I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 25: Amphibious House

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay, it's a child after all." Kurokawa and Mi smiled and walked over and said: "My name is Kurokawa Kazuya. We met two years ago. At that time, you seemed to be able to speak."

"Ah, I remembered, you were Uncle Kurokawa at that time." Tohsaka Rin suddenly realized: "Well, you keep asking me to call you brother or something, obviously twenty years older than others. "

"Oh, do you really remember?" Kurokawa and Ya were surprised this time. At that time, Tohsaka Rin was only a little over the first anniversary of his birth, and he was able to remember him.

This is not something that ordinary children can do. It seems that even if he is not from a magic family, he is still a genius.

"Of course." Tohsaka Rin paused, with a look of "I'm good".

"Rin, pay attention to your image." Tosaka Tokiomi said from the side.

"Yes, Father!" Tohsaka Rin was stunned for a moment, and then straightened his image. He was obviously still a little girl, but he gave off a very ladylike feeling.

"Mr. Tohsaka is really amazing..." Kurokawa and Mi smiled: "Rinichi looks very lively (rebellious), but he is also so obedient."

"It's okay. After all, Rin is still young, so I made you laugh."

Rin made a grimace at Kurokawa and Ya from behind, but no one noticed except Tohsaka Sakura who had been paying attention to her sister.

Looking at Sakura who seemed to be holding back a smile, Kurokawa and Mi walked over: "Long time no see, Sakura, but you still don't remember me, do you?"

"Hmm... sorry, I can't remember..." Tohsaka Sakura thought hard, then shook her head discouraged.

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay, after all, Sakura couldn't even speak at that time."

"That's right, Sakura was still wetting the bed at that time!"

"elder sister!"

"Rin, don't bully your sister." Tohsaka Aoi said while touching Sakura's head.

"I see."

After delivering gifts and chatting again, Kurokawa and Ya politely declined the Tohsaka family's request for him to stay, and went back that night. After all, there was a younger sister in the family, so he was worried about leaving for too long.

Even so, he didn't go back until after nine o'clock in the evening.

"Have you got a meal yet?"

Hanging up the clothes, looking at his younger sister, Kurokawa Kazuya asked.

"Eat a little bit, how about brother?"

"I haven't eaten yet. Wait a minute. I'll make dinner. I'll go out tomorrow... Well, let's go together this time? If that's the case, I can stay there for two days with peace of mind."

"Oh... do you want to go out again?" Kurokawa Kazumi sighed... She really didn't want to move anymore.

I walked for nearly a month, although it was fun at first, but later... I feel like my legs are going to break off...

"It's okay if you don't want to go. In that case, what are you going to do for dinner?"

"Ha~~um... I won't go, I can make dinner myself." Kurokawa Kazumi thought for a while: 'And this is just right to use my brother's workbench...hehe. '

"Don't regret it." Kurokawa Kazumi looked at her and said, "Your cooking is not as delicious as mine."

"Hmph, it wasn't someone else's cooking before, don't worry, you can go out and have fun, don't worry about me."

"It's fine if you insist." Kurokawa and Mi shrugged and said, "If you need anything, remember to call me like last time."

"I see, don't worry, don't worry."


Liangyi home.

This is different from the Fate series. The heroine who appeared in another work of the Moon World, "The Realm of the Sky", the two rituals, her family.

They are the four major exorcism families in Japan. In modern times, because they could no longer survive by exorcising demons, they transformed into the underworld.

The four major exorcism families are: Liangyi, Qianshen (separate family Qianshang), Qiye, and Wujing.

Among them, the Liangyi family is considered to be the best among the four major demon families.

The reason is that it has been transformed into a local gangster.Nnêw n0vel chapters are published on n0v/e/(lb)i(n.)co/m

Kurokawa and Ya came here once before.

For him at the time, this was actually not a very good choice, unlike the Tohsaka family who had always maintained elegance at least on the surface.

The Liangyi family is an underworld family, and it was transformed from the Tuemon family. It’s okay if this is not the Xingyue World, but if it is, it means that it is a collection of exorcising demons + gangsters.

If someone dies accidentally, no one will take revenge or anything.

Just like the few people who died in "The Realm of the Sky", although Liang Yi did not do it, the suspicion of murder was placed on her, but...the police have nothing to do with Liang Yi's family.

Not to mention only suspicion, even if she really did it, there's nothing I can do about it.


Another purpose of his coming here... was that he wanted to meet him when he was not very clear-headed at that time, the two rituals...

This is his favorite anime female character... bar none.

Fortunately, the result was good. According to his conclusion, the energy of the Liangyi family has not weakened in the slightest compared to the anime, but it is not a transformation of the Tuemon family, but a transformation of a traditional warrior family...

And kind to others...or so to those who didn't mess with them.

In short, the impulsive and mindless start ushered in a fairly good start.

After finding out the situation in this world, and gaining the friendship of the Ryogi family... From Kurokawa Kazuya's point of view, that's how things are.

"Hello, Mr. Kurokawa." Yanmu Akitaka said to Kurokawa Kazuya: "The Patriarch has been waiting for you for a long time."

"I see, thank you."

Compared to the Yuansaka family, before coming here, he made a phone call to explain the situation to the Liangyi family.

It's not that he doesn't call the Tohsaka family, but... the Tohsaka family doesn't have a phone at all!

Not to mention the phone, Kurokawa and Ya hardly saw any electrical appliances at Tohsaka's house...

Relatively speaking, the Liangyi family is much better.

"Go this way."

Yanmu Qiulong was leading the way, and the area around here was all the land of Liangyi's family.

For this ancient family that has existed for hundreds of years, this is just the basic configuration.

"Master Patriarch, Mr. Kurokawa has arrived." After signaling Kurokawa and Mi to wait aside, Yanmu Qiulong knelt by the door and said.

"Well...I see, let him in."

"Yes." After finishing speaking, Yanmu Qiulong opened the door and said to Kurokawa Kazuya, "Please come in."


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