I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 606 - [Bonus ]The Wisdom Of Jack

Chapter 606 - [Bonus ]The Wisdom Of Jack

< The Geneva University Hospitals >

The members of the Warriors, who had arrived first to the hospital, had already sterilized the hospital so that when Jack and Anne arrived at that place, they had no trouble at all. In fact, they could immediately use special access to go up to the VIP room where Charlotte Lloyd was being cared for. The Geneva University Hospitals was one of the largest hospitals in Switzerland, in fact, the largest in Europe today.

All the way to Charlotte's room, Anne continued to hold Jack's hand. She tried to calm Jack so as not to cause trouble. Anne realized that her husband was an odd human being like no other. That was why she had to keep her husband's emotions under control. She didn't want Jack to cause trouble in the hospital, especially in a hospital whose name was already very well known throughout Europe.

"This is where Charlotte Lloyd is being cared for, sir," said a female nurse, who was the guide, politely.

Anne smiled. "Thank you very much for the help, Nurse."

"Okay, then I'll excuse myself."

Anne nodded her head in response to the words of the nurse who immediately resumed her work.

"Are you ready?" Anne asked quietly to Jack, who was still not blinking at the open door in front of them.


Anne pursed her lips. "Remember, watch your temper. I don't want you to be angry, you understand, right?"

Jack immediately turned to Anne quickly. "Of course, I'm not a bad-tempered person. But if that jerk Chester does something weird, then don't blame me if..."

"Hush! This is a hospital, don't talk nonsense. Besides, Chester won't do anything weird, there are people in this hospital, especially you are here with me."

Jack didn't respond to Anne's words again. He was not in the mood to talk about that bastard Chester Lloyd. Convinced that Jack had calmed down, Anne then gave a code to the members of the Warriors, who accompanied them, to knock on the door that was still closed. After only two knocks, a middle-aged woman dressed as a maid appeared to slowly open the door from the inside.

"Excuse me, is there anything I can help you with?" the middle-aged maid asked timidly.

Anne smiled. "We came here to see Charlotte. Ches ... uh I mean, Mr. Chester Lloyd has asked us to come."

"So you are both friends sir?"

Jack shook his head quickly. "Not really, we just met."

The maid immediately opened her mouth wide unconsciously because of Jack's words. Still stunned, the maid was again surprised by Jack, who immediately walked passed her, barging into Charlotte's room. Jack didn't like long talk. For him, the sooner they met the sick Charlotte, the sooner they would go home.

"W-wait, you can't go in like that..."

The words of the maid stopped when he saw Chester had raised his hand to give her an order to be quiet. Without another word, the maid immediately retreated and returned to her position standing near the entrance.

"Hi, we meet again."

Damn, what Jack had just said was very unfriendly and Anne could only bite her lower lip tightly trying to keep herself from getting angry.

Chester smiled at Jack's words. He then approached Jack and Anne, who were standing not far from Charlotte's bed.

"Thanks for coming, Anne," Chester said softly.

"No need to thank me, it's not a big deal," answered Anne quickly as she let go of Jack's hand to come over to Charlotte who was sleeping.

Seeing Anne directly caress Charlotte's face made Chester smile warmly. "Sorry to bother you both, Mr. Clarke."

"It's okay, it's not a big thing like what my wife said earlier. So you don't have to say that," answered Jack quickly. Although Jack's face looked friendly but his eyes still showed a very thick hostility. Jack deliberately used a high tone when he said the words 'my wife' so that Chester would realize that he was bothering him and Anne.

Chester thinned his lips at Jack's words. As a fellow man, he knew that at this time Jack was angry with him, so he tried to keep smiling to the man who currently looked very unfriendly.

"Sorry if my message bothered you. It's just that my daughter has been calling your wife's name since last night. That's why I had no other choice but to tell her about Charlotte's condition," Chester said quietly, trying to explain to Jack.

Jack took a deep breath. After seeing a child as small as Charlotte getting an IV, Jack finally melted. Slowly, his annoyance with Chester faded. Without speaking, Jack stepped closer to the bed to where Charlotte was lying.

"Hi little princess, wake up. Look who is here," Jack whispered softly to Charlotte as he stroked Charlotte's sweaty face.

Anne smiled at Jack's words. Her heart warmed to see Jack being able to act like that to Charlotte remembering how angry Jack had been a moment ago.

"She's sweaty, is she all right?" Jack asked quietly to Anne who was standing on the other side of Charlotte's bed.

"It's okay, this is the effect of the drug it seems."

"Are you sure?" Jack reconfirmed to Anne.

Anne nodded her head with a smile. "For a child of Charlotte's age, this is normal, back when Christian was Charlotte's age he was often in and out of the hospital."

Jack immediately became silent when he heard his wife's confession. Without a word, Jack then walked quickly to Charlotte's bedside and immediately hugged Anne tightly in front of everyone. In front of Chester Lloyd who had just become a widower.


"One minute, let me hug you foor one minute," Jack whispered softly into Anne's ear.

"Are you okay?"

Jack didn't answer Anne's question. He preferred to keep his face buried in the crook of Anne's neck without caring about Chester's feelings, who were now very nervous seeing what he was doing to Anne at this time.

As Jack said before, after a minute, his arms were released from Anne's body. Even though his eyes were still a little red, he was able to smile even though it looked very forced.

"Charlotte seems to be teething, that's why she has a fever," Chester said suddenly, breaking the awkwardness in the room.

Jack immediately turned to Chester. "If she's only going to grow teeth why should she be taken to the hospital? Isn't that normal?"

Chester smiled. He then walked over to the princess's bed and immediately sat on a chair where he had sat before while calming the princess who had been whining since last night.

"If his mother was still around, maybe I wouldn't be so panicked. Taking care of a 14-month-old child is not easy for a man like me," Chester answered quietly as he continued to caress the sleeping princess's face.

Thump! Suddenly, a big mace hit Jack's chest at this time because of Chester's words. He felt a little off at this point, but only a little because after that he immediately wrapped his arms tightly around Anne's waist. Anne was immediately surprised to see Jack's sudden change in attitude.

"Sure, then find a new mother for her. Look for a single and unmarried woman, of course, not bothering a woman who already has a husband and one child. Luckily, the husband of the woman you're teasing is very wise."

'Damn... wise? Who are you calling wise, Jack?'

To be continued


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