If You Could Hear My Heart

Chapter 369: Familiar Figure

Chapter 369: Chapter 369: Familiar Figure

“What I mean is, Mumu, you look good in anything. Of course…even better without anything,” someone explained.

His explanation was worse than no explanation at all. Xu Chaomu’s mouth twitched, and the smile of the saleswoman standing aside widened even more.

“Shut up!”

Xu Chaomu glared at her angrily and, ignoring him, stood up and walked towards the mirror in high heels.

These shoes were truly beautiful, just as beautiful as the pair he had given her five years ago.

Only, those shoes and that dress… she wondered where they had gone…

Her eighteenth birthday.

That performance, that piano melody… The memories of being eighteen were filled with pain, wistfulness, and purity.

She stood in front of the mirror, vainly walking back and forth; she really did like these shoes.

But before she had walked far, Shen Chi pressed on her shoulders, urging her to sit down: “You can’t walk any more, you’re still carrying the baby.”

“Do they look good?” Xu Chaomu squinted and looked up at him.

“They look good.”

“Which pair looks better, these or your little lover’s?”

“First, she is not my little lover; second, she can’t compare to you; third, are you satisfied now?” Shen Chi curved his lips slightly, his large hand falling on her head, gently ruffling her black hair.

“By the way, your little lover wanted to jump off the balcony. What if one day I also climb up there and want to jump off?”

“What could possibly make you want to give up?”

“Nothing, just threatening you to hand over all the family property to me!”

“Mine is yours, and yours is mine; we don’t need to be so clear-cut about it.”

“Don’t play games with me,” Xu Chaomu huffed coldly.

“Stretch out your foot, I’ll help you take off the shoes,” Shen Chi said as he knelt down again.

Xu Chaomu obediently remained silent and stretched out her foot.

Shen Chi, as usual, pressed down near her ankle and carefully removed the white high-heeled shoe from her foot.

After placing the heels aside, he helped her into another pair of shoes and tied the laces.

When his hand touched her foot, she felt as if an electric current passed through her. In her life, he was the first to touch her foot.

“I want these shoes; go pay for them,” Xu Chaomu said.

“I can pay, but you must agree not to wear them for a year,” Shen Chi warned her seriously.

“Not wearing them for a year would make them go out of style.”

“Then we’ll buy them just to look at.”

“Fine, buy them just for me to look at, since it’s not my money anyway,” Xu Chaomu pouted.

In truth, she really wanted to wear them.

But for the sake of the baby in her belly, she had to resist.

Shen Chi handed the shoes to the saleswoman and went to the cash register to pay.

Xu Chaomu sat in the chair, quietly waiting for him to return.

Just as he turned towards the cash register, Xu Chaomu looked up and suddenly saw a familiar figure!

Mo Shuifu! It was Mo Shuifu!

Across several counters and some distance away, but Xu Chaomu recognized Mo Shuifu’s figure all too well!

Mo Shuifu was also choosing shoes, sometimes bending over to look, sometimes sitting on the sofa to try them on.

At this moment, she was holding a red high-heeled shoe, scrutinizing it intently, her expression particularly serious.

She was as usual, expressionless, undisturbed by praise or criticism. Her delicate, oval face maintained its usual indifference, as if nothing had anything to do with her.

But as Xu Chaomu watched her silently, she could sense that she had changed.

For instance, five years ago, she didn’t wear makeup, like a lotus flower just out of water, natural without adornment. But now, Mo Shuifu wore light makeup, resembling a mature lotus.

Her black hair was pinned up into a bun behind her head, and in her ears hung a pair of sapphire earrings.

Dressed in an elegant light purple cheongsam, she accentuated her beautiful curves and exquisite figure.

Her demeanor and the way she moved were indistinguishable from those of a refined lady, extremely well-mannered, giving no hint that she once was just an ordinary girl.

She had matured over the past five years, becoming more womanly.

Mo Shuifu at this moment was like a beauty from the misty rain of Jiangnan, who had stepped out of a painting, ethereally detached, untainted by the dust of the world. One smile from her could captivate all.

Apparently liking the red high heels, she smiled softly and said a few words to the saleswoman.

But her smile was always fleeting, lasting only a second or two before fading away.

Five years, indeed, things have changed, people are no longer the same.

Xu Chaomu stood up, she wanted to go over and greet Mo Shuifu.

It had been five years, and she didn’t know what Mo Shuifu was doing, whether she was doing well or not.

Five years ago, her mother committed suicide by jumping off a building, which must have been a tremendous shock to her. She should have moved past those memories by now, didn’t she?

Also, Shihan… She had realized five years ago that Shihan liked Mo Shuifu. Even though she knew almost nothing about what happened between them.

So, what about now?

Having been back in C City for several days already, Xu Chaomu had yet to see Shihan Shen Shihan.

Thinking of Shen Shihan, Xu Chaomu’s heart suddenly felt as if it was being torn apart, pain radiating throughout her limbs.

During those years in the Shen Family, she always treated Shen Shihan like a real older brother, that brother was warmer than the spring breeze. Whenever she faced troubles, just to turn to him, and he would help her.

When she was bullied by Shen Chi, she would hide in the west wing and have Shen Shihan protect her.

Even for failed exam grades, she would only dare to have Shen Shihan sign them.

Maybe she was too oblivious, so much so that she never thought that her Shihan could deceive her.

Together with Zhou Peitian, they kidnapped her to threaten Shen Chi, and even when she escaped the first time, covered in wounds and bloodied, he still had Zhou Peitian capture her again.

A man, once heartless, is more ruthless than anyone.

To Shen Shihan, she must have not been as important as his interests.

Actually, she really wanted to know if she was also like this in Shen Chi’s heart.

Xu Chaomu got up, and just as she thought about approaching Mo Shuifu, suddenly, a man beat her to it, walking up to Mo Shuifu’s side.

Xu Chaomu’s eyes widened in surprise; that man was none other than Shen Shihan.

After five years, Shen Shihan was still as mature and cold as ever, his face devoid of any smile, even when facing the woman he loved.

Today, Shen Shihan wore a black shirt, which made him look especially understated and profound.

Through the crowd, Xu Chaomu couldn’t hear what they were saying; she only saw Shen Shihan approach Mo Shuifu, bend down, and examine the shoes.

Right at that moment, Shen Chi came from the cash register. He saw Xu Chaomu staring intently ahead and followed her gaze.

It turned out to be Shen Shihan and Mo Shuifu.

“Mumu, the shoes are bought. Let’s go look at other things,” Shen Chi took her hand.

“Shen Chi, that’s Shihan and Shui Fu.” Xu Chaomu still couldn’t snap out of it, staring in that direction.

Mo Shuifu had already gone to try on the shoes, with Shen Shihan standing by with arms crossed.

From behind, the cold, stiff lines of Shen Shihan’s back were in plain view, devoid of any warmth.


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