If You Could Hear My Heart

Chapter 85 - 085: Life Savior

Chapter 85: Chapter 085: Life Savior

Translator: 549690339

He pressed the button, and only then Shen Chi opened the car door.

Xu Chaomu jumped out of the car, “Shuifu, how come you’re in the hospital? What happened to you?”

She saw MO Shuifu’s arm wrapped in gauze, her face pale, even her lips devoid of any color.

“Chaomu, I was in a car accident a few days ago, but I’m fine now; don’t worry,” MO Shuifu said with a faint smile.

Despite her injuries and her complexion not being very good, MO Shuifu’s smile was still like the bright yellow roses in spring, bright and gentle.

“Let me have a look; are you sure you’re really okay?” Xu Chaomu was so worried, a car accident was no small matter.

MO Shuifu smiled and took her hand, “I’m really fine, I’m even planning to be discharged.”

Shen Chi also got out of the car, he did not recognize MO Shuifu, his face expressionless, with dark shadows still filling his eyes.

The middle-aged man approached Shen Chi, “You must be Mr. Shen, right?”

Shen Chi responded with a cold “hmm,” marked with indifference and aloofness.

“I’ve finally found you; do you remember Shuifu and me? The other day I was driving with Shuifu on the highway when a truck crashed into us, and after the accident, you saved us.”

The middle-aged man was visibly excited, and MO Shuifu approached as well.

She glanced at Shen Chi, she was unconscious that day and did not see her lifesaver, but Uncle Zhang said it was the man before her.

She thought she would never see him again, but unexpectedly he appeared at the hospital today.

Is this fate?

Shen Chi’s frown deepened, he saved them?

“Mr. Shen, afterward we tried to find you, but the police said you only left a surname. Fortunately, we have met you again,” said the middle-aged man cheerfully.

“Are you sure you haven’t recognized the wrong person?” Shen Chi’s brow furrowed.

The middle-aged man was sure, “No, I was unconscious at the time but I caught a glimpse of you. Although I wasn’t sure it was you today, you indeed have the surname Shen, that can’t be wrong.”

“But I haven’t saved anyone,” Shen Chi said.

“Mr. Shen, we won’t bother you; we just wanted to express our gratitude now that fate has allowed us to see you again,” MO Shuifu said.

From his leaving only a surname at the police station, they all knew that this man who saved them probably did not wish to be disturbed.

Xu Chaomu came over with a smile and nudged Shen Chi’s arm, “Fourth

Brother, you’ve saved people before? Who would’ve guessed!”

“You must have recognized the wrong person,” Shen Chi repeated.

The middle-aged man hurriedly said, “Mr. Shen, we won’t disturb you. We stopped you today just to say thank you. Although I didn’t see very clearly that day, I remember the general outline.”

“Fourth Brother, just admit it; there’s no one more handsome than you in the world!” Xu Chaomu teased.

“Xu Chaomu, shut up!” Shen Chi scolded her.

“…” Xu Chaomu’s mouth twitched, glancing at him resentfully. Can’t even give a compliment; no fun at all.

“Mr. Shen, we really won’t disturb you. Just by saying thanks, we’ll leave. The debt of saving our lives is immeasurable; if there’s ever anything you need from us, we will not shirk, even at the cost of our lives,” MO Shuifu said.

She looked at Shen Chi, the sunlight just right, refracting through the spectrum on his chiseled face, though indifferent, it seemed to her an era of peace.

“No need, we’re merely strangers who crossed paths,” Shen Chi said lightly.

He probably felt that continuing the conversation would seem like evasiveness, a cover-up the more he explained.

“Mr. Shen, if you don’t mind, may I treat you to a meal?” the middle-aged man, feeling intimidated by Shen Chi’s strong presence, said somewhat uncomfortably.

“No need.”

Shen Chi’s thin lips uttered two words as he took a seat behind the wheel.

“Stopping cars is dangerous; do it less from now on!” Shen Chi gave them another cold look.

“Mr. Shen, the grace of saving my life, MO Shuifu will never forget,” MO Shuifu approached the window and her delicate face showed a hint of sorrow.

Shen Chi did not speak, his sharp eyes focused forward.

Xu Chaomu pulled MO Shuifu aside, “Shuifu, go back and recover, my Fourth Brother is just like that; you don’t understand.”

“Chaomu… you know Mr. Shen?” MO Shuifu was puzzled.

“After my family’s incident, I was adopted by his family. Let me tell you, the days before I turned ten were so carefree, but these past eight years, he has tormented me to death. Can’t say more, tears are welling up…” Xu Chaomu finished, pretending to wipe her eyes.

But her eyes were uncooperative, not a single tear could she squeeze out.

MO Shuifu was too naive; she really thought Xu Chaomu had suffered a lot and looked worriedly at her, “Then are you not living a good life now?”

“Xu Chaomu, come here now!”

Shen Chi swept Xu Chaomu with a cold glance.

MO Shuifu was startled by his voice, which was very cold, and his face was unfeeling.

She now believed Xu Chaomu’s words without doubt.

Xu Chaomu, however, was very calm but felt uneasy inside; yelling at her in front of her friend, how embarrassing.

“Shuifu, you must recover well, take good care of yourself. Don’t let anything happen again. We can meet again sometime, ” Xu Chaomu said as if they were parting forever.

“You too, take care of yourself and study hard,” MO Shuifu’s delicate eyebrows furrowed slightly, looking indescribably lovely.

As Xu Chaomu was about to say more, she suddenly felt the temperature around her drop sharply, and a pair of piercing, icy eyes stared at her.

She reluctantly took MO Shuifu’s hand, bidding her a heartfelt farewell, “I have to go home now; we’ll meet again. Be careful with everything; don’t let anything happen again. It hurts me to see you injured like this.”

“Go ahead, Chaomu. I’m grown up; I’ll take care of myself. See you next time,” MO Shuifu smiled.

She was beautiful when she smiled, her complexion might have been pale, but it could not hide her youthful and pretty charm, like flowers blooming under the sun.

Xu Chaomu sat in the passenger seat, was just about to wave to MO Shuifu when Shen Chi, ever the spoil-sport, accelerated away.

“What are you doing, not like you’re speaking to a little boy. She’s my friend!”

Xu Chaomu finally burst out at Shen Chi when MO Shuifu’s figure was no longer visible.

What a petty man!

“Seat belt!”

His voice was icy, his demeanor assertive.

“You, you, you!” Xu Chaomu had no retort, gave him a glare, and obediently fastened her seat belt.

After driving a while, Xu Chaomu touched her forehead where she was hit and glared resentfully at Shen Chi.

“My head hurts!”

“Hmm?” Shen Chi finally slowed down and gave her a look.

Xu Chaomu pretended to close her eyes and clasped her head, acting as if in great pain. Oh, but she was actually fine now.

Shen Chi pulled the car over to the side of the road, his hand gently touching her forehead, “Where does it hurt?”

“It hurts right here!” Xu Chaomu pointed to the spot where she was hit, “I hope it’s not a concussion. What if I’ve gotten stupid?”


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