Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 129 - Wedding (6)

Chapter 129 - Wedding (6)

The musicians started playing music on their flutes and fiddles, as young elf boys and girls danced their way up to the palace. Anastasia loved it and felt like dancing with them. There was magic in the air. Gold and silver dust sparkled around them as if falling from heaven.

"This is a match made in heaven, Princess Anastasia. Look at all the gold dust that the gods are sending your way."

Anastasia was astonished and looked at the old woman who was also walking with her.

The woman blinked and added, "I have witnessed many weddings, but not even a dozen where the gods have approved of the union. And by gods I mean the spirits of elves who have relinquished their lives for a world of peace."

Anastasia gasped. She watched the dust sprinkle around her and the others, and on the inside she couldn't stop thanking Haldir for arranging it all. She knew that her problems were far from over and that she would tell Iona to Ileus, but she didn't know what would be the best time to tell him. Would he hate her if she told him that she knew about Iona and hid it from him? Apprehension ruined her mood but she quickly shoved it out of her mind. It was her day, and she looked forward to it.

The walk to the palace was surprisingly short. Anastasia grabbed onto her gown as she felt lightness in her chest out of excitement. While everyone else stayed out, the two girls and the old woman walked with her inside. Royal guards opened the double doors of the main hall and announced her. She walked inside and was stunned to see it. Columns brushed with gold supported seven archways that led to the main platform over which the king and queen's thrones were. A red carpet was rolled out until there. The ceiling was painted with murals that depicted stories. Five large chandeliers hanging from the ceiling lit the place brightly. Flower laden vases lined the sides of the walls.

The hall was surprisingly empty.

Anastasia's eyes fell on her groom—Ileus, the dark one. He was standing right in front of the thrones and flanked by Theodir and Ilyana. He was wearing a white pants and a white shirt over which he wore a black tunic that had gold buttons. A black fell on his back that was pinned with brooches on his shoulder. His hair was combed back and his gaze was on his bride. The man looked devilishly handsome, and Anastasia wondered if the warlock had ensnared her. Her lips parted and chest heaved and all the way till she walked up to him, she didn't blink her eyes and gazed at him from under the veil. She remembered the veil that she wore for Aed Ruad and a shudder passed through her body. Immediately a calm sense of security surrounded her mind and she forgot about her cousin.

King Theodir, who looked quite like Haldir, except for his even more chiseled looks and a dominating persona, stepped forward. The Elf royal bloodline was blessed with extremely handsome men!

She bowed to him.

"I am happy to officiate your wedding, Princess Anastasia," he said and extended his hand for her.

She took it and he walked her to stand in front of Ileus.

Ileus gulped. His bride looked surreal. Through that veil he could make out her gorgeous features and his heart beat wildly.

Theodir stood in front of them, closed his eyes and started chanting in his language. The lights of the halls dimmed and white wisps started floating around them. When the wisps settled on the ground, they became souls. Theodir had summoned the souls of the ancient ones to witness the wedding. Anastasia was amazed. A cold shiver ran over her skin when she looked at the white, smoky shadowy souls who came to stand several meters away from them. Some still floated in the air as wisps.

When Theodir opened his eyes, they were violet. He looked at Ileus, as if dazed and said, "Would you like to make your vows?"

"Yes," he replied quietly.

"Speak them now, and they shall be engraved in your marriage forever."

Ileus looked into his bride's eyes. With a deep breath, he began, "Anastasia, you are mine in this moment of time. I don't know what will happen in the future but I will fight for your honor like it is mine. It is possible that in our journey together, we may come upon events that might pull our paths apart. We might get lost, but I promise to find you because I love you so much that I can scarcely breathe. Don't ever forget me, for I will die without you."

A shaky breath left her lips at his vows, at his confessions of love.

Theodir looked at her and said, "Would you like to make your vows?"

She nodded, but when she was about to say them, a soul floated near her and whispered, "Whatever you say will be engraved in the marriage. You will not be able to break any vow till death does you apart." The soul moved away.

At that moment Anastasia knew what to say for it boiled down to just this. "I am yours, forever."

Ilyana walked forward with a small cushion over which two rings were kept. All the words that they spoke caressed the surface of the rings and merged with them. A bright glow appeared, immersing the rings in its light and then vanished.

Theodir took his dagger out and slashed Ileus and Anastasia's palms. He gave the rings to each of them and as soon as they made each other wear the rings, Theodir joined their palms. Blood dripped from there to the floor, but neither was bothered. With their hands joined like that, Anastasia felt a new vigor in her body. It was as if her body was jolted with lighting. The king chanted more hymns and the wisps started circling their palms. When they receded, their palms had healed.

In a soft voice, Theodir said, "You may kiss your bride."

And Ileus—


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