I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 688 - Strong Woman

The princess's funeral was carried out quickly and wisely, only attended by Jack's servants and a few doctors who had already performed a caesarean section on Anne. Princess Clarke, that's the name on the cross-shaped tombstone.

Luis decided to carry out the princess's funeral as soon as possible because he didn't want to make the princess suffer even more if she had to wait for Jack or Anne to gain their consciousness. For him now, the princess could play with her grandparents on the rainbow bridge in heaven. Therefore, her tiny body must be buried immediately like other humans in general.

"Princess Clarke, your name will live forever in our hearts. Return in peace to the bosom of God in heaven. Amen."

A priest closed the prayer before the princess's small coffin was put into the grave. It didn't take long for the small coffin to be buried in the ground next to the graves of her grandparents, Calvin Muller and Megan Muller, the name on the gravestones of Jack's two parents.

Doctor Caitlyn wiped her tears that kept falling. She couldn't imagine how Jack and Anne would feel when they found out that the daughter they were waiting for had now rest in her long sleep without them having a chance to touch it.

As a woman and doctor, Caitlyn was deeply hurt. She really wouldn't know how to tell this kind of thing to Anne, who was still unconscious. The decision to keep Anne sleeping was taken because they were all not ready to give Anne the bad news. Anne would have realized as soon as her big belly suddenly flattened. She would definitely be looking for the baby and they couldn't all be lying if Anne asked where her daughter was. Even though it was hard but Luis and Doctor Caitlyn took this decision so that Anne got well quickly first.

"What's next, Luis? We can't hide this any longer. Anne will surely realize that the baby is not in her stomach anymore. She will definitely be looking for the baby, Luis," said Doctor Caitlyn quietly.

Luis took a deep breath and let it out slowly while continuing to stare at the princess' final resting place. "I'm going to Korea today. I have to talk to Master first. I have to strengthen him first before we all strengthen Madam."

"Departing for Korea? Isn't Master still unconscious?"

"Master is awake even though he can't do much movement because the wound on his chest is still wet, but then today his condition is much better. This is the second day in the healing process. I will consult the surgeon who treats him first later," replied Luis was hoarse.

"Okay, I entrust everything to you. I'll stay at the hospital looking after Anne," said Doctor Caitlyn quietly.

Luis touched his chest gently and bowed his head towards the graves of Calvin and Megan to pay his respects, before he left the grave area to immediately leave for Korea.

The time difference between Korea and Switzerland which was quite far gave Luis an advantage. Even though at this time in Geneva it was already ten in the morning but in Korea it was still two in the morning. So even though he had to travel for 13 hours 40 minutes in the air, Luis would not get too long a time difference.

After Luis left Doctor Caitlyn placed a pair of bouquets of flowers on Calvin and Megan's tombstones carefully. "Please take good care of your granddaughter, sir, madam. Give her a kiss of our affection."

Doctor Caitlyn's tears fell again. She really wasn't ready to go back to the hospital. Doctor Caitlyn didn't know how to deal with Anne, dealing with a woman who again lost her baby when she was about to give birth was not an easy job. Anne must have been in shock when she found out that her daughter had died.

Along the way to the hospital, Doctor Caitlyn continued to communicate with the doctor who treated Anne, even though she was not conscious because of the anesthetic effect, but Anne kept shedding tears. Anne seemed to know that her baby was not safe and that made the nurses who took care of her feel touched, especially seeing Anne's injured condition. Not only were her hand broken, her forehead and legs were also bruised. It seemed like Anne had really fallen at high speed.

Doctor Caitlyn's arrival at the hospital was immediately greeted by two doctors who were waiting for her in front of Anne's treatment room.

"How is Anne, Doc?"

"Mrs. Clarke is still under anesthesia, for now her condition is getting better. Hopefully in the next 3 to 4 days the wound on her stomach will dry so we can focus on healing her broken hand, it's just..."

"Just what, Doc? "Doctor Caitlyn immediately cut off the words of the doctor who was treating Anne.

"I'm sure you understand what I mean. I'm also a woman and a doctor, maybe we can heal the wounds on her body but not with the wounds in her heart. And I was very worried about that, I was afraid when she heard the news of his daughter's death then he will..."

"I know, Doc, that's why we're working hard right now to find the best way to tell him this news. Luis is currently on his way to Korea to pick up Mr. Clarke who is also having the misfortune of being attacked. by an unknown person while at the hotel, Mr Clarke is also in bad shape having just had a major operation."

"Jesus, so Master doesn't even know that the baby is…"

Doctor Caitlyn shook her head slowly. "Don't know yet, Doc."

"Jesus, for God's sake this is very sad. Both of them.. oh my God.."

Doctor Mira, who was an obstetrician who had helped operate on Anne, was speechless. She was really shocked when she found out about Jack's condition.

"I'm so sorry for Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, their trials are too hard. It must be very difficult for both of them to get through this," said a nurse who had been listening hoarsely, her eyes even filled with tears at this time.

Doctor Caitlyn took a deep breath. "The two of them are the strongest couple that I know, their marriage has been tested many times by very strong storms by God until they were finally able to be together again. And I'm sure that in this test, they will also pass it too, though not easy."

"Amen, Doc," Mira answered quietly.


Doctor Caitlyn wiped her tears slowly, she then invited Doctor Mira to come into Anne's room to see her condition.

Anne looked like she was sleeping effortlessly. Her beautiful face was still clearly visible even though she was a little pale. Doctor Caitlyn could see Anne's eyes were wet with tears even though they were closed. She then approached Anne and gave Anne a kiss on the forehead.

"You'll get through this, Anne. I'm sure you're a great woman...a strong woman," Doctor Caitlyn whispered softly in Anne's ear.

To be continued


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