I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 28: upgrade

For [Genuine Style], everything in the external world is known, boring, and uninteresting.

Therefore, she chose to sleep deeply, throwing everything to Shishi.

Because, although she is connected to the root, what seems like a dream to magicians has no meaning to her.

For her, it is not impossible to reorganize the laws of subtle things that are invisible to the naked eye, or even find out the origin of planets and change the system tree.

That's right, it's what a certain existence called [Gaetia] wants to do by incinerating human power and gathering magic power.

All these things are possible for her.

And to a certain extent, their methods are the same, not to change the current world, but to destroy the old world with the new world.

However, these are useless and meaningless to her, and can only make her feel tired. For her, this is no different from a dream.

So she doesn't look at anything, doesn't want to dream about anything that can't be dreamed.

But in all the known is mixed an unknown.

There is no doubt that it is Kurokawa Kazuya who was originally an existence from another world.

However, this is still meaningless to her, if he is not close to the two rituals.

However, by chance, this person leaned over.

Not once, twice, and now it's the third time.

This man has strange feelings for the two rituals.

It is precisely because of this feeling that [Genyuanshi] did not erase him.

It couldn't be easier to erase the unknown Kurokawa and Ya, and then create a known Kurokawa and Ya.

As evidence, Kurokawa and Mi had been a little dazed before they came to Liangyi's house, and they became sober after they left here.

At that time, because Kurokawa and Mi had just crossed over, they felt some indescribable discomfort. That's because the mismatch of body and soul isn't something that wakes up over time.

Then [Root Type] killed Kurokawa Kazuya, erased the original Kurokawa Kazuya's body, and then used this soul from another world to make a body that perfectly matched him. Thus, Kurokawa and Ya died once without anyone knowing, and then resurrected again without anyone knowing.

A regeneration was completed without him noticing. The body controlled by Kurokawa Kazuya's soul is indeed his own body... There are no parents to say... No, if it is true, the root cause may be his parents. However, his body is no different from that of ordinary people, it's just that it is relatively healthy.

Even magic circuits are almost level zero.

As for the systems on Kurokawa and Ya, the root formula has already been discovered.

That's...someone's crap. Random, assembly line-like operations produced countless things, and things that traveled to countless worlds.

Even, the current Kurokawa and Ya are not even qualified to get the attention of the creators of that system, because... they are too weak.

For the first time, the root formula gave him rebirth, probably because of a momentary curiosity, wanting to see what the unknown is. Afterwards, she hinted that he should not come, because even if Kurokawa and Mi were not by Liang Ri's side, she would know everything about him.

However, the hint fails.

For the second time, the root formula once again gave him a hint.

Then, still failed...

Now, it's the third time...

Looking at this already familiar person. She sighed imperceptibly: "Forget it... I won't do anything. Originally, I came here to chat with you, but after thinking about it, I still don't want to wake you up. Let’s talk about it later when we have a chance. Don’t worry, there are many opportunities.”

Genji was silent for a moment and then smiled: "No, you will find me yourself."

She did not see the future of Kurokawa and Ya.

However, she knows the future of other people, she knows the future of everyone except Kurokawa and Ya, and she also knows the character of Kurokawa and Mi.

For her, it was like an arithmetic problem where she already knew the answer. Suddenly, a number changed, but... it was only a number that changed. As long as you think about it, you can figure out what the final conclusion is. .

"Let's meet again at that time, now..."

Genji said, putting his small hand on Heikawa Kazumi's forehead: "Give you something, or you will die...you. Then, this is enough, enough for you to survive."Visitt nov𝒆lbin(.)c𝒐/m for the l𝒂test updates

After finishing speaking, Genji slowly stood up, opened the door and walked out.

The next time she comes out...it's time to tell him the truth about this world.

Instead of being kept in the dark like now, because of various reasons, I still don't know anything.

Well, of course, it doesn't matter if Shiki or Ori slipped the tongue, for her, it's just a little less fun.

For her, sure enough, sleeping is the most suitable for her.

All along, sleeping until this body rots, and I don’t even know when it rots, is the real ending.

Kurokawa and Ya in their sleep didn't know that his system had lost contact with the creator of that system. Moreover, the above programs started to be upgraded... The two ceremonies did not do anything superfluous, but simply cut off the connection, and simply dug out the hidden things in the system.

If it is said that Kurokawa and Ya had only user-level permissions on the system they had before, now they have administrator-level permissions.

As for the authority of the creator level... this, now from the hands of the creator, has been taken away by the root formula.

As for the manufacturer, he didn't care at all, no... he didn't even discover it at all. For that existence, this kind of system made hundreds of millions of them every minute, and then broke hundreds of millions of them every minute.

It is not once or twice that the authority is stolen.

But, well... Even if it is stealing, how many can one world steal? With that time, it is enough for that existence to create hundreds of millions of them...

Therefore, Kurokawa and Ya, who hadn't paid any attention to it, were completely forgotten.

I am still happily playing my own real-life game in my dream.

I have no idea what kind of changes have taken place in my body.

Everything, just like everything that happened to him now.

Like a dream.

[Looking at the final chapter of The Realm of the Sky again, I found something I didn't pay attention to before. It turns out that Renli Burning Mushroom in fgo had a similar idea a long time ago, but it was said in the mouth of the two rituals at the time, only But she felt too bored and too tired to do it, so this matter was handed over to fgo's BOSS Getia...]


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