I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 638 - Hit Back

Chapter 638 - Hit Back

Using his private jet, Jack immediately headed to Switzerland, leaving Anne and Christian with Luis. Actually Jack didn't want to go, but because the current situation was critical, he couldn't help but have to be in Geneva with Erick and Alice.

"What do we do, sir? The police who are working with Interpol have contacted Erick," Nicholas said, a little unsettled when he read Erick's incoming message.

"Don't worry, we're innocent. So don't be afraid, if the police want to check us out then just let them be. After all, we really have nothing to do with this forbidden organization in the Middle East. After all, we are victims here. Our money was stolen and was transferred into their account, even though until now the money can't be used because it has been frozen by Alice," answered Jack confidently.

Nicholas took a deep breath. "I'm pretty sure this was planned sir, there's no way something like this could just happen."

Jack smiled. "For now I don't want to accuse anyone because it will break my concentration when I face the police officers, but for sure the hackers' reasons are very reasonable. The hackers attacked us because they know Muller Finance International is the biggest funding company in Europe and as the biggest funding company, of course it will make a lot of bad people interested in breaking into our security system. That's why I don't want to think too far, especially accusing other people behind this hacking incident, which is definitely our own fault, especially me, Nick. If I hadn't transferred the money to Clarke Enterprise, this probably wouldn't have happened."

Nicholas fell silent, his lips tightly locked. Although Jack and Alan were two different people, he felt that the two masters had one thing in common. The two twins would definitely blame themselves first before putting the blame on others. Even though the two of them had never met, but for some reason Erick felt that the two masters had very, very much the same characteristics, not only on the face.

After flying for 1 hour and 20 minutes, Jack's jet finally landed at Cointrin International airport in Geneva. As soon as Jack got off the plane, the Warrior members who were already preparing went straight to him.

"We're going straight to the office, the policemen are already waiting for me, right?" said Jack quietly to the members of the Warriors.

"That's right sir, they arrived 30 minutes ago."

Jack smiled at the words of one of his subordinates. Because he didn't want to waste too much time, finally Jack immediately rushed into the car to immediately go to Muller Finance International. While on the way to Jack's office, he was constantly connected to Alice's cell phone, which was playing the conversation of the Geneva police and the Interpol who were checking them. Occasionally Jack smiled when he heard the questions asked by the police.

Nicholas himself who was very unsettled was surprised to see Jack smiling to himself, Nicholas who did not know that Jack was listening to the conversation of the police who were interrogating Erick and Alice.

After traveling for almost 25 minutes, the motorcade that picked Jack up at the airport finally arrived at Muller Finance International. Lucky for Jack, he had special access to his room. So the reporters who were waiting for him in front of the office did not notice his arrival.

"Tsk, reporters, they're so fast when you hear news like this," Nicholas said in annoyance when he saw dozens of news reporters who were ready with their cameras.

"It's their job, Nick, so you shouldn't be so surprised."

"But still, sir, they are annoying people who love to disturb other people's lives," added Nicholas again.

Jack chuckled. "Don't forget, if there were no journalists, the people in the past wouldn't be able to hear any news. So don't blame their profession, I know some clean journalists who don't take bribes."

Nicholas was silent, even though Jack had said that, but still, his dislike for reporters did not go away. Nicholas had a bad history with female reporters who used to go after Alan in Luxembourg, where the reporter even made a hoax that she and Alan had slept together and had a child as a result of that relationship. In which case, Nicholas could not eat and sleep well for almost a week, before the reporter finally apologized in public for posting false news. That was why until now Nicholas really disliked journalists.

"If you still don't want to confess like this then we will act decisively and don't blame us if..."

"If what, Mr. Frederick?" asked Jack loudly, cutting off the words of the police officer who was pointing at Erick, who was sitting quietly in his chair with a smile on his face.

All the police and Interpol in Erick's room immediately turned to Jack who had just arrived, including Erick and Alice. For the first time in three years, Alice was pleased to see Jack's arrival. Her eyes that had been drooping with fear from the constant urge to confess finally lit up when she saw her master appear.

"Jackson Patrick Muller, I'm sorry Jackson Knight Clarke, we finally meet again," Frederick said sarcastically to Jack. He deliberately mentioned Jack's old name before mentioning the new name that Jack had used for the past few years.

Jack smiled faintly. "Yeah, you're right, after the drug possession case that left you in prison five years ago, we just met again, didn't we?"

Damn, sharp vengeance. 1-0 to Jack.

Frederick's arrogant face immediately disappeared when Jack mentioned the drug case that ensnared him five years ago, the Interpol in the room looked at each other when they heard Jack's words.

"So what is it? What actually made you honorable police officers come to my company and force people to admit they were wrong?" asked Jack quietly to about twenty police officers without fear. Even though at home Jack always lost to Anne, but when face to face with people, he could be as fierce as a Siberian tiger.

Frederick came forward and handed Jack a document containing a warrant for examination of the CEO of Muller Finance International. "This is our pass, so it's only natural that we come to your office, Jack."

Jack accepted the document Frederick had given him and read it right away. "It's a warrant to conduct an examination, not a warrant to make someone confess."

"What do you mean?" snapped Frederick loudly. He did not like the words that Jack said over and over again.

Instead of answering Frederick's question, which was quite loud, Jack took out his cell phone and turned on the recording of Frederick and his men's conversation, which kept pressing and forcing Erick and Alice to admit that they had intentionally sent funds to a terrorist group in the Middle East.

"Isn't this evidence enough to get you into trouble again, Frederick?" Jack asked softly with a smile.


"And one more thing that you all need to know is that we have frozen the money stolen by the hackers since the money was leaked. We don't even know where the money went when it was frozen. We have authentic evidence that the money has been frozen by the Swiss bank, so even if the money reaches the account holder, the money can't be used. So if you all accuse us of intentionally sending funds to a terrorist group in the Middle East, it is a heinous slander and we'll sue all of you. Believe me, I have the ability to make you get demoted or even lose your job if I do that, because apart from the slander you gave, you have also forced my people to admit mistakes that we never committed, which is a grave violation in the world of police, who should stay neutral to civilians." Jack immediately spoke firmly, cutting off the words of Frederick, one of his schoolmates who used to bully Giselle.

Damn, 2-0 to Jack.


To be continued


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