Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 38 Class C-1

Nobody could believe what they just heard.

Well, that's not really surprising. After all, a pink-haired girl in pigtails wearing a pink tutu and shoes saying that she'd be your teacher is something that doesn't happen everyday.

Sadly, her adorable face doesn't appear like she's lying.

"I know, I know." She said, "It's unbelievable, yes I get it. Stop looking at me like that. But I am telling you the truth. I really am a Professor here and from this day forward, you'll be my students so can you guys stop making my life harder than it already is?"

She said those words with a serious face but the way she sat down at the edge of the table while swinging her legs is too adorable that most of them students still have a hard time believing her.

Aisha rolled her eyes and sighed: "I guess I have to convince you some more huh? I really should change my ways, this sh*t is getting old."

​ With a wave of her hand, a large rectangular hologram appeared before the students. It showed them her Professional Profile.

Name: Aisha Greenfield

Age: Omitted

Rank: Sorceress Lv.6

Occupation: Licensed Mage/Mystic Academy Professor.

Once she showed that, the students are now more or less convinced. This details looked real and thinking about it, there's no way that some random kid could just barge into the Academy for nothing.

But just to make sure, Ashton still used his system skill: Identify, to Aisha. The results showed this:

Name: Aisha

Age: ???

Rank: ???

Occupation: Licensed Mage/Professor

Current thoughts:

• 'This Class looks like a bunch of losers. Why am I so unlucky with drawing lots? Ah, whatever. A deal is a deal. Someone has to look after this poor kids.'

Not even the system could show him her actual age or rank. It might be because the level of the skill is still too low or Aisha's just too strong. Maybe even both.

"And just to seal the deal. I'll display a fraction of my strength to you all. I hope there's no doubting me after this.

After saying that, Aisha lifted her pinky.

All of a sudden, all students found themselves suspended in the air. They didn't even notice when they got there. Nobody was able to react, they were completely at Aisha's mercy.

Just as they started freaking out, Aisha lowered them down and placed them according to the way they were seated before. Everyone sighed in relief and all sorts of doubts disappeared from their mind.

"Alright, now that's over, let's do this again." She cleared her throat and said: "Hello, Class. My name is Aisha Greenfield. I am your Class Advisor and your Professor for Magic 101. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Professor Aisha." The class greeted in unison.

"Mn. That's more like it." She hummed, she then took her tablet and began using it while she talked: "Since you all are now formerly students of the Mystic Academy, I'll go as far as to say that we will be expecting great things from you."

"Though, I hate to be the one who bring down your anticipation, I am your Class Advisor so it's my responsibility to keep you in check and set your expectations."

She then looked at her students one by one with a dull face and said: "How far you go depends on you."

"The Academy has everything you'd ever need to assist you but in the end, your path belongs to you. We will never force you to do anything, all we'll do is to point you to a direction. Whether you go there or not, that depends on you."

"Well, I say that but in the end, you guys made it here. You're expectations are to yourself and not anybody else's. Whether you achieve it or not, that depends on your effort."

Aisha paused and looked at the students again.

"...there's a lot of you here. Which is to be expected since we've only just began. That being said, I know someone in this class will eventually quit. I can already see it happening."

"Don't be surprised. This happens every time. What? You're expecting this to be easy? Hell, no!"

"To that specific someone...or some people, when this happens, don't bother doing a dramatic exit, yeah? Just silently pack up your stuff and leave. Never think that you are special because this Academy will repeatedly slap you to the reality that you're not."

Aisha's words were ruthless. Ashton could already see his classmates tensing up because of her words. That being said, he can understand why she's saying this.

He knows that this is Aisha's way of priming them for what's about to come. To wake them up from their delusional dreams that everything will be just rainbows and funsies so that when reality hits them, it wouldn't be as bad as expected.

"Alright, moving-on." She said, "Now, I know some of you here might he confused. You think that you shouldn't be in Class C because your score on the entrance exams were high. That you should be in Class A or something."

Aisha scoffed and said: "And might be right, but there is a specific reason why you guys were here. This is the Mystic Academy kids, we don't do things without any purpose. That's not our style."

She paused for a bit before revealing the reason...

"We all are cursed."

That statement, shocked the living daylights out of Ashton. But before he could think of anything, Aisha already beat him to it.

"Class can also stand for the Class of Cursed First Years, but that is ugly and undesirable so we should just use Class C-1 instead."

"I know I just outed everyone's secret just now and I do apologize for that. However, it is also important for you to know that there are people like you and in this case, everyone around you is like you as well."

"I'll say this though...this is a Class Secret." Aisha warned in a serious tone. "I revealed it to you for the sake of transparency but if we discover that someone from this class revealed this information without permission, you'll be subjected to Academic Laws. Trust me, you don't want to be in that position."

"Plus, it's a basic form of Human Decency. If you can't even keep that to yourself, you might as well stop being a human altogether."

"There will be a time when people will eventually find out about this. No secret will remain a secret forever. I just hope that if when that day happens, you all have grown strong enough to not care anymore cause trust me, Curses might seem scary but it doesn't make you less of a human as others do."

The students looked at each other, clearly uncomfortable still but somehow relieve that nobody seems to be judging them since everyone's on the same boat.

"That's also the reason why I became your Class Advisor." Aisha stated, "If you haven't noticed it by now, I am bearer of a curse too. I hope none of you seriously thought that me being in this form is just some random fetish because I you do, I'll gouge out your spine while you're wide awake and show it to you afterwards."

The students shivered uncontrollably under Aisha's threat. At this point, nobody dares to doubt her words. Especially after her display of power.

"My curse is Eternal Youth." She stated, "I stopped aging after six years old, that's why I look like this. My body never developed further than that which means that I never experienced what it's like to have my period, I never got taller and my voice didn't even change."

"Don't mistook it for Immortality though. Immortality is just a Legend, nobody proved that it is real yet. I am just as susceptible to danger as you all are. In fact, because of my under-developed body, I'm in even more danger than you all."

"I only aged mentally which sucks. It also sucks that nobody treats me seriously since I look like a kid. I can't even buy alcohol for myself since who in the right mind would see them to a kid? It's tiring to prove myself over and over again so sometimes, I just don't even bother."

"Still, I'm alive and well. Those who knew personally give me the respect I deserve and needed."

"What I'm trying to say here is that, being cursed really sucks but it's not the end of the world. Things will get better eventually."

"The Academy can help you figure out possible ways to combat your curse but whether you can cure it, alleviate it or neither, will ultimately depend on you. Again, we won't force you to do anything. Every result that you'll get here will be decided by your own efforts."

"Alright, enough about curses. I'm not your Professor for that so let's move on to another topic."

Aisha snapped her fingers and instantly, stack of papers appeared right before her. She waved her hand and distributed the papers to each students.

"Those are list of Subjects you can enroll into, Majors, Minors and Electives. Give it a look."


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