I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 12: Tohsaka Tokiomi

"Kurokawa Kazuya..." Tohsaka Tokiomi smiled slightly as he saw the name of the manga artist on the juvenile JUMC.

"Since when have you paid attention to this kind of thing? Honey?" Aoi Tohsaka said while pouring a cup of black tea for Tohsaka Tokiomi.

"Thank you." Tokiomi Tohsaka smiled and said, "It's nothing, but I heard the name "Kurokawa Kazuya" on the way back from the clock tower today, so I paid attention to it by the way, after all, he is a daring and casual Ordinary people who just step into the mysterious realm."

"Ah, you mean the one from more than a year ago?"

"That's right." Tokiomi Tohsaka nodded: "However, he didn't know where he got the fact that our Tohsaka family is a magic family, so he used the identity of a future manga artist to draw material... Really , if it was the old man of the Matou family, he would probably be dead by now."

He was still very impressed.

During these years, it was not a magician, nor anyone else who was on the side of the mysterious world, but a down-to-earth ordinary person who dared to step into this side of the field...

I can only give him a bold evaluation. No, even mere boldness is not enough to describe this matter, it can be called "reckless".

Moreover, that person seems to know the existence of the Holy Grail War.

After seeing the Command Seal in his hand, his expression changed obviously. Although he tried his best to hide it, he was still seen by himself.

"If it's not confirmed that he has no aptitude for magic, it would be a good choice to accept him as a disciple. It's a pity, but... now it's not bad. He has also made good achievements in the watch world. It can be regarded as my Tohsaka One of the connections at home in the watch world."

Tohsaka Aoi nodded.

She also remembered that person.

At that time, Tohsaka Tokiomi still felt it was a pity to come. Good character, but not qualified.

Therefore, Tosaka Tokiomi used magic to imply that his Tosaka family is just an ordinary family without any mysterious existence. Moreover, just in case, let him stay away from the Matou family, the only other magic family in Fuyuki City.

However, he also tried to hypnotize and asked, where did he know this? The answer Kurokawa and Ya gave at the time was the book...

Tohsaka Tokiomi thus came to a conclusion, where did he get the general people who wrote about their Gosanjia books. Not too much care. Didn't even ask where the book is, because there are too many similar ones.

So finally.

Kurokawa Kazuya came to the judgment that the Tohsaka family did not have the slightest mystery.

"JoJo's Bizarre Adventure... It's good to watch when you're bored." Tohsaka Tokiomi didn't care much after making such a judgment.

He knew very well what the foundation of the Tohsaka family was.

That is "magic". Perhaps the human world outside should be called magic. However, in their inner world, not everyone can be called a magician. Only users of the "Five Great Laws" are qualified.

Everything else is magic.

Compared with things like Kurokawa and Mi, he was more worried about another thing.

That is his two daughters. Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Sakura... Both of them have very good magic aptitudes. As a mother, Tohsaka Aoi is undoubtedly qualified. No, it can no longer be described as qualified.

For her who gave birth to two children with extraordinary aptitude, this is already quite outstanding.

But... this is happiness and distress at the same time.

There are two children who have inherited his identity, but there is only one item, the magic seal of the Tohsaka family, which is used to pass on and also represents the head of the Tohsaka family...

Now, he has three choices...one of which is for his daughter to inherit the magic seal, and the other...for the Magic Association. This was the path he was least willing to choose.

The second one is to hope that the Matou family next door does not have a suitable heir, and then let one of his daughters inherit the Matou family's magic seal, but first of all, this needs to be a coincidence. Although the Matou family has been in decline, no one knows This generation will not have a qualified successor. Although there should be a conclusion by now, he didn't inquire.

The old man of Jian Tong's family should be anxious about this matter first, so that he can properly seek benefits.

The third...and the best one.

That is, the magic family of Yumoluo sells its own magic seal...

This can be said to be a rare thing in a century, and even if you encounter it, whether you have the money to buy it is still a problem.Visjt n𝒐velbin(.)c𝒐m for new updates

But, if it works... this is without a doubt the best option.


"Yo, Kurokawa-sensei, you're here!"

"Mr. Iwamoto..." Kurokawa and Mi turned around and said, "How is it? Are there any cartoonists who haven't come?"

"Huh? Why are you asking this?" Iwamoto Yuu asked suspiciously.

"Ah, I'm very interested in hearing that the responsible editor will be punished if a cartoonist doesn't show up."

"Um... where did you hear that?"

"Who knows..."

Iwamoto Yuu twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "No...everyone who should come has come."

"Really..." Kurokawa and Mi nodded: "It's a pity, I missed a performance. I still think there are many people who didn't come..."

Iwamoto Yuu's face turned ugly, why didn't he realize that this guy has such a bad personality? Look at his appearance... It is very likely that he will have time in the future but he will not come here just to see himself making a fool of himself!

"Okay, okay, won't you help introduce other teachers?"

"Yes, then I will take you there. Let me introduce you to Mr. Yuan Zhefu first. This year, Mr. Wu Lunzun did not come."

"What, isn't someone not here?"

"Uh...but the two of them can be considered a combination, so it's okay to have one."

"Is that so, what a pity." Kurokawa and Mi nodded, recalling Tetsuo Hara... The manga he is currently serializing is "Fist of the North Star", which has been number one all year round. The protagonist is a man with seven stars on his chest .

I didn’t read the manga in my previous life, but I watched two episodes of the animation. It must have been 15 or 16 years ago when I watched it myself... because the animation style is relatively old, so I didn’t watch it.

On the contrary, after coming here, in order to understand the manga of this era, I read all the serialized parts on JUMC.

"Mr. Tetsuo Hara is about the same age as you, um...by the way, one year older than you. I think there should be a common language. Ah, I found it, here." Iwamoto Yu said to a man beside him He walked over and said, "Hello, Mr. Hara Tetsuo, I'm Yuu Iwamoto, the editor."

"Oh, hello, this is it."

"I am Kazuya Kurokawa, the cartoonist who drew the manga "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure". Please give me your advice, Mr. Hara Tetsuo."

"Oh, you are the one who drew that "jojo"!" Tetsuo Hara looked in surprise at Kurokawa Kazuya, who was a head taller than him, and said, "I didn't expect...it looks about the same age as me...you I like that manga too."

As he said that, he posed in the pose of DIO in jojo and said, "Do you remember how many slices of bread you have eaten so far?"


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