Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 327 Pulled Into The Netherworld

Ashton had been traveling for months, cleansing demon-infested locations. He had already cleansed four of the five locations on his list: the Abyssal Caverns, Ruins of Ashenfort, Blood Marsh, and Tower of Despair. Now, he was in the midst of purging the last location, the Temple of Nightmares.

The temple was filled with dark and twisted creatures that twisted his mind and tried to lure him into its depths. But Ashton's will and experience as a mage prepared him for these horrors, and he pressed on undaunted.

He had encountered a group of demons that had possessed a group of feys in this place, twisting them into nightmarish puppets. But he managed to free them from their torment and sent them on their way to safety.

He had also faced a giant, shadowy monster that had attacked him from the shadows, but he defeated it using his magic and quick reflexes.

He even tussled with a Demon Emperor, the first one he saw ever since arriving here, who had challenged him to a battle of wills and power.

The Demon Emperor got to him because it has been observing his movements. Apparently, the demons of the Netherworld noticed whenever their portals were forcefully closed.

As expected, they didn't appreciate someone who was trying to prevent them from enslaving this world, and since sending hordes of demons never worked, they decided to send a Demon Emperor instead.

A pity though, if they had done this to begin with, then Ashton would've probably been forced to flee. However, they've given him too much time. Time that he used to gain, no— recover more strength.

Ashton had grown immensely strong during his travels. And mere Demon Emperor couldn't phase him anymore.

And so, with his magic flaring to life and his mind focused on the task at hand, he had battled the Demon Emperor and won against it. The entire fight was one-sided in his favor even.

The Demon Emperor died before Ashton could even enjoy the fight.

Now, as the dust settled and the temple fell silent, Ashton knew that his mission was complete. He had purged the demon infestation from the Temple of Nightmares and had emerged victorious against the Demon Emperor.


Ashton let out a sigh of relief as he watched the Demon Emperor crumble to dust before his eyes. The battle had been long and grueling, and he had poured all of his energy into the final confrontation.

But as he let his guard down for just a moment, a sudden burst of energy erupted from the demon's body, enveloping Ashton in a bright light.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a strange and unfamiliar place. The air was thick with the stench of sulfur and brimstone, and the ground beneath his feet was hot and cracked.

Ashton looked around, confused and disoriented. He soon realized that he had been transported to the Netherworld, the home of the demons.

At first, he felt a surge of panic rising in his chest. He knew that this place was dangerous and filled with dark energy that could corrupt even the strongest of wills. But then he remembered who he was, and he calmed down.

With his training as a mage, he knew how to shield his mind from the corrupting influence of the Netherworld. He closed his eyes and focused on drawing upon his magical energies to create a barrier of protection around himself.

When he opened his eyes again, he could feel the barrier around him, keeping the darkness of the Netherworld at bay. With a newfound sense of confidence, he set off to explore this strange new realm.

As he traveled deeper into the Netherworld, he encountered a variety of demons, some were familiar, and others were unlike anything he had ever seen before. But he remained steadfast and focused, using his magic to defeat them and stay one step ahead of danger.

Ashton continued his journey through the Netherworld, facing countless demons and obstacles along the way. He used his magic to fend off attacks and navigate through the treacherous landscape, always keeping his wits about him.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he stumbled upon a small outpost on the outskirts of the Netherworld. It was the first sign of civilization he had seen since his arrival, and he felt a glimmer of hope.

But as he approached the outpost, he sensed something was wrong. The air was thick with the stench of demon blood, and he could hear the faint sound of snarling and growling in the distance.

Ashton quickly realized that the outpost had been overrun by demons, which is to be expected as he's at the home of demons, and they had sensed his presence. Without warning, they swarmed towards him, their twisted bodies writhing with malice.

But Ashton was fearless. With magic thrumming from the depths of his core, he blasted the horde with a fierce wave of energy. The demons around him screamed and fell to the ground, their twisted forms convulsing in pain.

Ashton continued to fight, unleashing wave after wave of magic upon the horde. The demons were relentless, but none of that mattered to Ashton.

He eliminated the horde of demons with extreme prejudice. It's like he's just casually reaping wheat. What they thought of him and what they felt didn't and never mattered to him. In his eyes, they're a plague to this world and they deserve to be annihilated.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the last demon fell to the ground, defeated. Ashton stood alone amidst the wreckage, his gaze roamed his surroundings and he discovered that no demon survived.

This time, Ashton didn't make the same mistake of dropping his guard since that would be foolish considering where he is right now. But he did allow himself to sigh in relief. At least nothing will bother him for the next hour or so.

It was then that his senses picked up something...

It's faint, and if it weren't for the stillness around, he would've completely missed it.

"Feys..." Ashton whispered.

With his senses sharp and his magic at the ready, Ashton set out to find the underground prison where the Fey was being held.

After carefully probing the surroundings, he stumbled upon the prison. It was a dark and foreboding place, with twisted corridors and a palpable sense of evil in the air.

But Ashton didn't hesitate. He used his magic to eliminate the guards and make his way to the cells where the Fey were being held.

When he arrived, he was horrified by what he saw. The Fey were in terrible shape, their bodies bruised and battered from the constant experiments and torture they had endured. Some were barely conscious, while others were screaming in agony.

Ashton's heart sank, but he didn't lose hope. He knew that he had to act quickly if he wanted to save them.

He used his magic to put the guards into a deep sleep, then focused on healing the feys' injuries. It was a difficult and time-consuming task, but Ashton was determined to do everything in his power to help them.

Finally, after an hour of work, Ashton had healed all of the Fey's injuries and opened a pocket dimension where they could be safe for the time being.

He turned to leave the prison, his heart heavy with the weight of what he had seen.

At the very least, the Feys he rescued will be safe within the pocket dimension he put them in. However, he also knew that they aren't truly safe yet. Not until he manages to find his way out of this place.

As he made his way back to the surface, Ashton began to think about his options. He knew that leaving the Netherworld wasn't going to be easy, but he was determined to find a way out.

He used his magic to sense the environment around him, searching for any clues or hints that could lead him to a way out.

After hours of wandering, Ashton finally stumbled upon a hidden passage. It was an old and forgotten tunnel, one that seemed to lead out of the Netherworld.

Ashton knew that he had found his way out. He quickly made his way through the tunnel, his senses on high alert for any signs of danger.

He arrived at the end of the tunnel and discovered that it was another portal to Elstar. These are the ones that he had been sealing on the opposite side.

Ashton was relieved. Frankly, he should've realized this sooner but better late than never, it seems.

But his relief was short-lived. He knew that he had to act quickly, before the demons discovered his escape and came after him.

He focused his magic, using it to breach the portal that would transport him and the Fey to safety. It was a risky move since there was a chance that he would be discovered, but Ashton knew that it was their only chance.

The portal opened, and Ashton led the Fey through it, one by one. He could feel the demons closing in on them, but he didn't let himself panic. He remained focused, using his magic to defend himself and the Fey as they made their way through the portal.


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