Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 342 Freed

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Freed gritted his teeth as he fought against the demons that surrounded him. His sword glinted in the dim light, cutting through the air with a sharp whistle. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

The young fey warrior had grown up in Hillside Village, a small and peaceful community nestled in the heart of the forest. His parents were both skilled warriors, renowned for their bravery and their dedication to protecting their village from any threat. Freed had always admired them and had dreamed of following in their footsteps one day.

But that dream was shattered when he was just a child. A group of demons had attacked Hillside Village, seeking to destroy everything in their path. Freed's parents had fought bravely, but they were outnumbered and outmatched. In the end, they both perished, leaving Freed alone and orphaned.

Freed had been devastated by the loss of his parents. He had felt angry and helpless, unable to do anything to stop the demons from taking his family away. But as he grew older, he realized that he could use his grief and his rage to fuel his desire for revenge.

He had trained tirelessly, honing his skills as a warrior and learning all he could about demons and their weaknesses. He had studied under the best teachers in Hillside Village and had become one of the most promising young warriors in the community.

When he turned into an adult, Freed made a solemn vow to avenge his parents and rid the world of demons. He had assembled a team of fellow warriors and had set out on a quest to track down and destroy every demon he could find. They had traveled far and wide, battling demons in dark forests, abandoned ruins, and even in the depths of underground caves.

But despite their best efforts, Freed's team had met their match in this area. The demons were too strong, too numerous, and too cunning. One by one, his comrades had fallen, until Freed was the last one left.

He had come to this area with his team, determined to rid it of the demons that plagued it. But things had gone wrong from the start. They had underestimated the demons' strength and numbers and soon found themselves outnumbered and outmatched.

Freed knew that he was in a desperate situation. He was surrounded by at least a dozen demons, their eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. He had already sustained several injuries, and his strength was rapidly waning. He knew that he wouldn't last much longer.

But Freed was not one to give up without a fight. He summoned all his remaining energy and attacked the demons with renewed ferocity. His sword flashed, slicing through the air with deadly accuracy. The demons snarled and hissed, their claws and fangs bared.

The battle was fierce and brutal, with neither side gaining the upper hand. Freed fought with everything he had, his muscles straining and his heart pounding. But despite his valiant efforts, he knew that he was fighting a losing battle.

Just when it seemed that all hope was lost, a bright light shone from the sky. The demons screeched in terror and fled, disappearing into the shadows. Freed collapsed to the ground, exhausted and injured, but alive.

As he lay there, gasping for breath, he couldn't help but wonder who or what had saved him. Was it luck, or fate, or something else entirely? All he knew was that he had survived and that he was more determined than ever to avenge his parents and rid the world of demons.

Freed lay there on the ground, panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath. His entire body ached from the battle, and he could feel the sticky warmth of blood seeping through his clothes. He had no idea what had just happened, but he knew that he was grateful to be alive.

Slowly, he opened his eyes, expecting to see nothing but the darkness of the forest. But instead, he saw a figure standing over him, a man clad in a white cloak and radiating an otherworldly aura.

Freed's heart raced as he tried to sit up, but his body wouldn't cooperate. He winced in pain as he looked up at the man, taking in his handsome features and the staff that he held in his hand.

"Who...who are you?" Freed managed to croak out, his voice barely above a whisper.

The man smiled down at him, his eyes gleaming with an inner light. "My name is Ashton," he said in a voice that was both gentle and commanding. "You were very brave out there but you were completely surrounded so I decided to help."

Freed couldn't believe his ears. Was this some kind of trick? A demon trying to deceive him? But something in Valinor's demeanor told him that he could trust him.

"How did did you drive away the demons?" Freed asked, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and wonder.

Valinor's smile widened. "Well, let's just say that I'm ridiculously strong," he said. "Additionally, I also know a lot of things about demons since my job is to slay them. But enough about me. You are injured, and you need help."

With that, Ashton lifted his staff and touched it to Freed's forehead. A warm, comforting energy flowed through Freed's body, easing his pain and restoring his strength.

Freed felt a surge of gratitude and amazement. He had never encountered someone like Ashton before, someone who wielded such incredible power and yet seemed so kind and compassionate, he even shared his food with him and made sure that he was well enough to go home.

The young fey knew that his chance had come and he'd be a fool to miss it, so before Ashton could leave, Freed asked him if he could accept him as his disciple.

A flat rejection is what he received.

As Ashton stood to leave, Freed's heart sank. He had never felt so alone and helpless before. He had lost his family, and his team, and now the only person who had shown him kindness and saved his life was about to leave him.

Desperate, Freed spoke up. "Please, Sir Ashton," he said, his voice trembling. "I need your help. I can't do this alone. I want to become stronger than anyone else so I can get rid of this world of demons permanently. I want to avenge the deaths of my parents this way."

Ashton turned to look at Freed, his expression serious. "I understand your pain, Freed," he said. "But I cannot take you as my disciple. Your goal puts you in danger, and I don't want to see your parents' sacrifices go to naught. You need to cherish your life, and live it fully, not just for revenge."

Freed's heart sank further at Ashton's words. He couldn't believe it. He had hoped that Ashton would see the same passion and drive in him that he felt himself, that he would recognize the burning need for revenge that drove him forward.

But Ashton's words made sense too. Freed had lost so much already, and if he continued down this path, he might lose even more. Was it really worth it?

Ashton must have seen the conflict in Freed's eyes because he laid a hand on Freed's shoulder. "Listen to me, Freed," he said. "I have been doing this work for a long time. I know what it takes to fight against demons and protect the people you love. It's not an easy path, and it's not something that should be taken lightly. But I promise you, once I am done with my work here, your village shall never be disturbed by demons again. You have my word."

Freed felt a spark of hope ignite within him at Ashton's words. Could it be true? Could they really live in a world without demons?

"But what about me?" Freed asked, still hesitant. "What will I do now?"

Ashton smiled at him kindly. "You have already shown great strength, Freed," he said. "You have the heart of a warrior, and that is something that cannot be taught. Train hard, yes, but also live your life to the fullest. Cherish every moment, and use your strength to protect those you love. That is the true mark of a hero."

Freed nodded slowly, feeling a sense of acceptance wash over him. Ashton was right. He had to focus on what he had, not what he had lost. He would use his strength to protect his village, his friends, and his new family, and he would cherish every moment of his life.

"Thank you, Ashton," Freed said, his voice full of gratitude. "Thank you for everything."

Ashton nodded, a smile on his lips. "Take care, Freed," he said. "And never forget that you are capable of greatness."

And with those parting words, Ashton turned and walked away, disappearing into the trees. Freed watched him go, feeling a sense of peace settle over him. He knew that his journey was far from over, but with the knowledge that he had someone watching over him, he felt stronger and more determined than ever before.


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