Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 43 Work Duties

Ashton was truly at a loss.

The girl looked like she was about to cry any minute now. She was so red and looked absolutely mortified. He could almost relate but he's also fighting the urge to giggle at the same time.

Still he forced himself to calm down. He took a deep breath and maintained a straight face. He knows that he has to talk now or else, the long this awkward silence goes, the more horrible both of them will feel.

"...right so. Is there anything I need to know or...?"

"A-ah, uhmm..." Aria jolted, she probably wasn't expecting him to just shrug that off. "S-so uhm...basically uh...y-you uhm..."

"Hey, hey. Chill." Ashton said, he took a step backwards and continued: "Listen, just take a deep breath in and out. Relax. Yes, just like that. Do it one more time? Right, that's it. Okay. You good?"

Aria nodded.

"Cool. Stay that way. Do you know sign language?" Ashton asked. To which Aria nodded.

He then raised his hand and started signing to her: 'We can talk like this if you want.'

Aria nodded and signed back: 'Thanks. And I'm sorry. I made a fool out of myself just now.'

'Don't worry about it. Happens to the best of us.' Ashton replied. 'Anyways, Care to teach me some things?'

'Yes.' Aria nodded, 'What Chief Leon told you was the jist of it and it's not really that difficult. Here, watch.'

Aria looked more relaxed now compared before. Ashton guessed that she probably has social anxiety - something that he can relate to since he's also like her in his past life.

Due to that, Ashton maintained his distance but watched her actions slowly. He did it as a sign that he's respecting her personal space. He didn't want to overwhelm her since he's aware hoe terrible it feels.

She lifted a finger and caused them to glow with a blue light. On her other hand was an old looking book. She placed her glowing fingers on it and suddenly, the books started shimmering as well.

Ashton watched as the book gradually turned glossier and more fresh. It was a bizarre sight, it's as if he was witnessing sometime rewind time.

When she was done, Aria looked at Ashton and signed: 'I used a Spell called 'Repair', it's like the Healing Spell but for items instead. It has certain limitations but it's more than enough to help us do our work here.'

'We will take turns roaming the 3rd Floor, going through every single book in the shelf, checking their durability percentage. See this thing right here?'

Aria lifted some sort of a scanner on the table and showed it to him.

'This is the tool we use to scan how much durability or lifespan a book still has. It's user friendly so it is not difficult to use. Just point the end to the barcodes of each book, just like this.'

She then demonstrated it to him.

'See? The scanner glowed green, if you look at the screen here, it's showing how much is left on the durability. Here it says 90% which is pretty high still.'

'Because of that, we can return this book on the shelf and check it again periodically.'

'We only use Repair when the durability hits around 70% or lower. As long as we keep all books here in that state for as long as we can, then we will be fine.'

Ashton nodded in understanding.

'Uh, I should probably teach you the Repair spell huh...'

'No need.' Raven signed and shook his head. Before Aria could ask any questions, he lifted his fingers and showed her the same spell she was using just now. 'I already learned it, thanks.'

Aria looked shocked. She couldn't help but ask: 'Did you learn this after seeing it once?'

'...not really. But let's just say that I learned from you. After all you're supposed to teach it to me anyways, right?'

Ashton indeed learned it just from seeing it once, but since he doesn't want to tell to much, he figured that it would be better if he put it out this way instead.

'...yeah. I supposed you're right.' Aria didn't bother asking any further than that.

It seems that she's sensible enough to nor pry so she didn't.

'Oh, and by the way.' Aria remembered something, 'Whenever you're going to do rounds of repairs, make sure that you bring this with you.'

Aria showed him another item.

'This is a Clip Drone. It can record videos. You have to make sure you record yourself doing it. You mustn't forget it or else it will troublesome.'

'Got it.'

'As for the division of work, let's just alternate each day. For example, today you'll be at the station while I'll do the repairs, then tomorrow we'll switch. Something like that...'

"Uh..." Ashton scratched his head, he then signed: 'My work schedule will mostly likely not be static. You know, on top of the regular schedule and all.'

'Ah, don't worry about that. I uh...kind of live here.'

Ashton blinked and tilted his head in confusion.

'D-don't ask. I-it's complicated. Just know that that you'll pretty much always see me here. Let's just put it that way.'

'Ah, you're a full time Librarian?'

'...yeah. Yeah, something like that.' Aria replied.

'Okay, got it. Oh, my schedule is three hours every weekdays. Just letting you know.'

Aria nodded and signed: 'Got it.'

Ashton then proceeded to ask Aria more things about work. To summarize everything, it's simple enough.

As they are just working students here, there are placed that they're not allowed to be in. 7th Floor and above are restricted area, they couldn't be caught around there or else they'll be punished.

Librarians are not allowed to leave their area of responsibility unless they were requested to do so. If they do, they have to be off-shift first.

Also, just like how it works on Earth, Libraries are meant to be a place of's mean to accommodate couples who just want to make-out in private. It is also not a place that's supposed to be filled with noise.

There's a strict surveillance around each floor and the one manning the station must check them periodically throughout the shift in case of shenanigans ensuing.

Aria also taught Ashton how to assist students who wants to borrow books, how to clock-in and out, what to do in case of emergencies, and etc.

As it turns out, Aria was talkative, just in an unexpected way,

While it's debatable that she's just like this because she's teaching Ashton work duties, it was obvious by the way how she initiates conversations now unlike before. Yes, they're still using sign language but that's perfectly fine.

Ashton was just glad that Aria doesn't look so constipated right now. His guess was pretty much spot-on to be honest.

Aria do suffer from Social Anxiety, why? Well that's something that Ashton has no way of knowing right now and of course, being someone who can relate to her closely, he knew better than to ask. So he just let it be.

After their discussion about work, an hour and half already passed by. There's not much left before Ashton's out of here. Since this is his first day, he doesn't need to clock-in just yet so there's nothing to worry about.

They spent the rest of the time applying the things Aria taught to him. During that time, nobody really came around so they weren't disturbed.

Aria was impressed, Ashton did everything perfectly on his first try. He's a fast learner which made it easier for her teach him things. He's a bit slow, yes but that's to be expected since it's first time. He just need some experience and he'll get used to this real quick.

Along with the things he learned from her, she also told him about the fact that nobody really comes to Grand Library, which is a bit disappointing.

Leon briefly talked about it but it was Aria who told him why that was the case...

As it turns out, most of the students who got accepted here are mostly from well-off families or heirs of licensed cultivators.

Because of that, the books that the library can offer are something they already probably own themselves therefore they just don't see the reason why they need to come here at all.

If they will pay a visit, it's probably to borrow books that are located at the 7th Floor and above. They have no need for the common books.

Ashton wasn't surprised. It's a bit saddening but it's kind of expected.

The two of them talked to each other until Ashton's allotted time is up.

Aria saw him off. Ashton made sure to pass by Chief Leon's station to let him know he's leaving as well.

Once he's out of the Grand Library, he looked at the entrance and reminded himself of its image. Then he walked out of Castle Main and boarded a transit that can take him back home.

Just like that, Ashton's first day at school ended.


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