I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 562 - The Biggest Hope

Chapter 562 - The Biggest Hope

Christian seemed to be aware that he would soon be separated from his mother and father. Since he woke up, he did not want to be separated from Linda or Paul's arms. Being raised from a young age had created undefined bond between Christian and Linda and Paul, as well as the husband and wife pair. The two of them, who were actually having a hard time parting with Christian, could be seen lifting their faces to the ceiling several times, holding back tears from falling. They didn't want Christian to see them cry.

"Why are there two suitcases? Where are we going? Are we just going with the three of us? Then what about Mommy? Why does Mommy not invited? It's a pity for her if you don't invite Mommy. Mommy will be sad and crying." Christian continued to talk, commenting on the presence of the two large suitcases already in their hotel room.

This morning, before Christian woke up, Paul had gone home and packed. Paul had prepared all of his and Linda's personal belongings, including some important files that they had obtained over the years from several obstetricians in London or in Aberdeen. Paul and Linda would undergo a pregnancy program at the Clarke family hospital in Luxembourg led by Doctor Caitlyn. After learning that Linda had difficulty conceiving due to poor fertility problems, Jack immediately offered Paul to do a series of pregnancy programs at his hospital for free. At first, Paul refused because he knew what he had to give up if he accepted the offer from Jack, as he didn't want to part with Christian. However, after discussing all night with Linda, Paul finally decided to accept the offer given by Jack, which at that time was submitted by Erick.

Once Paul and Linda agreed, the hospital in Luxembourg immediately prepared everything, they had even prepared a special room for Paul and Linda to occupy during the pregnancy program. Jack deliberately gave this offer to Linda and Paul because he felt sorry for the husband and wife who had been married for more than four years and had not been blessed with a child. Jack felt sorry for both of them. Although they had been happy with Christian's presence, Jack was aware that husband and wife's happiness was not perfect, especially since they would soon be separated from Christian. That was why Jack decided to help the two of them to get their own Christian. Jack believed that with all the technology that his hospital had and the reliable doctors he employed, Linda could conceive a healthy and perfect baby that they had always wanted. Jack did it all as a thank you for taking care of his wife and son.

"Baby, can I ask you something?" Paul asked softly to Christian who was in Linda's arms.

Christian lifted his face. "Okay, what do you want to ask, Dad?"

"Do you love Daddy?"

"Of course I love you, Daddy."

"Then, what about Mom?"

"Of course I love her too. Why are you asking me like that?"

Paul smiled sincerely. He then kissed the top of Christian's head. The baby who two years ago was as big as his hand had now grown big and healthy. His eyes immediately filled with tears when he recalled the good times when he raised Christian.

"If Mommy and Daddy have a baby, will you be mad?" Paul asked again.

Christian tilted his head. He immediately turned to Linda who was hugging him tightly. "Mom, am I going to have a brother?"

Linda nodded slowly. "Yes honey, you're going to be a big brother."

Hearing the words of his mother, Christian immediately asked to be put down, as soon as his feet touched the floor, Christian immediately jumped up and down with joy while shouting loudly.

"Yess! I'm going to have a little brother! I'm a big brother now...yeaaa yeaaa...! I'm a big brother...!"

Christian continued to shout that sentence while jumping for joy. The innocent child was very happy to have a sister even though In fact, the sister mentioned by her mother and father was not yet present in the world. But still, Christian was very happy. He was happy because he would soon get a new playmate so that he would not be lonely anymore when he was at home.

Seeing Christian's very happy attitude like that, Erick immediately took out his cell phone, he then took a video of Christian's adorable behavior, while Nicholas just smiled beside Erick.

"So are you going to pick up my brother? Without me? Without Mommy? Why don't we all just go together?"

Linda grabbed Christian's small body to carry in her arms. "We won't be long, besides now Daddy has Christian accompanying him. So if Christian wants to go somewhere, Christian just asks Daddy. Daddy will definitely grant Christian's request."

"Yeah but why do you two have to go together? Why don't we go together," Christian replied sulkily.

"If we go together, the little brother won't come, because we're the only ones who have to go. So Christian, you just wait at home, prepare for the arrival of the little brother," Linda said softly while stroking Christian's hair.

Christian was silent. He then turned to his father asking for an explanation. Paul, who already understood the meaning of Christian's gaze, then gave him an affectionate kiss on Christian's forehead. "After the little brother arrives, we will go straight home. You don't have to worry."

"What time will little brother come?"

Paul chuckled at the adorable boy's question. "Soon, what is clear is that when little brother arrives, then I will take a rocket to go home and see you."

Hearing his father's words made Christian laughed out loud. "Can you really ride a rocket?"

"Of course I can! I can do anything," answered Paul quickly, posing like a hero with his right hand up and his left hand clenched at his side.

Christian's laugh got wider when he saw his father's behavior. He was happy because he saw his father acting like his favorite superhero on the cable TV channel that he often watched every day when he was going to sleep. Linda wiped her tears when she saw Christian's behavior. In a moment, she had to be willing to endure longing because she had to be separated from Christian, who she had considered to be her own son.

Because the time for their departure to Luxembourg was getting closer, Erick finally asked Paul and Linda to really say goodbye to Christian. The pilot of the jet that would take them to Luxembourg had already arrived at the airport. With tears rolling down her cheeks, Linda gave Christian one last kiss and hug, and so did Paul.

"Please convey my regards to Anne, apologize to her for not saying goodbye," Linda said quietly to Nicholas who was holding Christian.

"Of course, I will pass your message on to Mrs. Anne."

Linda smiled. "Thank you, Nicholas, take good care of Christian. He is my darling, take good care not to let him cry, because if that happens, then you will face me."

Nicholas chuckled at Linda's words. Not long after he moved Christian's hand towards Linda and Paul who were about to get into the car. Christian, who didn't know that he would be separated for a long time with his mother and father, looked very happy, being promised that he would soon have a brother made him happy and very friendly.

In the car, Paul grabbed Linda's hand, as they still stared at Christian, even though the car they were riding was getting further away from the hotel. "We'll make it this time, Linda. Trust me."

Linda smiled and wiped her tears. "Yes Paul, I believe that. God will surely answer the prayers that we have been praying day and night."

From the front seat, Erick smiled hearing the conversation along the husband and wife. He then accelerated the car to the airport.

To be continued


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