I’ll Retire After Saving the World

Chapter 77 - Old-timers (4)

Chapter 77: Old-timers (4)



He gripped my wrist tightly.

It was a pale face, having not seen sunlight. I didn’t know how such strength could come from such a thin body, but my wrist, caught in his grip, ached with a tingling pain.

‘You, don’t ever do that again.’

‘Let go!’

‘I’ll be out of here soon.’

The hand holding my wrist trembled. Whether he meant being disposed of or graduating, no one knew until that moment arrived.

Forgetting the pain in my wrist, I opened my eyes wide and looked at the boy.

‘If I’m not here, there’ll be no one to hold back the Director. So please, don’t defy the Director.’

‘What are you acting so high and mighty for?’

‘You don’t like me saying these things, right?’


‘I don’t particularly like you either. But if you keep acting like this, other kids might be disposed of too. You know it too. Things are getting weird around here.’

The strength in his hand loosened. But he didn’t let go. My wrist, still held, felt hot.

‘Is your pride more important than your life?’


‘You know, right? You have to make it out alive.’

My eyes shot open.

‘I heard everything you said. I have ears too.’

The boy smiled bitterly.

‘So, just bend a little. Say what the Director wants to hear. Stay quiet.’


‘Being stubborn like this… Ah, forget it. You won’t listen to me anyway, will you? Just do what you want. But don’t drag the other kids into it.’

Finally, my wrist was freed. The boy waved his hand.

‘Go. Go play.’


‘Still… No, nevermind. Hey, this will probably be the last time. At least tell me your name.’

‘…No. 12.’

‘So stubborn.’


‘Fine, fine. But, do you know my name?’

‘No. 3?’

‘Wow, seriously. You….’

The boy frowned and then burst out laughing.

‘You really are something. Well, if we survive, we’ll meet again someday. Pray that I don’t get disposed of.’

That was a conversation that happened one week before the boy disappeared.

* * *

Memories I had buried are coming back, one by one.

I hadn’t dreamed about that time in a while. Is it because I’ve been thinking about the Ark recently?


Kang Tae-woo still spoke with a voice lacking confidence. I revealed the answer. Blue flames drew a circle on the playground.

“Ah! I was about to choose a circle!!”

He pouted in disappointment, which meant he had somewhat adapted by now.

Maybe it was because No. 3, Kang Tae-woo, kept hovering in front of me. How could I not think of the days at the research lab when I saw him?

I sheathed my sword. The flames died down.

This is all because of No. 3. Why do you even show up in my dreams? Seeing you at school is more than enough. I don’t want to remember any more.

“We’re done here. Head back to the classroom.”

“Are we doing that thing again today?”

“Of course.”

Kang Tae-woo shrugged and stood next to me.

“I said, go back to the classroom.”

“I don’t want to go alone….”


“It’s awkward.”

Kang Tae-woo was now fairly comfortable with me too. He can even whine playfully now. Back at the research lab, he would only obediently answer the orders of the director or the researchers.

Maybe it’s time to poke a bit? If I coax him well, he’ll probably come around.

“What’s so awkward about it.”

“No one really talks to me.”

That couldn’t be helped. It was something I hadn’t expected. I thought Kang Tae-woo would blend in well with the others.

In the research lab, Kang Tae-woo was good at handling the younger ones, but it seemed he found it difficult to approach kids just one year older than him. And the existing kids also seemed awkward around him.

Maybe I should create some kind of opportunity for them to get closer.

“You can’t just avoid them. Try to talk to them about something.”

“I don’t even have time to talk since I’m taking separate classes.”

Kang Tae-woo followed me as he spoke.

“And… that, Oh Hyun-wook and Lee Seung-yeon, right?”


“Those hyungs are too much. How am I supposed to talk to them in that atmosphere?”


I couldn’t deny it.

Since I couldn’t acknowledge that, I silently entered the classroom. Kang Tae-woo didn’t seem to expect an answer either, as he avoided the gazes of the other students, bowed his head, and quietly sat down at the desk in the very back.

“All right, it’s about time to wrap up.”

In a regular school, there would usually be announcements or things to pass on during homeroom. But that wasn’t the case here.

That doesn’t mean there’s nothing to check, though.

I looked at Oh Hyun-wook and Lee Seung-yeon.

“Did you figure out how to escape the Goblin Dungeon today?”

That damn Goblin Dungeon.

I can’t keep excusing them from class for this, so I’ve been checking like this before school ends.

For the past few days, neither of them had an answer.

Ever since Oh Hyun-wook had called out at night for some kind of counseling, he’s been mentally out of it. And as for Lee Seung-yeon…

“Teacher, can’t you just give us the answer?”

He was grumbling loudly.

“I told you, there’s no such thing as an answer to a dungeon raid. Just say anything.”

“I don’t know what that ‘anything’ even is.”

Lee Seung-yeon frowned deeply.

“The easy ones have all been done by the other kids… and you don’t just let everyone pass either.”

“I’m being really lenient right now, you know.”

“But you said my plan wouldn’t work.”

“How does blowing up the core help? I told you to escape through the gate.”

“It’s the same thing!”

Lee Seung-yeon shouted in frustration. But what’s not possible is not possible.

Once again, Lee Seung-yeon was a lost cause for today. I turned to Oh Hyun-wook.

“Oh Hyun-wook, what about you?”

If he says he doesn’t know, today’s class is over.


Oh Hyun-wook didn’t answer. That meant he had nothing in mind. I nodded.

“Then today’s….”


However, Oh Hyun-wook raised his hand.

“I- I have a method.”


Oh Hyun-wook’s eyes were unusually sharp. They were faintly glimmering, which made me feel uneasy. There was a strange energy about him. What’s gotten into him?

“First, we create smoke to numb the goblins’ sense of smell. We don’t need to start a fire, just produce enough smoke. With the mages we have, we should be able to fill the goblin cave quickly.”

His words gave me a sense of déjà vu. As expected, Oh Hyun-wook continued with what I had anticipated.

“I’ll be the bait.”

It’s the same strategy that caused all the trouble in the first place.

Oh Hyun-wook would act as the bait to lure the goblins, while the others would escape.

I was about to shout at him, asking if he was messing with me, but then I met his eyes. They were unwavering, filled with confidence and determination.

This was different from the half-crazed look he’d had recently. Hmm… this might be worth hearing out.

“This is the same plan you suggested before.”


“And last time, your escape was the issue. Have you solved that?”



Oh Hyun-wook straightened his shoulders. In just a few days, he seemed to have grown taller by 5 cm.

“I’ll just beat up all the goblins and get out.”

“…Do you have the strength for that?”

“I’ll grow stronger.”

“I told you to raid the dungeon based on your current abilities.”

“Then I’ll figure something out.”

“You’ll kill all the goblins chasing after you?”

Oh Hyun-wook hesitated for a moment.

No, you were doing well, don’t hesitate now.

“I’ll fight them off as much as I can and head for the gate. Even if they chase me, they can’t pass through the gate. Once I get through, I win.”



The kids, who had been listening somewhat indifferently, now glanced back and forth between me and Oh Hyun-wook. Seo Han-seong and Sun Sun-jin looked amused, while Yoo Hye-eun gazed at Oh Hyun-wook with concern.

Lee Seung-yeon was gaping in disbelief.

Oh Hyun-wook had come to his own conclusion. Whether my advice had gotten through or not, I wasn’t sure, but at least he wasn’t spouting nonsense about sacrificing himself anymore.

I’ve told you before, in the end, the loudest voice wins. If you keep saying, “I can do it, I can do it,” and even brainwash yourself, there are times when you actually can.

If their skills are lacking, I can help them improve. But I can’t fix their lack of confidence or weak mindset—that’s something they have to overcome themselves.

I grinned.

For the first time, Oh Hyun-wook looked at me and grinned back.


“No way!!”

Lee Seung-yeon screamed from beside him.

“Alright, that’s it for today. Everyone, head out and get on the bus. See you tomorrow.”

“How is that a pass?! It’s exactly the same as what he said at the beginning!”

Lee Seung-yeon shot up and pointed at Oh Hyun-wook. His neck was flushed red, clearly embarrassed.

I understood why Lee Seung-yeon was upset, but I had set the passing criteria for Oh Hyun-wook from the beginning, not for anyone else. Plus, using bait is a classic tactic, isn’t it? It’s not like Oh Hyun-wook is using it in a malicious way, like in the guild he was once in. He volunteered himself.

“If you don’t get it, it means you’re the one lacking.”

I glanced at the other kids. Seo Han-seong, Sun Sun-jin, and Park Seo-hyun seemed to have an epiphany, their faces bright with understanding. The surprising part was that Han Eun-young was among them as well.

Choi Jin-woo and Yoo Hye-eun looked puzzled, but those two… well, looking at the others, it seemed like my success rate was fairly high. It must mean that the old man had carefully picked the kids, after all.

Or maybe not.

I waved my hand dismissively.

“I said class is over for today, didn’t I? Hurry home. Lee Seung-yeon, you too.”


“Kang Tae-woo. Do you remember what I told you earlier?”

“Yes. You said if I want to be a Hunter, I need to have a lot of knowledge in my head too….”

“I’ve spoken to the Hunters from Daseon, so grab a book on your way out. Summarize one book per week.”

“Got it.”

“You’re doing well, so there’s no need to worry. In fact, you’re keeping up better than I expected. From what I can see, you have talent.”

Kang Tae-woo hunched his shoulders at my praise and smiled shyly.

Lee Seung-yeon glared at Kang Tae-woo, his face turning red with frustration. He looked like he was about to yell at any moment.


If I leave things like this, my leaving time will just get delayed. I quickly ushered the kids out of the classroom.

“Class is over. There’s nothing more even if you stay.”

The stragglers started trickling out of the room. Even Kang Tae-woo, who had been sitting at the very back, got up and left.

The only one left was Lee Seung-yeon, his head hung low.

“Lee Seung-yeon?”


His slumped shoulders were trembling slightly.

This feels… like something I’ve seen before. Am I imagining it? No, it must be my imagination.


Lee Seung-yeon sniffled. His voice sounded teary.

…Please, tell me I’m just imagining this.

Lee Seung-yeon rubbed his eyes roughly with his sleeve.


I didn’t need to see his face to know he was crying.


Even though he was trying to keep his pride, unlike the other two earlier, he didn’t want to show his crying face.

But what’s the use of that?

“Even in your eyes… I have no talent either, right? I’m just not cut out to be a Hunter.”


“…No, I’m sorry. That was a stupid thing to say.”

Lee Seung-yeon suddenly stood up and bolted out of the classroom.

I stared at his retreating figure, bewildered.

…What the hell? Why is he acting like this now?

Is this some sort of rite of passage for kids in this day and age?


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