Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 320 Moving On, Demon-Infested Areas

Ashton walked through the crowded streets of the Fey capital, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling city. He heard the murmurs of the common folk as they spoke excitedly about the new Fey King who had been coronated just a few days ago.

He couldn't help but smile to himself as he heard their chatter. He knew that the new king was going to be a good one, thanks to his own intervention. You see, Ashton had used his ability to hypnotize others and plant suggestions in their minds to the Fey King.

Ashton had used this gift to his advantage, hypnotizing the new Fey King and planting the suggestion that he should be a just and righteous ruler for his people. And from what Ashton had heard from the common folk, it seemed like his plan was working.

For a mage of his caliber, what he did would remain unknown to many people unless he deliberately exposes himself, which he had no plans of ever doing.

Leaving the hubbub of the crowds behind, Ashton made his way toward the Adventurer's Guild. Since the situation in this place returned to normal, it's time for him to move on.


Ashton and the Guildmaster sat across from each other in the Guildmaster's office. Ashton had just declined the offer to become a captain of a team, and the Guildmaster was trying to understand why.

"Are you sure about this, Ashton?" the Guildmaster asked, his expression serious. "You have the potential to be one of the best captains we've ever had. You could lead a team of demon slayers and make a real difference in the world."

Ashton sighed, knowing that he needed to explain himself. "I appreciate the offer, Guildmaster, but I have a different path that I need to follow. I want to go out and explore, to see the world and slay demons along the way. There's so much out there that we haven't discovered yet, and I want to be the one to find it."

The Guildmaster looked skeptical, but he could see the determination in Ashton's eyes. "I understand your desire for adventure, Ashton, but you need to be careful out there. The world is a dangerous place, and there are powerful demons that even you may not be able to defeat."

Ashton nodded, understanding the risks. "I know the dangers, Guildmaster. But I also know that I have the skills to handle whatever comes my way. And besides, now that Sylvenvale is stable, I have no reason to stay here any longer."

The Guildmaster sighed, knowing that he couldn't change Ashton's mind. "Very well, Ashton. But promise me that you'll be careful out there. And if you ever need our help, just send word, and we'll be there for you."

Ashton smiled, grateful for the Guildmaster's concern. "Thank you, Guildmaster. I'll make sure to keep in touch."

He gave the guild master some of his unique trinkets and explained to him how to use each one. This was his way of returning the kindness that the guild has given to him during his brief stay here.

As Ashton walked out of the Guildmaster's office, he felt a weight lifted off his shoulders. He was finally free to pursue his mission without any distractions.

He made sure that nobody notices his disappearance. So far, only the Guildmaster knew of his plans, and he'd like it to stay that way. He's never been good at goodbyes anyway.

In truth, there was a reason why Ashton wanted to leave Sylvenvale. He had a karmic debt to repay, a debt that he had incurred back in the day, and now's the time for him to put his entire focus on repaying it.

Helping one Fey Ruler was far from enough. He also didn't like the idea of becoming a ruler either since in reality, he doesn't belong here. The Fey Race weren't his people.

To pursue his goal here, Ashton decided to do it by himself.

Ashton didn't want to burden anyone else with his personal mission, which was why he had rejected the offer to become a captain of a team. He knew that he needed to do this alone, with as little or, preferably, without any interference from anyone else.

He was powerful enough to handle anything that came his way, and he would be able to move more freely if he was alone. He had no idea how long his mission would take, but he was determined to see it through to the end.

As Ashton left the Demon Slaying Squad's headquarters and made his way to the edge of the Great Forest, he felt a sense of excitement and apprehension. He knew that he was embarking on a dangerous journey, but he was also filled with a sense of purpose that he hadn't felt in a long time.

He paused at the edge of the forest, looking out at the vast expanse of the world beyond. He knew that he had a long journey ahead of him, but he was ready for whatever came his way.


Out of the Sylvenvale Great Forest, Asnton had five places in mind that he could certainly go.

These places were something that he had learned of back when he was still studying the tomes and books he found on the Adventurer's and Mage's Guild.

Each one was deeply infested with demons, which was exactly the reason why he was inclined to visit them.

Here are the places he had in mind:

• The Ruins of Ashenfort: The Ruins of Ashenfort are the remains of an ancient city that was once a bustling center of trade and culture. However, a powerful demon lord and its minions invaded the city and destroyed it, leaving behind nothing but ruins and demonic energies.

The ruins are now home to many powerful demons, including the demon lord who led the invasion. The demon lord is said to be one of the most powerful in the world, and its minions are equally fierce. The ruins themselves are treacherous, with crumbling buildings and hidden traps that can catch unwary travelers off guard. Even the bravest demon slayers would need to be cautious here.

• The Abyssal Caverns: The Abyssal Caverns are a network of tunnels and chambers that extend deep beneath the Starfall Mountains. The caverns are said to be filled with dark magic and dangerous traps, making them a treacherous place for even the most skilled demon slayers.

The caverns are home to many powerful demons, including several demon lords who use the caverns as their lairs. Some parts of the caverns are filled with toxic gas or flooded with water, and the caverns are also said to be infested with demonic creatures that are not seen anywhere else in the world.

• The Blood Marsh: The Blood Marsh is a foul and twisted place where the very air is poisoned by the demonic energy that permeates the land. The marsh is filled with twisted trees, stagnant pools of blood, and twisted vines that seem to reach out and grab at anything that comes too close. The marsh is home to many powerful demon lords, as well as their hordes of demonic minions.

The marsh is also filled with dangerous traps, hidden pitfalls, and quicksand pits, making it a very difficult place to navigate. The demonic energy in the Blood Marsh is so strong that it can cause madness in those who spend too much time there, so even the most experienced demon slayers would need to be cautious.

The Tower of Despair: The Tower of Despair is a massive structure that was built by a group of powerful mages who were experimenting with demonic magic. However, their experiments went horribly wrong, and the tower was consumed by demonic energies, turning it into a place of darkness and evil.

The tower is now home to many powerful demons, including the demon lord who was summoned by the mages. The tower is filled with traps and dangerous creatures, and its architecture is designed to confuse and disorient anyone who tries to navigate it. The tower's demonic energy is so strong that it can cause physical and mental harm to those who are not careful.

And finally...

The Temple of Nightmares: The Temple of Nightmares is an ominous and foreboding structure, cloaked in darkness and shrouded in mystery. It was constructed centuries ago by an ancient civilization, whose purpose for building it has long been lost to time.

The temple is said to hold a powerful and malevolent force that has driven many who have entered it to madness or worse. It is rumored that the temple was built to contain an otherworldly entity, a being so horrific that it has the power to induce terrifying nightmares in all who dare approach it.

The temple is guarded by a host of nightmarish creatures, each more fearsome than the last. Its dark and winding corridors are filled with traps and obstacles that are designed to ensnare and destroy any who venture too close. The temple's ancient and mystical powers are so potent that even its very walls seem to pulse with a life of their own, capable of bending and distorting reality.

All of these are places that just tickle Ashton's curiosity, and it just so happens that they were close to Sylvenvale so he didn't have to go that far.

It has been a while since he had truly let loose. Since the System lifted some of his restrictions, Ashton had been looking for a way to vent out his frustrations. And his planned visit to these places might just be enough to satiate his need to kill some abominations.


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