Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 27 The Regal King

'The Regal King...I'd assume he's a guy for now.'

'His offer is too tempting for me to pass-on.'

'800,000 Federation Dollars and 500,000 High-Grade Mana Crystals for the monthly allowance. Along with the requirements of the Academy, he wants me to work for the Academy as a Librarian.'

p 'While the other offers required me join their Academic Branch, this person wants me to work for the Academy instead. Plus, he's also offering me a bonus the better I perform at school which is nice.'

'The work schedule is also included in this. My working hours will be flexible and I just need to work for 3 hours every weekdays, which I can also squeeze in between classes if I want to.'

'Being a Librarian allows me access to all sorts of knowledge and spells, I just need to apply for a Higher Level Clearance from the Academy to get access to move up the ladder.'

'Again, it really doesn't sound too bad. But thing that really exceeded my expectations is that, the Regal King, will personally observe my progress and will coach me as well. So I'm also gaining a mentor for this.'

'Now, I don't know how strong the Regal King is but if he's a Private Client of the Mystic Academy, he should know what he's doing right?'

'In terms of the material support, the offer's a bit on the lower side compared to the other offers but in truth, it's still a lot of money. Add the fact that I'm getting a mentor out of this and access to Magical Knowledge which I really, seriously, badly need at this point, makes this offer truly irresistible.'

'Ugh...I have two choices here. The Blue Skies Empire or the Regal King. Who do I choose?'

Ashton really felt conflicted. Both options had their own merits. They also shown great sincerity for someone like him.

He had no doubts that these people already knew about the fact that he's cursed. It wouldn't be surprising if they've already run a background check on him since that's expected out of them. And yet, to think that he'd still receive generous offers like this is already astounding on its own.

"It seems that you're in a pickle."

Ashton looked up and saw Angelica looking at him with a teasing smile on her face. Ashton gave her a helpless smile and said:

"What can I say? This is my first time dealing with something like this. Everyone's offer is quite dazzling for me, making it difficult for me to choose."

Angelica chuckled softly and said: "You can ask me questions, you know."


"Yeah." She nodded, "But beware though, my opinions would be neutral at best. The decision will still be up to you regardless of my words."

"Then..." Ashton hesitated for a bit and asked: "I'd learn more about Curses at the Academy right?"

Angelica paused, clearly quite surprised by that question. She was expecting that he'd ask something he want to clarify in the contracts but it seems he has a different idea. Nevertheless, she still answered him...

"Yes, of course. In fact, I can guarantee that aside from the Academy, there's no other place in this City where you'll find a well of information about Curses."

"Great!" Ashton looked visibly relived upon hearing that, "Do I get to learn about them right away or would I need to finish some course before I could?"

"You'd have to clear the Basic Courses first, especially Major Subjects. The course is usually offered to 3rd Years but if you can get permissions through several means, you can learn about them earlier."

"Okay. That's good to hear." Ashton nodded, looking more and more at ease. "Uhm, okay last question. Can we, students, apply for Military Training?"

Angelica chuckled at that question: "Mr. West, you studying at our Academy is considered as Military Training already. Think about it, we are teaching you to become a responsible walking disaster, for what exactly? Isn't to make sure that our home can be protected?"

"That being said, I know what you mean. And that answer to that is yes, it is heavily recommended if you plan on joining the Federation in the future. We have several clubs established just for that, you can pick one if you want and if you perform well, you might even be scouted early by the Federation to join them for real."

Ashton nodded. Angelica doesn't seem to be lying so he chose to trust her for now. If it turns out that she's spouting lies and got him in trouble, he can always use her words against her and the Academy, after all their conversation is being recorded by the Security Module of his home.

Of course, this is a back-up plan. Ashton doesn't want to go this far either so it would really be for the best if her words turned out to be the truth.

Anyways, she raised several points in there which made him speculate more things.

First and foremost, even though he's signing a sponsorship, it doesn't really mean that he's already considered as part of them, at most he's a prospective member but nothing more. There will a different contract for that, one that doesn't include the Mystic Academy he assumes.

Next thing is the Military Training. Yes, that was quite dumb of him. In hindsight he should've realized that already. Studying Magic can already be considered as Military Training as well.

He got muddle-headed there for a second, thankfully Angelica clarified it to him.

Now, the offer of the Blue Skies Empire seems lackluster. If anything, it's just a special permit and nothing more. And in some ways, he's kind of expected to finish the training if he wants the financial support to continue. Which isn't really bad on its own but it kind of restricts him in a way as well.

Still, that's to be expected isn't it? It's the Military after all. They wouldn't be called that if they're not strict with discipline.

The offer still sounds great and sincere for Ashton but he already made a decision.

"Where do I sign?" He asked after a brief moment of silence.

"I just need your signature over your printed name on the bottom center of each page of the contract you chosen. Also, I'll need to have your palm print to seal the deal. Once again, I'll remind you. Once you've signed a contract, there's no turning back. Do you want to sign one now?"

"Yes. I've already made my decision." Ashton nodded in certainty.

"Alright. You may begin signing your chosen contract now."

Ashton picked up the folder that has the contract with the Regal King and started signing it.

Yes, in the end this choice was inevitable. This was the best one so far and he'd be a fool to not take it.

With him being a Librarian, he'd have access to plenty Magical Knowledge. He'd receive a mentor and he'd get a generous amount of monthly allowance so long as he continued performing well. He'd also get a bonus if he performs above the expected which is a nice addition.

All in all, this is a solid choice. Of course, there are some restrictions to him but they're not too concerning. He's not allowed to tell anyone who his sponsor is, which is weird but acceptable.

He's allowed to say that someone's sponsoring him, he can say that it's a Private Client but he's not allowed to say that it's the Regal King.

Whoever this Regal King is, it seems that he values his privacy very much and that is respectable so Ashton had no problems with that.

And while Ashton didn't see anything in the contract that will cover his post-graduation matters, it's fine. At that point, Ashton would presumably be already knowledgeable about the world enough that he would know what to do so he's not worried.

Ashton finished signing the papers. After he's done, he double checked each page to see that it was all signed before handing it to Angelica, who in return asked for his palm print using a unique device.

He then saw her imprinting his palm print on the back of each paper on the contract, which is weird, but he didn't say anything about it.

Next, Angelica placed the folder back to her briefcase, after a few seconds, the briefcase lit up with a green light. After the light was gone, she opened it and to Ashton's absolute surprise, there were two identical folders.

'Wait, that also works as photo-copying machine!? That is so extra and cool!! I love it.'

"Here's your copy of the contract. Do keep it safe and secured. There might be a chance that you'll need it in the future." Angelica handed him his copy. "Also, this."

A stack of items appeared out of nowhere and arranged themselves on top of the table.

"These are your Student Credentials, uniforms and guidebooks. Check them all and if there's anything wrong, inform us right away, is that clear?"

"Yes." Ashton nodded.

"Great!" Angelica then stood up, "Well, since my job here is done. It's time I move on to the next scholar. Thank you for your time Mr. West. I hope our Academy can help you achieve your goals in the future."

She said as she mysteriously disappeared in blink of an eye.


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