If You Could Hear My Heart

Chapter 36 - 036: Dating a Young Boy

Chapter 36: Chapter 036: Dating a Young Boy

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The miniskirt is so beautiful, yet Shen Chi, that man with no appreciation for beauty, actually insisted on her wearing long pants—she couldn’t help but sigh deeply three times.

After trying on the clothes, Xu Chaomu even tied a butterfly knot in her hair.

At first glance, youthful and pretty.

“Miss Xu, good morning.”

When she came downstairs, everyone looked at her with strange eyes. This was the second time the servants had seen Xu Chaomu wearing a miniskirt, and she was dressed so beautifully.


Xu Chaomu was especially happy. She was only eighteen years old this year, right at the age when she loved to look beautiful. She decided that from now on, she would not go shopping for clothes with Shen Chi anymore.

Shen Chi had particularly bad taste, which was evident from the fact that he liked women with big chests. This man was so vulgar!

“Miss Xu, what would you like to eat?” Butler Ling came over.

“I’m not eating!” Xu Chaomu waved her hand and, humming a little tune, happily walked with her small bag toward the living room.

Butler Ling watched Xu Chaomu, puzzled, as if the girl had taken a stimulant.

“Miss Xu, where are you going?” Butler Ling asked.

“Oh, going to a classmate’s house to do homework!” Xu Chaomu made up a lie.

Butler Ling knew that Xu Chaomu didn’t like studying. Could it be that Xu Chaomu was going out early in the morning, skipping breakfast, just to do homework at a classmate’s house? Butler Ling found it hard to believe. “Would you like the driver to take you?” Butler Ling asked tentatively.

“No need, I’ll walk. It’s good exercise.”

“All right then, be careful on the road. Are you sure you don’t want breakfast?”

“No, I’m not hungry!”

What Xu Chaomu was thinking was, if she ate breakfast now, wouldn’t she be too full to enjoy snacks at the movies later? How unromantic.

Xu Chaomu left the Shen family villa humming a tune, unaware that right after she left, Butler Ling gave Shen Chi a call.

“Fourth Young Master, Miss Xu has left the house without eating breakfast and said she was going to a classmate’s house to do homework.”

Shen Chi was dealing with documents when he replied indifferently, “Does it look like that to you?”

Butler Ling shook his head: “It doesn’t seem like it. Miss Xu even specifically wore a miniskirt and tied a butterfly knot; she looked very eager.”

“Quite gutsy of her to dare wear that,” Shen Chi snorted coldly.

“Fourth Young Master, should I have the driver follow her?” Butler Ling asked.

“Hmm,” Shen Chi acquiesced.

Xu Chaomu walked happily down the street, oblivious to the fact that someone was trailing her. It was a rare day without tutoring, a rare chance to have fun. She looked left and right, strolling in the direction of the movie theater.

Sure enough, by the time she arrived at the movie theater, Lou Yanli was already there.

He wore a white T-shirt and carried a backpack. The warm sunshine shone down on him, and as Xu Chaomu looked from a distance, a smile spread across her lips.

No wonder everyone at school said Lou Yanli was a male god. She used to think no one could compare to Shen Chi, but now, looking at Lou Yanli, youthful and full of promise, how different he was from Shen Chi, who was always calculating, mature and savvy with a belly full of bad water, and especially quaint!

Thus, in comparison, she suddenly felt that Lou Yanli was countless times better than Shen Chi.

“Are you… waiting for me?” Xu Chaomu walked up to Lou Yanli.

This was Xu Chaomu’s first date with a boy, and she was a bit at a loss. The usually aggressive girl turned shy, smiling sweetly, suppressing her usual feistiness.

Lou Yanli smiled as he glanced at Xu Chaomu: “You’ve arrived!” With that smile, Xu Chaomu felt the azure sky lost its color.

Meanwhile, the driver not far away made a phone call to Shen Chi.

“Fourth Young Master, Miss Xu is on a date with a boy.”

Shen Chi’s pen dropped onto the table with a “snap”: “Keep an eye on them!” “Yes,” the driver continued to observe.

Xu Chaomu and Lou Yanli walked side by side into the movie theater; he bought her popcorn, milk tea, and fried chicken. Xu Chaomu was delighted again; she was so easily satisfied.

There was still a good while before the movie began, and Xu Chaomu started chatting with Lou Yanli.

Xu Chaomu and Lou Yanli weren’t very familiar with one another, since a slacker and a top student usually inhabited two different worlds. Moreover, since Lou Yanli was in the science track and she was in the humanities track, they rarely saw each other.

To Xu Chaomu, Lou Yanli made an impression as someone who studied well and looked handsome, but, until today, that hadn’t mattered much to her.

After chatting for a while, Xu Chaomu learned that Lou Yanli had liked her for a

long time, surprised that from the first time he saw Xu Chaomu, he thought she was a very special girl.

Xu Chaomu thought, “special” should be in “quotes.”

“I remember when we first started our senior high, we were all queuing up under the scorching sun to pay our fees, the line stretching long and long. You were the only one bold enough to ask the academic affairs teacher for hats and distributed one to each of us.

Xu Chaomu didn’t expect Lou Yanli to remember such a small incident.

“At that time, I thought you were kind and smart.”

“But I’m a slacker…” Xu Chaomu lamented softly.

“As long as one person in a relationship is a top student, that’s enough,” Lou Yanli said, smiling, revealing bright white teeth that lent to a smile exceptionally clear and sunny.

Xu Chaomu blushed once more; was this a confession?

Just then, the movie started, and Xu Chaomu bit on her milk tea straw.

For the first time, she experienced such girlish emotions, and she realized she was still an eighteen-year-old girl in the prime of youth.

She wasn’t some ruffian or female hooligan.

She couldn’t recall a thing about the movie because all she remembered was that Lou Yanli held her popcorn for her, and when she got her hands greasy from the fried chicken, he took out a tissue to clean her hands.

He was very attentive and gentle, a kind of tenderness Xu Chaomu had never felt before from any boy.

The movie ended too quickly for her liking.

Lou Yanli had bought so many snacks that they hadn’t finished eating, and as they left the theater, she stuffed a chicken wing into his mouth.

“You should try this, it’s really good. I like to eat it from this place. Every time I come here, I buy it,” Xu Chaomu said with a smile.

Lou Yanli was a boy who rarely enjoyed snacking, yet he still ate the chicken wing she gave him.

“Indeed, it’s tasty. If you like it, just let me know. I pass by here every day on my way to school, I can bring it for you,” he said.

Lou Yanli also smiled, his grin always so refreshing, winding his way into Xu Chaomu’s melting heart.

Xu Chaomu didn’t know if this was the typical feeling of falling in love, but anyway, she thought the sky looked bluer, the clouds whiter.

Well, except for the Maybach parked arrogantly in front of her.

Xu Chaomu just happened to see Shen Chi sitting in the driver’s seat, his expression stoic, hands resting on the steering wheel, eyeing the direction of the cinema’s entrance relentlessly.

He must have come directly from the Group, still in his black business suit, which looked as cold as his demeanor.

Xu Chaomu’s expression immediately changed. Why was it that wherever she went, she ran into him…

In the ten seconds of hesitation between making a quick getaway and approaching to say hello, she felt indecisive.

She figured she couldn’t outrun a Maybach, and besides, fleeing wouldn’t be very ladylike.

So, she walked over with a smile: “Fourth brother, hello.. Are you here with your girlfriend to watch a movie?”


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