I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 668 - Golden Wedding Anniversary Of The Lloyds

Actually, Chester's arrival to Geneva was only for a while. As one of the important people in the world's important organization, Chester was really very busy. Because of that, he had missed many important events in his family, but not this time. Today, Chester decided to attend the 50th wedding anniversary of his parents. Chester felt that the golden marriage of his parents was a very important moment for his parents, so he was willing to leave a pile of work in New York for a while to return to Geneva, Switzerland.

Due to the large size of the Lloyd family residence, no one knew that Chester was angry in his study, except for his personal assistant, Michael and some of his bodyguards.

After Chester had calmed down a bit, Michael ventured into the master's office.

"The designer who will help you get ready for tonight's party has arrived, sir," Michael said politely.

Chester was silent. He ignored Michael's words. His anger had not completely disappeared.


"I heard you, Mike, calm down. You don't have to repeat it," Chester said curtly.

Instantly, Michael closed his mouth tightly because he didn't want to get angry from his master again, Chester himself immediately leaned his head back on the chair and massaged it slowly.

Because he didn't want anyone else to know that his master was angry, Michael rushed to tidy up the things that were scattered on the floor. Michael didn't want the designer who would help choose clothes not to see the mess in the study. Just as Michael finished tidying up some papers on the desk, the top designer of the city of Geneva arrived in front of Chester's study. The coquettish man went straight into Chester's study without permission, followed by his three assistants who were carrying a hanging trolley containing expensive suits that he was going to choose for Chester.

Chester's mood immediately changed when the designers arrived. He was back into a dignified Chester, unlike fifteen minutes ago. When Chester was trying on his clothes, the four coquettish designers clapped their hands simultaneously when they saw Chester's good looks after he wore the expensive clothes they brought. The aura of the youngest UN secretary general was crazy. Besides being full of intimidation, it was also very intoxicating, this was what made Chester very sure that he could get any woman he wanted. After his wife died one year ago, Chester became more selective in choosing his dates. He no longer cared about the attitude of the women. The most important thing for Chester was that his date was able to satisfy him in bed, so when Anne talked about love, Chester got annoyed. Because if love did exist then his wife would not choose to end her life when their daughter still really needed her presence. Because if love was real, then the woman who gave birth to Charlotte would prefer her to her ex-lover who asked her to commit suicide with him.

No one knew that Chester married his ex-wife because of an arranged marriage. Chester, who was very busy with all his work and his ambition to become the secretary general of the United Nations, left him with not much time to have relationships with women. Until finally one or two years ago, when he was almost elected as the secretary general of the United Nations, his parents married him to a good girl from a fairly well-to-do family in Zurich. They were married only one month after their first introduction. Chester, who did not know that his wife was actually forced by her family to marry him, was very happy when he got a very beautiful and educated wife. Because of that, Chester did not ask many things about his wife, especially about her past to her family. He believed the woman who was betrothed to him was the woman who was worthy of him. Until finally Chester found out that his wife already had a lover when she was betrothed to him. Chester found out when she was five months pregnant with Charlotte. When he found out that the woman he slept with didn't love him, Chester was in deep shock. He almost decided to leave her right then and there. But because at that time his daughter was still in his wife's womb, Chester finally decided to hold back and give his wife a second chance to fix all his mistakes and start their relationship from scratch. However, Chester's trust was apparently wasted by his wife, because after Charlotte was born, his wife reconnected with her ex-lover until they finally decided to run away together when Charlotte was 2 months old. Chester's patience ran out. He returned his wife to her family to be guided again by taking Charlotte away from his wife's family home. Both Chester's wife's parents became very angry when they found out that their daughter had betrayed a man like Chester, they even cut ties with her daughter and kicked her out of the house.

Chester, who was very disappointed with his wife, did not care about the fate of his wife who was abandoned by his family. In Chester's mind at that time was securing his daughter from the reach of his wife or her family. Chester was very hurt because he had been deceived by the people he trusted. Finally Chester's heartache grew when he found out that his wife had chosen to commit suicide following her ex-lover, who had committed suicide first by shooting a gun at his head.

Since then, Chester no longer believed in love. He did not believe that love existed. For him, the relationship that existed between men and women was only based on mutually beneficial relationships, not based on feelings of love or the like. But all of Chester's belief in a false love began to erode when he met Anne about 6 months ago when Anne helped Charlotte. Anne's smile and sincerity when helping him preparing the milk for Charlotte who was starving at that time made Chester feel a strange vibration in him, even though he finally had to swallow his disappointment when he found out that the woman he admired was the wife of an important man in Switzerland. Jackson Knight Clarke, anyone knew that he was the richest man in this country, and Chester was very upset.

"Olala ... look how handsome you are, sir. Believe me, no woman will be able to resist your charm, sir. You will definitely be the center of attention tonight, sir," said the designer named Kelly coquettishly, praising Chester's good looks.

Chester smiled faintly. "What's the use of this good looks if I can't attract the attention of the woman I like."

"Huh, are you serious? Anyone dare refuse a man as handsome as you?" Kelly shouted loudly.

Chester chuckled. He then took out his cell phone and gave it to Kelly. "That woman rejected me."


"Jackson Knight Clarke's wife, Marianne Clarke," Chester answered innocently.

To be continued


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