Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 178 - Pixies

Chapter 178 - Pixies

The group had traveled south but stayed close to the riverside because the jungles were less dense. For the next two days, Anastasia woke up to the same fluttering sound outside the tent. She would go to find the 'offerings'. It was getting intense in the way that now with everything else, she even got gold coins. Earlier there were markings of two pairs of tiny feet, now there were four. There were more blueberries.

It was the break of dawn and she was sitting in front of the offerings. She collected the blue berries in her hand and was eating one by one when a cool gust of wind furled the flower petals in her feet. Amazed, she picked up one of the petals and examined it while chewing the berries. She looked up at the clear blue skies of Yelgra. The sky was a vista of pure white light that was knitted with gray and periwinkle shades. Fresh breeze carried the aroma of lavender, narcissus and mist of the grass.

"Anastasia," Ileus called her. "Why are you waking so early these days?" he groaned. The sun wasn't even up.

She sighed. "I am right here," she said, collecting all that was over there and then stashed it in the saddlebag. Intrigued, she planned on finding out who was doing it and who could have such small feet. She was unable to sleep after that.

That day when she was parrying with Ileus along the riverside, she thought she had become even more powerful. She could actually see his movements crisply, determine them even before he struck the sword and she would form a plan to strike him back. Over the past one hour, she didn't give him a chance to come next to him and Ileus was considered as one of the most formidable swordsmen in the Lore. In the end, when they were both sweating and panting, he knelt down with his sword planted inside the ground. He placed his hand on the hilt of his sword and said, "You are becoming finer by the minute. It's like you always knew this art." There were sweat beads on his forehead and his hair clung to his neck in curls.

Anastasia whipped her long braid back and stroked the fine blade of her sword with her hand. "I don't know what is happening with me," she replied and lifted the sword up. The blade glinted gold and steel in the sunrays. For a moment she thought she saw ancient inscriptions on its blade. But they faded instantly. Bewildered, she inserted it back in its sheath and then looked at Ileus. "Don't you think that Maple and Aed Ruad must have already come to Yelgra and it is a matter of time that they found us?" She looked at the calm and inviting waters of Lifye.

He got up and walked to her. After removing their clothes, he guided her to the river where they started walking inside. "I am ready for them, sweetheart." When the water was up to his knees, he dove in and emerged a few meters away. He gestured to Anastasia with his fingers. "Come in, you need lessons in swimming."

"I do need lessons in swimming, but you aren't teaching me at all!" she said as she started walking towards him.

When they went back to the camp, Anastasia was so hungry that she sauntered to where the Mozias were preparing food. She noticed that there was no one there except Aidan and Darla. Aidan was standing right behind her. He had wrapped his arm around her shoulders and had pinned her to his chest. His face was buried in her neck. They were in the moment. Darla's eyes shot open and her gaze met Anastasia's. Highly embarrassed, both the girls flushed red. It was an awkward moment. Since Anastasia didn't know what to do, she pursed her lips and sat down on a stump next to the fire. Aidan left Darla immediately and simply stood there like a log.

When Ileus ambled to that place munching an apple, he looked at his wife. "Why are you blushing sweetheart?" he asked casually. Right beside him was Seashell, who tread softly and sat next to Anastasia.

Feeling awkward, she started stroking the lion's mane rather vigorously. "It is kind of hot today!" she blurted. Cool gusts of wind blew around them and sent the flames of hearth higher in the air.

Darla bit her bottom lip and exited from there with Aidan on her heels. "Darla, we need to talk about your saddlebag," he said as he followed her.

Ileus frowned. "Why do you have to talk about her saddlebag? If it is torn, just dump it!"

Aidan's gaze flew to Anastasia who was looking blankly in front of her, avoiding him obviously. "Yeah!" he said and rushed.

"Odd man," Ileus commented. "Something is going wrong with him. Why is he talking about Darla's saddlebag?" He took another bite from his apple.

"I remember my horse being incapable of carrying two people," said Kaizan from behind. He came up to them and smiled. "Do you remember Anastasia?"

"Of course I do," she replied, looking blankly at Kaizan. Why was he mentioning about his unhealthy horse all of a sudden?

Ileus coughed.

They heard heavy clomping of horse's hooves. It was Guarhal. He dismounted his horse and walked to them with an urgent look. "There is movement on this side of the forest. Mozia detected the disturbance about twelve hours from here but when they went to inspect the area, it was clear. We have to get out of here as soon as possible and head towards Ixoviya. Maybe you can call Daryn and Caleb for help."

Ileus' face stiffened. "We will start after lunch."

"How long are we going to run?" said Anastasia in an irritated voice. "Let's just face her!"

He didn't say anything and got up to walk to his tent.

Despite her protests, the group moved. They continued to stay near the riverside.

This time she was determined to find out who was behind all the offerings she was receiving, so she slept early and when everyone else went off to sleep, she woke up. She wrapped herself in a black cloak and blew out the only candle that was glowing in the tent. Her curiosity to see the tiny creatures was so intense that she positioned herself outside on the right corner of the tent and hid. Time and again she peeked, but no one came. Soon her eyes became heavy and her head rolled when the familiar fluttering sound woke her. She saw that the dawn's light had filtered through the leaves of the Yelgra trees. Cautiously, she peeped from her position and her eyes flew wide open.

There were four very tiny faes with feathers that sparkled with every flapping movement. They all gathered in the left corner while flying and offered petals, pearls, blueberries and gold coins. Slowly they descended to the ground. Amongst the fallen petals their soft wings beat a steady rhythm, their faces alight with joy.

Anastasia noticed that while three were girls, one was a man. "Pixies," she rasped aloud with unblinking eyes. Flowers were their playgrounds. But how did they detect her presence?


PS: Always check author's thoughts.


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