Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 334 Phantasmal Storm

Ashton woke up early in the morning, the sun barely rising over the horizon. He sat up in his bed and stretched his arms, feeling energized and ready for the day ahead. He got dressed quickly, putting on his usual attire of black leather pants and a white shirt with long sleeves, before heading out of his room.

He made his way through the Demon Slaying Squad's headquarters, greeting his fellow members as he passed by. He made a mental note to stop by the kitchen later to grab some breakfast, but for now, he had other plans in mind.

Ashton was sitting in the Demon Slaying Squad's Resource office, staring intently at the potion he was brewing. A squad had just come back from a grueling mission, and several of the members were injured. Ashton had been tasked with healing their wounds, but he had run out of the healing potions he had made earlier.

He could've easily used some healing spells to help them, but their injuries were too delicate that it prevents him from doing just that. Their injuries require a slow recovery so he could only resort to making potions that would do the job.

As he concentrated on his work, he couldn't help but think about the past month. He had joined the squad as an honorary member. He knew that he couldn't become a full-time member since he'd be leaving this place in the future but that didn't stop him from creating an amicable relationship with those he worked with.

He had proven his worth time and time again, using his magic to protect his allies and vanquish demons. He had even come up with a few new spells and potions that had helped the squad immensely in their battles.

But despite his success, Ashton still felt like an outsider sometimes. He wasn't like the other members of the squad, who had trained for years to become demon slayers. He was just a mage who had stumbled upon their cause by chance.

Additionally, he's indeed an outsider here. He might look like a Fey and might carry their blood for now but in reality, he's not one of them. He's a human who was in the wrong time and place, trying to make a difference to pay for his Karmic Debt.

Ashton was pulled out of his thoughts by a knock on the door. It was one of the squad's members, a burly man named Hector.

"Ashton, Sir Marcus wants to see you in his office," Hector said gruffly.

Ashton nodded and quickly finished his potion. He then followed Hector to the captain's office, feeling a sense of unease in the pit of his stomach.

When he entered the office, he saw the captain sitting behind his desk, looking serious.

When he arrived, Marcus was waiting for him in his office, his expression grave. "Ashton, I've called you here because we have an important event coming up in a few days," he said, his voice low.

"What kind of event?" Ashton asked, his curiosity piqued.

"It's called the Phantasmal Storm," Marcus replied. "It's a rare occurrence that happens once every few years. During the storm, the magical properties of the Forest of Hallucinations will overflow and the veil between the human world and the demon world is weakened, and demons are more likely to cross over into our world."

Ashton's eyes widened at the news. He had heard of the Phantasmal Storm before, but he had never experienced it firsthand. He knew that it was a dangerous time for demon slayers and that they had to be extra vigilant to prevent any demon incursions.

"We need to make sufficient preparations for this," Marcus continued. "I want you to gather the other members of the squad and make sure that we have everything we need to face the storm. We'll need extra weapons, supplies, and manpower."

Ashton nodded, knowing that he had a big responsibility on his shoulders. He left Marcus' office and immediately began gathering the other members of the squad.

Together, they spent the next few days preparing for the Phantasmal Storm. They stockpiled weapons and supplies, reinforced the defenses of their headquarters, and trained tirelessly to be ready for any demon attacks.

As he prepared for the storm, Ashton couldn't help but recall everything he learned about it.

The Phantasmal Storm was a natural disaster that strikes the Mistwood Kingdom every few years. The kingdom was located at the depths of the Forest of Hallucinations, a mysterious and dangerous place filled with illusions and magic that could easily ensnare the unwary.

The magical properties of the forest were known to condense over time, and if they reached a critical level, they would explode, causing the Phantasmal Storm.

Many have tried to resolve this problem but so far, all of them failed. At this point, the people who lived here just kind of accepted that they will experience this disaster once every few years, they just need to be prepared for it.

During the storm, the forest's already potent magical properties became even more intense, causing even the most stalwart demon slayers to be vulnerable to illusions. The sky will turn dark, and the air will be charged with electricity, causing the hair on the back of everyone's necks to stand on end.

To make matters worse, crazed demons began to wander dangerously close to the kingdom's borders, they're also affected by the hallucinations of the forest. The demon slayers knew that they had to be extra vigilant during the storm to prevent any demon invasions.

Ashton and his fellow demon slayers spent the next few days preparing for the storm. They fortified their defenses, stockpiled weapons, and supplies, and trained tirelessly to be ready for any eventuality.


A few days then passed and as expected, the storm indeed came.

Ashton had heard stories about this and read it in books, but he had never experienced it before. Plus, this event is unique to the Mistwood Kingdom so he had no idea how intense it would be.

As the storm approached, Ashton could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. The air was charged with electricity, and the sky turned a deep shade of purple. He could hear the distant rumble of thunder and the howl of the wind. He could also sense the foul scent of demons being carried by the wind.

Suddenly, the storm hit with full force. The wind picked up, and Ashton had to struggle to keep his footing. The trees swayed dangerously, their branches whipping back and forth like angry tendrils. Ashton could see the magical energies swirling around him, forming strange and unsettling shapes.

The illusions were more vivid and terrifying than compared to what he had experienced before. He saw images of his worst fears and nightmares, playing out in front of his eyes with such clarity that it was hard to tell what was real and what was not.

But in truth, it's still not enough to stump Ashton. His will was too firm to be affected by this. However, the same can't be said for his teammates though, and that's particularly worrisome.

Ashton felt a sudden jolt of pain as a demon leaped at him from out of nowhere. He quickly drew his wand and unleashed a bolt of lightning, sending the demon flying back into the forest.

The battle was intense, and Ashton had to be on constant alert to help his teammates from falling prey to the illusions. He saw his fellow demon slayers fighting bravely, their weapons glinting in the purple light of the storm.

Ashton used his healing magic to keep his allies alive, and his offensive spells to deal devastating blows to the demons. He could feel the magic coursing through his veins, making him feel more alive and powerful than ever before.

It would seem that the overflow of the forest's magical properties was affecting mages like him in this way as well...

As the days passed, the Phantasmal Storm continued to rage on, its intensity fluctuating wildly. The demon slayers had to be on constant alert, ready to fend off any demon that dared to come close to the kingdom. It was a grueling task, and his fellow demon slayers were pushed to their limits.

But finally, after a week of fighting, the storm began to subside. The sky cleared, and the forest was still once again. The demon slayers breathed a collective sigh of relief, knowing that they had done their duty and kept the kingdom safe.

But their work was not over yet. The storm had caused significant damage to the kingdom, and there was much to be done to repair it. Ashton and the other demon slayers worked tirelessly to help with the reconstruction efforts, using their magical abilities to mend broken structures and heal wounded citizens.

Ashton was grateful that the Phantasmal Storm only occurred once every few years. He couldn't imagine having to endure something like this regularly. He's also grateful that this was a unique occurrence that only happens in the Mistwood Kingdom.

If this happened in Sylvenvale, only a handful of people would remain after the storm passed.

Ashton shook his head to get rid of that notion. Instead, he focused his attention on the reconstruction efforts. The earlier they could finish this, the earlier they could rest as well. God knows they need it.


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