Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 357 Matured El-Tree

The young El-Tree stood tall and proud in the center of a small clearing, its thin trunk stretching upwards towards the sky. Its branches were few and sparse, but they were covered in vibrant green leaves that shone like emeralds in the sunlight.

'I've been away for a decade. It's nice to know that despite my absence, this thing still grew up well.' Ashton mused to himself as he slowly approached the tree.

Ashton stood before the young tree, marveling at its beauty and potential. He could feel the energy of the tree pulsing through the air around him, a tangible force that seemed to hum with power.

The trunk of the young El-Tree was smooth to the touch, but there were tiny bumps and grooves that ran along its surface, like the veins of a leaf. Ashton traced his fingers along the bark, feeling the texture of the tree beneath his fingertips.

As he looked up towards the branches, he saw tiny buds forming at the tips, small signs of new growth and development. The leaves rustled gently in the breeze, and Ashton could hear the soft whispers of the tree as it communicated with the natural world around it.

The young El-Tree was a symbol of hope and possibility, a promise of great things to come. Ashton knew that with care and nurturing, this tree would one day grow into a powerful force, a beacon of light and healing in a world that often seemed dark and uncertain.

He made a vow to himself to protect and care for this tree, to watch it grow and flourish over the years. And as he stood there, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the power of the El-Tree, he felt a sense of peace and contentment settle over him, knowing that he was part of something greater than himself.

"Sorry for neglecting you. I had to finish some business recently and I just returned from my trip." Ashton whispered as if he was talking to it. "Don't worry, I'm here now. And I brought gifts for you. This is to make up for my disappearance."

Ashton carefully retrieved several fragments of the El-Tree from a small satchel he had been carrying, each one no larger than a pebble. He explained to the Fairy Queen and the other guardians that these fragments were powerful fertilizers that would accelerate the growth of the young tree and help it to reach its full potential.

Ashton scattered the fragments around the base of the El-Tree, watching as they dissolved into the soil and were absorbed by the roots. He could sense the energy of the tree increasing as if it were responding to the presence of the fragments.

The air around them seemed to shimmer and glow with a bright green light, and the leaves of the El-Tree rustled and swayed in a gentle breeze. Ashton could feel the power of the tree growing stronger by the second as if it were feeding on the energy of the fragments.

He explained to the Fairy Queen that these fragments were rare and precious, and that they had been collected during his mission. They were the key to unlocking the full potential of the young tree and ensuring that it grew strong and healthy for years to come.

The truth was way different compared to what he said though...

He could still remember how, despite caring after it and doing his best to restore its vitality, the Original El-Tree - the one that he encountered during his stay at the Elstar, wilted before his very eyes. It then released several fragments which he then gathered.

This confused him a lot, though. He never expected something like that to happen. But due to his connection to the El-Tree, he was able to learn why eventually.

The El-Tree of Elstar was already on the limits of its longevity. Even without the corruption of the Hypogeans, it was already reaching the end of its lifespan, the corruption just hastened it.

Even though he did his best to care after it and restore its vitality, at that point, the El-Tree was already at its last leg. But instead of dying in such a way, the El-Tree used its remaining energy to be of help to Ashton. It was its repayment for his efforts in expelling the Hypogeans.

That's how he got his hands on this many El-Tree Fragments.

As for what happened after that...Ashton no longer knows since he was already making his way back to his timeline.

With this many fragments nurturing the El-Tree, its growth became visible to the naked eye. After a whole night and day of observation, the El-Tree finally reached adulthood.

Inspecting it using the system, Ashton was made aware of its new abilities:

Nature's Bounty: The El-Tree can nurture and support all life around it, providing shelter, food, and healing to creatures great and small. The tree's roots delve deep into the earth, drawing up nutrients and water, which are then distributed throughout the forest via a complex system of underground channels. This ability can create a bountiful environment that supports a thriving ecosystem.

Heavenly Inauguration: The El-Tree appoints a Guardian, granting the Chosen One a massive boost in power. This ability connects the Guardian to the divine realm, allowing them to act as a protector and champion of the forest. The Guardian is imbued with divine energy, allowing them to access powerful spells and abilities that can turn the tide of battle. However, the El-Tree only appoints a Guardian when it senses a great danger that threatens the balance of nature.

World Link: The El-Tree can connect the world where it stands to another world, providing safe passage to the other. This ability requires a medium, such as a portal or a magical artifact, to make a connection. The World Link allows creatures from both worlds to travel freely between them, opening up new opportunities for trade, exploration, and adventure. However, the El-Tree is very selective about which worlds it connects to, and will only do so if it senses a mutual benefit.

Divine Reflection: The El-Tree can reflect and magnify the power of the divine, amplifying the prayers and blessings of those who seek its aid. This ability allows the El-Tree to act as a conduit between the mortal world and the divine realm, channeling the energy of the gods to those in need. However, the El-Tree will only do so for those who demonstrate respect and reverence towards nature and the divine.

Evolution Catalyst: The El-Tree possesses the ability to cause rapid growth and transformation in all living things around it. This ability can manifest in many ways, from the sudden emergence of new plant species to the rapid healing of injured animals. This ability can also stimulate the evolution of species, leading to the emergence of new and more resilient life forms. However, this ability is not without risk, as it can upset the delicate balance of nature and lead to unintended consequences.

"As expected of the El-Tree, it truly deserves to be called a Nature's Peak Treasure." Ashton praised in amazement.

"Incredible." The Fairy Queen muttered. "I never thought that I would see a matured El-Tree ever again in my reign, but here we are. Thank you, Ashton."

"You're welcome, Fairy Queen. Though, there is a reason why I accelerated the El-Tree'z growth."

The Fairy Queen regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "This has something to do with your enemies, is it not?" she inquired.

"I intend to use the El-Tree as a medium to end the war once and for all," Ashton explained. "With its ability to create a World Link, I can form a passage between our world, Blue Planet, and the worlds of the Celestials and Hypogeans. I intend to bring the war to them, to fight them on their own territory after sufficient preparations."

The Fairy Queen's eyes widened in surprise. "You intend to start a direct war with the Celestials and Hypogeans? Do you not realize the danger in such an endeavor?"

Ashton nodded firmly. "I understand the risks, of course, but the war has gone on for too long. We need to take the fight to them, the battle of attrition we have no will only end up to our demise. Time might be on our side but certainly not forever. With the El-Tree's power, we can move our troops and resources quickly and efficiently."

The Fairy Queen regarded him with a mixture of admiration and concern. "You are a brave man, Ashton," she said softly. "But do not underestimate the power of the Celestials and Hypogeans. They are powerful foes, and their wrath will be fierce."

"I understand the risks." Ashton replied. "But I believe that we must try. The fate of our world rests on our ability to defeat them and bring an end to this war once and for all."

The Fairy Queen nodded slowly. "Very well, Ashton. I will lend you my support in this endeavor. The El-Tree's power is at your disposal but use it wisely. And remember, the fate of our world rests on your shoulders."

Ashton bowed respectfully. "Not really mine, but thank you, Your Highness. I will not disappoint you." And with that, he turned and departed, his mind already racing with plans and strategies for the daunting task ahead.


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