If You Could Hear My Heart

Chapter 17 - 017 Wasting a Good Look

Chapter 17: Chapter 017 Wasting a Good Look

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Throughout this meal, each person ate with their own thoughts and plans.

Xu Chaomu was the most carefree among them, with a very simple idea in mind; she wanted to stand on the same side as Shen Chi.

No help for it, after all, Shen Chi was good-looking.

Although that Shen Shihan also had quite an impressive appearance, he still didn’t catch her eye the way Shen Chi did.

Shen Yanrou was the first to finish eating, having scarcely touched her food before setting down her utensils and returning to her room.

Shortly after, Shen Cexian also left. Once Cexian was gone, Liu Rumei lost her appetite and stood up to leave as well.

Only Shen Chi, Xu Chaomu, and Shen Shihan remained at the dining table.

Xu Chaomu became even more unbridled, pushing a plate of blueberry jam towards Shen Chi, “Brother Shen Chi, this is really tasty.”

Shen Chi did not accept it, and simply said indifferently, “Call me Fourth Brother from now on.

“Then, should I call him Third Brother?” Xu Chaomu pointed at Shen Shihan.


Shen Shihan didn’t seem to mind; he passed two glasses of juice that he had prepared himself.

“Try this.”

Xu Chaomu looked at Shen Shihan with a face full of suspicion, but Shen Chi took the drink without hesitation, “Thanks.”

The relationship between Shen Chi and Shen Shihan was quite subtle, something the ten-year-old Xu Chaomu didn’t understand. There is a kind of competition known as the do-or-die battle between men.

It is different from the minor squabbles between women; the battlefield of men is bloodless, yet every move is lethal.

After dinner, Xu Chaomu went to see Dabai.

Dabai was a Tibetan Mastiff raised by Shen Chi, and although it was not very old, it was already quite large.

Most critical of all, Shen Chi treated it many times better than he treated her.

Ah… using Shen Chi’s words, she was just a dog who couldn’t compare to Dabai.

But… one day, she would make Shen Chi submit to her little paws! Hmph.

As Xu Chaomu squatted in front of the cage feeding Dabai, Liu Rumei and her daughter casually walked by on their stroll.

Liu Rumei pretended not to see her and said with a smile to Shen Yanrou,

“Look, there are two dogs over there!”

Shen Yanrou chimed in, “Indeed, we better hurry on. Getting bitten by a dog means needing a vaccine!”

Xu Chaomu was so irritated she gritted her teeth—when did it become okay for everyone to bully her?!

Her little mind whirring, she went to the kitchen and brought back a large watermelon to feed to Dabai.

“Dabai, Dabai, after you finish the watermelon, we’ll show them what we’re made of!”

Dabai dutifully cleaned off the watermelon rind, and Xu Chaomu patted its head, “Dabai, well done!”

Under the cover of night, Xu Chaomu sneaked over to the western wing of the Shen Family villa with the watermelon rind in hand.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces…

Xu Chaomu strategically placed watermelon rinds on the path leading upstairs and clapped her hands with satisfaction.

Liu Rumei and Shen Yanrou, one in front of the other, finished their stroll and were about to head back upstairs to rest.

Xu Chaomu hid in the darkness, silently watching them.

As expected, with a “thud,” Liu Rumei and Shen Yanrou both stepped on a piece of watermelon rind simultaneously!

“0w! Who threw these watermelon rinds here?! Are they blind? Can you just toss these around wherever? Whoever did this, come out!”

Liu Rumei was flopped on the ground, no longer caring about her image, cursing loudly.

Shen Yanrou, however, kept her composure. After falling, she got right back up.

“It must be that little brat Xu Chaomu!” Shen Yanrou hobbled over from the staircase, foot in hand.

Done for, done for…

Xu Chaomu hurriedly prepared to make her escape.

But before she could scream, someone snatched her by the back of her collar, and a hand swiftly covered her mouth.

Shen Chi brought Xu Chaomu back to his room, where Xu Chaomu finally patted her chest in relief.

“You scared me; I thought it was someone else.”

“Sneaking around again, up to no good.” Shen Chi gave her a disdainful look.

“You saw that? Well, this wouldn’t exactly count as ‘up to no good’. What’s the saying? Ah, ‘acting for the heavens!!” Xu Chaomu had learned a new phrase. “Not bad today, this is for you.” Shen Chi took out a small box nonchalantly.

“What is it? What is it?” Xu Chaomu’s eyes gleamed.

Upon opening it, it turned out to be a little wooden puppet.

The puppet was painted with colorful lacquer, its innocently silly appearance somewhat resembled her, but not as cute.

Shen Chi took a seat on the couch and casually picked up a book to read.

Xu Chaomu fiddled with the wooden puppet, very happy. She really hadn’t expected Shen Chi to give her a gift.

She approached Shen Chi: “I love it, I love it, but… it would be even better if you gave me something else!”

“Give an inch and they’ll take a mile.” Shen Chi didn’t even look up, ignoring her.

Xu Chaomu threw herself on him and hugged his neck: “Gifts cost so much, why don’t you let me give you a kiss instead?”


Shen Chi’s gaze was cold, his demeanor domineering.

Yet Xu Chaomu wouldn’t let go, her little hand hooked around his neck,

rubbing against him.

“A kiss doesn’t cost a penny, oh, Brother Shen Chi, it would be such a waste of your good looks.”

Shen Chi’s face darkened, he roughly pushed her away, dumping her onto the couch.

Years later, when someone pinned Xu Chaomu onto the bed, he repeated the words she once said with a sly smile, “Why let such beauty go to waste by not kissing, when the good water shouldn’t flow into others’ fields?” Shen Chi picked up the book, straightened his collar, and left.

“So stingy, it’s not like I’d eat you up,” Xu Chaomu clicked her tongue. While she sat on the couch, beating her chest and stamping her feet, her eyes caught a glimpse of a piece of paper under a teacup.

Out of curiosity, she crawled over from the couch, and as she drew closer, she realized it was a plane ticket from C City to Frankfurt.

Frankfurt? What a strange name.

Xu Chaomu didn’t understand, but the time on it was tomorrow morning at five!

And this ticket belonged to Shen Chi!

He was actually planning to abandon her and run off, how heartless of him…

Xu Chaomu’s heart felt like it was being scratched by a little rabbit, itching incessantly…

Angered, Xu Chaomu found her hands trembling as she held the ticket.

In a fit of pique, she tore up the ticket. Just as she was about to throw it in the trash, she stuffed it into her pocket instead.

She had to completely destroy the evidence.

Otherwise, if Shen Chi discovered it, he would definitely beat her up!

The more she thought about it, the more upset she became. Why did he have to leave, how could he just leave her alone at the Shen Family!

No wonder he gave her a gift today, it turned out he was planning to leave. What treacherous intentions, with ulterior motives.

Xu Chaomu was so angry she threw all the pillows on Shen Chi’s couch onto the floor. It felt as if those were Shen Chi, and she could only feel relieved by stepping on them a few times!

She decided to go all out, rummaging through every nook and cranny for other clues.

Heaven helps those who help themselves, and she successfully found something resembling a notice in his bedside table.

Frankfurt, five years, commercial law…

Picking out a few words she recognized, she pieced together the fact that Shen Chi was going to this damn place called Frankfurt to study for five years!

“How can you be so heartless, how can you leave me all alone.” Xu Chaomu’s nose soured, and tears fell like beans, dropping “plop plop”.

The nerve of her to still help him all day today, and he was planning to leave without a word, and for a whole five years.

If she hadn’t found out today, would he have just left when she opened her eyes tomorrow morning….


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