yan “Brother Wang”, but now, he looked respectful when he addressed to Wang Yan.

“Brother Wang, as we have agreed. You get the air conditioner installed and I’ll pay for the cost. Don’t fight with me over that!”

Wang Yan smiled noncommittally and said, “We’ll see. It’s best to talk to everyone and see what they think.”

Song Xi had wanted to say that they could split the cost equally. But before she could say anything, Wang Yan had already thought of the part.

Suddenly, she was not in a hurry to leave. She wanted to stay and see how this matter would be handled in the end.

There were five people in the dormitory at present. Three of them called Wang Yan “Brother.” The dumb-looking Dutch Potato immediately followed them.

“Brother Wang, thank you for installing the air conditioner for us. I don’t have much money, so I’ll wash your clothes and socks in the future! Don’t worry, I often do laundry and housework at home!”

Wang Yan had been served so comfortably recently that he had never thought about doing laundry. He was stunned when he heard that.


There was actually such a troublesome thing in college?!

Fine. Then I’ll take your offer…

But in the end, he didn’t want to trouble his classmates too much. The young master immediately showed the attitude of a tycoon. “I’ll buy a washing machine later. Everyone can use it.”

He neither accepted nor refused the offer.

Li Zewen wanted to give him a thumbs up when he heard that. Look at how he handles things! What was I doing when I was a freshman?

Like Jade thought himself Brother Wang’s No.1 fan, but the Dutch Potato took his position as the No.1… er, the top flatterer.

He was a little anxious.

“Brother Wang, I’ll do it for you when it’s your turn to clean the room!”

Squirrel didn’t know how to do chores and he didn’t want to do chores. He immediately opened is cabinet, took out a pack of Nanjing 95s, and handed it to Wang Yan.

“Big Brother, come and smoke!”

In the end, only Song Chen was left. He looked around and felt useless. Feeling anxious, he turned to look at his sister.

(⊙) !

Brother, what do you mean? !

Song Xi was stunned.


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