I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 685 - First Child Vs Second Child

"Stupid, didn't I say just take the file? Why do you have to hurt Jack? At this rate, my plan will fail!!"

"Useless stupid woman!"


A loud gunshot rang out inside a 3 x 3 meter room in an empty warehouse area on the outskirts of Seoul. Shortly after the gunshots rang out, the woman who had just failed to carry out her task collapsed to the floor lifeless. Her forehead was pierced by hot lead released by a man who was angry because his subordinate had failed to do the task she was given.

"Get rid of this useless woman's corpse," said the man in a rising voice to his men as he threw his gun to the ground.

"Ready sir."

Five men then removed the lifeless body of the woman from before the master. They worked very fast even the blood splattered left on the ground was immediately cleaned using water to remove traces before being covered with soil again.


The vibration from the cell phone lying on the top of the table alerted the man who just killed the woman.


"How did you finish your assignment?" On the other end of the phone, a man's voice spoke in a deep voice.

"Sorry sir, my men failed."

"Stupid! Didn't I tell you? You have to be careful and you can't fail. Why does this kind of thing happen? You really are not good at getting your job done!!"

"Sorry sir, next time I will definitely..."

"No next time, stupid!!"


The line was cut off.

The man who had just killed the woman looked very frustrated. He was confused and didn't know what to do because the big master who was in Germany was furious with him for failing to do his job.

As his men had removed the body of his subordinate who failed to do her job, the man got into his car and hurried away from the place so as not to arouse suspicion.

By using three cars, the invaders left the empty warehouse area to an area that was quiet to dispose of the body of one of the group who had now been stripped naked to remove any traces. When they arrived at a lake which was quiet, they put a heavy iron plate on the legs of the poor corpse. After making sure the iron plate was installed properly, the poor woman's body was then thrown into the lake. Because there was a heavy burden, as a result the body sank into the bottom of the lake.

"Good, everything is done. Let's go leave this place. Let that stupid woman be eaten by the fish in this lake," said the boss from the car while enjoying his cigar.


Because she had slept since the afternoon, Anne woke up in the middle of the night. Having a sudden pain in her stomach made Anne unable to finish her dinner. Because of that, at this time she woke up hungry. Little kicks from the princess made her unable to continue her sleep again.

"Are you hungry honey? Let's go downstairs to find food."

Anne spoke to herself as she felt her big belly which was getting more and more beautiful, entering the 34th week of pregnancy, making almost all of her maternity clothes no longer fit. Princess seemed to be really growing tremendously in her belly.

Because it was two o'clock at night, all the lights in the big house had been turned off, with only a few small lights were left on. Anne carefully opened the door to her room. She didn't want to create any sound that would wake the maids. Anne's smile widened when she managed to get out of the room. Without thinking, Anne then continued her steps towards the stairs on the right side of her room.

Anne chose to use the stairs because she didn't want to wake anyone up if she used the elevator. Actually, no one would know if she used the elevator at midnight like this, because everyone would have already fallen asleep. But because she didn't want to take the risk, Anne preferred to use the stairs. Luckily, when Jack renovated his house, he provided a handrail on the stairs, so at this time Anne had no trouble going down the stairs in the dark. Anne's goal this time was the kitchen. Although she didn't expect to find fresh food, Anne hoped to find food that could be consumed. The hunger in her stomach was really unbearable, and the kick from the princess was also getting stronger.

"Patience, Princess, Mommy will look for food first," said Anne softly while stroking her big belly when she arrived on the first floor.

Because she couldn't find the food she wanted in the refrigerator, Anne then decided to make her own food. Anne decided to make a sandwich, the easiest dish that didn't take much time and effort. In no time, Anne's sandwich was finally on the plate, while Anne stood enjoying her food, because it felt uncomfortable to eat in a sitting position.

By the time Anne started eating, the little kicks that came from the princess gradually disappeared. It seemed that eating was the easiest thing to calm her beloved daughter who would be born in a matter of weeks.

Anne chuckled when she realized the princess was no longer as excited as she was ten minutes ago.

"Sounds like you love to eat, baby," said Anne softly as she chewed on the last bite of the sandwich.

For fear of being hungry again, Anne brought two apples to her room. Anne's steps felt lighter when she climbed the stairs because her stomach was full.

When she was about to enter her room, Anne suddenly stopped her steps because she missed Christian. Earlier when she was sleeping, she didn't kiss her first son goodnight. After placing the apples on the nightstand beside the bed, Anne rushed to Christian's room which was not far from her room. When she passed a table suddenly Anne's nightgown caught and made her unable to continue her steps because her clothes were stuck.

"Since when did this table spoil clothes?" muttered Anne in her heart trying to get rid of the feelings that suddenly welled up inside her. For some reason, Anne felt something strange. But because she didn't want to bother, Anne then continued her steps towards Christian's room after she managed to remove the end of her nightgown from the corner of the table.

When she entered Christian's room, Anne's heart raced very fast when she saw her son had climbed the trellis on the balcony, the sliding door to his room was wide open.

"Christian, no!!" Anne screamed loudly as Christian climbed even higher.

Anne quickly ran to the balcony where Christian climbed. Christian himself immediately turned as soon as his name was called. Anne didn't remember that she was currently pregnant. She continued to speed up her steps towards the balcony where Christian was. Unfortunately, when she almost arrived at Christian's place, a puddle of water on the floor made Anne's legs slip and made her lose her balance so she fell on her stomach. Luckily, when her stomach almost touched the floor, Anne had time to use both hands to hold her body. However, because her position was not good, Anne's efforts were in vain because the support from her hands was not strong enough, so that Anne continued to fall to the floor in a sideways position.


To be continued


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