Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 361 Mystic Labyrinth

In an office at the Mystic Guild's Headquarters, Ashton and his friends watched as the contestants of the Mortal League faced the challenges within the Mystic Labyrinth.

Many holographic screens were hovering in front of them. Each screen displayed a contestant participating in the tournament. Some were performing well while others were having a bad time. Actually, there were some who were already eliminated from the competition already.

Those who were eliminated didn't show up in the feed anymore of course.

Each time Ashton pulled up a screen to spectate, he was able to see all the available details on the contestant right away.

Currently, Ashton was spectating a few contestants...

The first scene contains a contestant named Alex who has entered through one of the entrances in the middle of the labyrinth. As he enters the first room, he sees a floor filled with pressure plates, and he knows that stepping on one of them could trigger a trap. He carefully steps forward, testing each tile before he puts his weight on it. Suddenly, a wall slides open, revealing a group of enemies. Alex draws his sword, ready to fight.

Scene 2: Another contestant, named Maria, has entered through the entrance at the far end of the labyrinth. She is moving cautiously through the corridors when she comes across a room filled with spike pits. She knows that she will have to jump from one narrow platform to another to make it across the room. She takes a deep breath and makes the first jump, but her foot slips, and she almost falls into the pit. She tries again, this time more carefully, and manages to make it across.

Scene 3: A contestant named Ryan has entered through the entrance at the front of the labyrinth. He is moving quickly, looking for a way to gain an advantage over the other contestants. Suddenly, he comes across a room filled with mirrors. He can't see a clear path through the room, and he knows that he could easily get lost. He takes out a small hand mirror and uses it to reflect the light, trying to find the way forward.

Scene 4: A contestant named Lily has entered through the entrance at the back of the labyrinth. She is moving slowly, using her ears to listen for any sounds of danger. As she enters a dark room, she hears a faint clicking sound. She knows that there must be a trap nearby, but she can't see anything in the darkness. She takes out a small torch and uses it to light up the room, revealing a trapdoor beneath her feet.

Scene 5: had Sam entering a room where the gravity is constantly shifting. As he steps in, he finds himself floating towards the ceiling before being slammed back down to the ground. He tries to move forward but finds that the gravity keeps shifting, making it almost impossible to control his movements. He manages to make it across the room by timing his movements carefully, jumping when the gravity changes.

Scene 6: Another contestant, named Emily, enters a room where she comes face to face with a Fey Beast. The creature is beautiful and otherworldly, with shimmering wings and a horn on its forehead. Emily knows that the Fey Beast is powerful and dangerous, but she also knows that she needs to get past it to continue. She approaches the creature cautiously, her hand on her sword, ready to strike if necessary.

Scene 7: A contestant named Jack finds himself in a Safe Room after several grueling challenges. He collapses on the ground, his breathing ragged and his muscles aching. He knows that he needs to rest and recover his strength if he wants to continue, but he also knows that time is of the essence. He takes a few deep breaths and forces himself to stand up, determined to keep going.

Scene 8: In the next room, a contestant named Sarah comes across an item room filled with blessed weapons. She sees swords with glowing blades, bows that seem to hum with power, and other enchanted items. She knows that these weapons could be crucial in the challenges to come, so she chooses a sword and a shield, hoping that they will help her to overcome the obstacles she will face.

Scene 9: Two contestants, named Max and Chloe, find themselves in a room where their paths cross. They know that they need to continue forward, but there is only one narrow path that leads through the room. Max and Chloe look at each other warily, knowing that they will have to fight to see who can continue on. They draw their swords and prepare to face each other in a tense battle, each determined to be the one who moves forward.

Scene 10: Another room has two paths leading out, but each is blocked by a locked door. Two contestants, named Ethan and Mia, find themselves on opposite sides of the room. They know that they need to find a way to open the doors, but they also know that they can't do it alone. Ethan and Mia look at each other, weighing their options. They realize that they will need to work together if they want to continue, so they put aside their differences and start searching for a way to unlock the doors.

These scenes add an extra level of tension and strategy to the challenge, forcing contestants to not only overcome the obstacles before them but also confront each other and decide whether to fight or work together. The Mystic Labyrinth is full of surprises and challenges, and the contestants will need to be ready for anything if they hope to emerge victorious.

"Who built this labyrinth?" Ashton asked, unable to contain his curiosity.

The Mystic Labyrinth wasn't included in the plans he left behind and it certainly wasn't his idea so he's really interested in it.

"The idea came from Aria," Alice replied, still looking at the participants. "It was Jerry who made the model for us. Then, it's just a matter of collecting the materials, which didn't take long enough since we have plenty in the treasury anyway."

"If you look at it closely, you'd discover that most of the inner structures of the labyrinth were made out of the remains of Celestials and Hypogeans." Blake added, "As you know, we're swimming in them so we figured, why not?"

"That plus a total of five ARC Cores powering the whole thing and viola, we have an ominous labyrinth," Mary concluded. "We've tested this out against some enemies and it did well. Of course, we toned its lethality down for the sake of the tournament."

Ashton nodded upon hearing that. As it turns out, it was a combined effort on their part which created this thing. The design was clever and futuristic. Well, the core structures of it were at least.

As for the aesthetics, they stuck with the weird and ominous vibe to really sell the 'labyrinth' part. Overall, it was good enough, especially for testing out new talents.

Ashton sat at his desk, his eyes glued to the monitors in front of him. The screens showed different rooms in the Mystic Labyrinth, each with a different challenge for the contestants to face. Beside him, the Grand Commanders watched with equal intensity. Alice, Blake, Mary, and Aria were each focused on the monitors, analyzing the contestants' every move.

In one room, they saw Sam struggling with the ever-shifting gravity, while in another room, Emily battled a Fey Beast with her sword. The Commanders discussed the contestants' strategies and techniques, offering their opinions and insights.

"Sam is doing well," Alice said, "but he needs to be careful with his timing. One wrong move and he could be flung across the room."

"Emily is strong," Mary added, "but she needs to watch for the Fey Beast's tricks. They can be deceptive and lead her into danger."

As they watched, they saw Max and Chloe face off in a tense battle, while Ethan and Mia worked together to find a way to unlock the doors. The Commanders analyzed the contestants' strengths and weaknesses, offering suggestions and advice.

"The way Max handles his sword is impressive," Blake commented, "but he needs to work on his defense. Chloe was able to get in a few good hits."

"Ethan and Mia are a good team," Aria said, "but they need to move quickly. Time is running out, and they still have a long way to go."

Ashton listened to the Grand Commanders' commentary and found himself agreeing with their knowledge and expertise. He knew that the Mystic Labyrinth was only the first challenge in the Mortal League, but he also knew that the Commanders would be there every step of the way, guiding and supporting the contestants as they fought for victory.

Of course, they cannot be too hands-on with the Mortal League. After all, most of them were kids, and as much as they are fierce combatants, it would be better for them to enjoy their youths first before throwing themselves on the front line.

Just like this, Ashton and the rest watched as the contestants who reached the core area of the labyrinth poured in.


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