I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead's Child

Chapter 71

Chapter 71: The Silkworm Road [5]

Early the next morning, Zhang YuShuireceived a call from Lin Family. The few of them packed up, they got a reservedcar to pick them up.

Xiao Ling was very happy to know that he wasgoing to Lin’s house, because he could see Young Master Lin again. They were socrowded but the Lin family had sent one car. Without any other choice, ZhangQiu and Li Shu took Xiao Jiang to ride another car to follow the others. Thecar at the front was occupied by Zhang Yushui, Pixian Hui Wang, Pei Qing andLing Dang with Xiao Ling in the spirit bead.

They were silence all the way until theyreached the mountain villa area. Zhang Qiu just got out of the car and felt thegloomy and cold air coming onto his face, which made him felt it was errierthan when he came yesterday. But if it was ordinary people, they would certainlyfeel that the greenery in the mountains were pleasantly cooler than the citywas a normal thing.

Zhang Qiu’s constitution was Yin and thatwas why he was sensitive to it. Although he couldn’t see anyt evil spirits withhis naked eyes, he could feel the difference between cold and evil spirits.

Erge and the others had already waiting infront of the gate. Standing guarded at the gate to invite them was probablysomeone of a butler status. It was a middle-aged dressed in formal clothes,combed hair with not one strand out of place, well-mannered in behavior andspeech such like: Misters and Madams please wait here; slighting preciousguests; and so on. Zhang Qiu had the feeling of watching TV drama, that kind ofbig family drama of the Republic of China.

The Lin Household really paid particularattention to established standard.

Zhang Qiu discovered that the architecturalhere was Chinese-style. In a row of white-roofed European-style villas, itseemed a bit out of place, but also very special. It was like stepping intothis door and entering another space and time.

Especially when Zhang Qiu saw Old Madam Linand Young Master Lin’s mother, he really had the kind of trance feeling aftertaking the wrong way.

Young Master Lin’s mother had curled herhair and she wearing a plain colored retro cheongsam with a shawl draped overher shoulders, with light makeup she looked gentle and virtuous while supportingOld Madam Lin out. Old Madam Lin’s hair was gray and neatly combed. Her walkingwas unstable, but when she looked at people, her eyes appeared somewhat keen,which one could assume that she was once a great/fierce person in her youth.

The butler at the side said two simpleevents that occurred in Lin Family recently and Old Madam Lin waved her hand asshe said, “For business matters, there were men outside that can handle it.I only care about my little grandson. He’s not in good health recently. He’sbeen sick several times before, but they are all minor problems. His marriage withYoung Lady from Su Family is nearing, it can’t be delayed. “

When Zhang Qiu heard that Young Master Linwas going to get married, he unconsciously looked at Ling Dang. The spirit beadwas on Ling Dang.

“Is Young Master Lin here? I want tosee him.” Zhang YuShui said with a smile.

“Young Master is still resting.”The butler said.

Mrs. Lin said quickly, “I’ll call Jiaheout.”

“Don’t, he’s not in good health.”Old Madam Lin looked at Zhang YuShui. “We have to trouble young Mr. Zhangto move instead.”

Zhang Qiu felt that the old lady reallyloved her grandson. Zhang Yushui had no objection as he nodded and said in allsmiles, “That’s fine. I happened to want to look around at the house’sFengshui. Sometimes, if the Fengshui was not well placed, it could easilyaffect one’s business and misfortunes continued to happen——” Upondiscovering that Old Madam Lin didn’t care at all, Zhang Yushui added with asmile: “If one’s house (family) is not prosperous, the heirs willnaturally not prosper.”

Old Madam Lin was a little anxious when sheheard it. “Please take a look at it, young Mr. Zhang. I heard that your ZhangHousehold is the best.”

“Of course, I’ll do my best.”

Young Master Lin’s room was on the south ofthe second floor. It was located in a good light. It was also big. It had aliving room with a small study outside and a bedroom with a bathroom inside.They were crowded. Old Madam Lin was not very satisfied with it and she said,“Jiahe is resting. The others please wait outside; just young Mr. Zhang togo see him is fine.”

Although Old Madam Lin’s remark was somewhatdowngrading, her words were right. Therefore Zhang Qiu, Li Shu, Pei Qing and PixianHui Wang were waiting outside while Little Ling Dang followed Zhang YuShui in.

Zhang Qiu couldn’t see the situation inside,so listened in to Erge said, “The evil entered into the body and the Yintang[1]has turned black. It’s really dangerous.”

[1 Yintang = ophryon; the top of the nose bridge connecting the eyebrowsin TCM. In Chinese medicine, Yintang is the location of the lung disease. Blackmeans it is a dangerous symptom.]

“What can we do? The marriage betweenJiahe and Young Lady Su is at the end of the month.” Mrs. Lin said.

“Why panic? Jiahe will be all right andYoung Lady Su will marry in.” Old Madam Lin’s voice was very firm.

“The two of you had better waitoutside. If you trust me, then listen to me. If not, then please find someoneelse.”

Not awhile after Zhang YuShui finishedtalking, Old Madam Lin and Mrs. Lin came out. They looked at each other inconsternatin in the small living room and no one spoke. It was quiet inside,but with Zhang Qiu’s ears, he could still hear the voices. Lin Jiahe’s voicewas very low. With insufficient breath, he was calling ’Lin Qing’intermittently.

That was Xiao Ling’s name.

Not long after Erge came out. They walkedaround the Lin’s courtyard house, and Erge put up a formation array. Zhang Qiu didn’tknow if it was in his mind, but he really felt less cold and eerie.

After they had done this, Lin Jiahe came outin a cotton linen Chinese-style garment. He was thin, pale and had no blood onhis lips.

“Aiyo, Jiahe, why did you come out? Becareful with the wind blow——”

“Grandma, I’m much better. I want tothank Mr. Zhang.”

Old Madam Lin looked at her grandsoncarefully; he was more energetic than before. She thought Zhang Yushui wasreally capable, so she nodded and said nothing more. “Then you talk, but don’twaste too much of your energy.” Turning around, she told the butler to properlythank Zhang YuShui before sending them off.

After Old Madam Lin and Mrs. Lin left, LinJiahe saw the butler standing beside him and he casually instructed the butlerto withdrawn.

“Mr. Zhang, I just seemed to see LinQing. It is Lin Qing, isn’t it?” Lin Jiahe’s recent calmness disappeared andwith an eager face, he said. “I dreamed about Lin Qing the other day.Since he went to the army, I have lost contact with him. I don’t know if he’sdoing well now.”

Zhang YuShui looked at Lin Jiahe andsuddenly smiled. “Young Master Lin must have known that Lin Qing likesyou.”

Zhang Qiu saw Lin Jiahe’s eyes flustered,and hurriedly began to say, “Don’t talk nonsense, Lin Qing and I arebrothers, brothers who grew up together.”

“Oh?” Zhang YuShui said lightly,“In that case, Young Master Lin should get well soon and make good preparationsfor your marriage.”

Lin Jiahe was shocked for a moment, and withpain on his face, he whispered, “How can two men be? I’m the family heir,I have to marry a wife and have children. He went to the army, and later cameout to live a peaceful life. Is being only as brothers, not good?”

Zhang Qiu could see that Lin Jiahe hadunsual feelings towards Xiao Ling, but it was not deep enough to give upeverything. As a bstander, he could not say that Lin Jiahe was selfish but thatXiao Ling loved him too deeply.

“The key is that you just treat him asa brother?” Zhang YuShui asked coldly.

Lin Jiahe’s face was dreadfully pale. Thewhole man was in great pain, and his lips repeatedly chanting ’why force him’.

Zhang Qiu now really felt that Lin Jiahe wascowardly. Beside his ears, Xiao Ling even asked them not to say anything moreand immediately, they didn’t want to stay here any longer. Zhang Yushui waspaid after he finished his business and didn’t let the Lin Family send them off.

Back at the hotel, Zhang Qiu was still angrywith Xiao Ling for shielding Lin Jiahe, who displayed to have been offended. LiShu was calm beside him. How could this person be so calm when Zhang Qiuhimself was feeling frustrated?

“Are you not angry?”

Li Shu looked at Zhang Qiu, who wasbreathing in puff. His eyes seemed to hold him (ZQ) in place.

“You’re not Xiao Ling.” Li Shusaid lightly.

Zhang Qiu thought that it made sense. He wasangry for Xiao Ling, but he was not Xiao Ling. Xiao Ling and Lin Jiahe grew uptogether. He didn’t know how they get along with each other. Xiao Ling waswilling to protect Lin Jiahe, perhaps because Lin Jiahe took good care of XiaoLing in other ways.

Zhang Qiu was still very angry at suchconstructive act.

“Neither am I, Lin Jiahe.”

The huffing in rage Zhang Qiu was stupefied.What did Li Shu say just now?

You are not Xiao Ling. Neither am I, LinJiahe.

So their feelings...

Hey hey hey. Zhang Qiu’s smiling faceundulated, “Li Shu, do you think of anything?”

“No.” Li Shu said lightly.

Zhang Qiu’s face shown suspicion, but lookingat Li Shu’s expression, it seemed not like a lie. In the end, it could only beattributed to his handsomeness and good-nature, and for Li Shu to be attractedto him was normal!

Upon seeing Zhang Qiu —who was just about toblow up— was happy with the words, Li Shu had a smile on his face. Although hedid not recall his previous memory, he was more and more fond of getting alongwith Zhang Qiu, and liked to see his silly smile but also wanted to——

Li Shu was afraid to frighten the person infront of him, and he restrained the billows of crimson lustful desire in hiseyes. Yet he didn’t know; Zhang Qiu was a man who had experienced gale andbillow with him before, how could he unable to endure and be scared?

After tidying up, they went out for meal.Xiao Jiang was skipping ahead, followed by Zhang Qiu and Li Shu. After a while,they saw Xiao Jiang skipping back to them.

“What’s wrong?”

Xiao Jiang pointed to the stairway. It wasdark, the lamp was broken. The hotel was really a bit overcast.

Zhang Qiu looked at him and said softly,“Are there ghosts?”

Xiao Jiang thought about it and nodded.Zhang Qiu became more panicky and grabbed Li Shu’s hand. “What to do? Wantto call Erge?”

“Xiao Ling.” Li Shu said lightly,looking at their intertwined hands. Zhang Qiu did not see Li Shu’s line ofsight, he said calmly and cheekily, “It’s too dark. I’m a littlescared.”

“Is Daddy afraid of Big Brother XiaoLing?” Xiao Jiang muttered incomprehensibly, “Daddy is so cowardy!Let me protect Daddy.”

Zhang Qiu:...

I just want to eat your Big Daddy’s tofu quietly for a while. Why is itso difficult?!

Although Xiao Jiang demolished Zhang Qiu’sstage, Zhang Qiu succeeded in eating Li Shu’s tofu shamelessly. Holding hands,they walked down the corridor. Before they came near, they heard a low sobechoing in the stairway. If Xiao Jiang hadn’t said it was Xiao Ling, the soundwould be hair-raising.

Apparently, Lin Jiahe hurt Xiao Ling bysaying those words. Xiao Ling pretended to be unperturbed and maintainingbrotherly feeling on their way back. Upon arriving at the hotel, he found adiscreet place and went to surreptitiously cry. Aware that Pei Qing must havebeen sweet with little Ling Dang while Xiao Ling hidden away in the spiritbead, therefore he became more sad (jealous of others).

Zhang Qiu was thinking about how to euphemisticallypersuade Xiao Ling while saving his (XL) pride, only to hear his son crisplysaid, “Big Brother Xiao Ling, why do you hide and cry?”

Zhang Qiu:...

Good son, whose EQ did you take after?!!

The cries at the stairway stopped. Zhang Qiucould feel the sudden silence in the air. He touched Xiao Jiang’s head in ahurry, fearing that his son would tear down Xiao Ling’s stage and sprinkle salton Xiao Ling. Xiao Jiang would do it completely and with great righteousness.

In the adult world, the son was still toopure.

“Xiao Ling, we’re going to have dinner.Are you going?”

Li Shu looked over him with a faint smile.After Zhang Qiu finished his sentences, he felt that his EQ had also beenlowered by Xiao Jiang. Xiao Ling was a ghost eating joss sticks and candles,almost the same as to eat nothing.

“I’m not hungry, I won’t go.” XiaoLing said with a low voice.

Fortunately, Xiao Ling gave face to ZhangQiu, who leaned against the stairway. Without advancing, he said, “Don’tbe sad.” Zhang Qiu also wanted to say something about the advantages of LinJiahe, but he did not know and was still very angry about Lin Jiahe’scowardice. However, this was tantamount to adding fuel to the fire. Afterthinking for half a day, he finally said: “In fact, it is good now. Youhave settled your wish and Erge had helped the Lin Family to get rid of the badluck. It’s good for you to be reborn sooner. Polish your eyes in the next liveand find someone who likes you...”

“Young Master is very kind to me.”

Xiao Ling’s figure appeared in front of ZhangQiu. Undoubtly, he was a strong man of more that 1.8 meter tall with pectoralisand abdominal muscles, but at this moment, he looked like an aggrieved littlewhite rabbit as he said with redden eyes, “I was brought back from theorphanage by young master, but the Lin family didn’t want to adopt me. When Iwas young, I didn’t have enough food, so I was thin and small. I suffered allthe time from people bullying me. Whatever young master had to eat, he gave tome. Later, when attending school, young master was smart enough to help with melectures. There was once time I accidentally broke the old master’s favoriteinkstone and it was young master who carried the blame for me...”

Every little thing that Xiao Ling murmured waslike a few treasures, and Zhang Qiu listened quietly.

“...Young Master is really good to me.He’s going to get married, I’m happy.”

Zhang Qiu looked at Xiao Ling’s lonely face.He couldn’t find any trace of happiness even half a point. He really didn’tknow what to say. Finally, Xiao Ling showed a smile. Zhang Qiu was sad andwanted to snatch Lin Jiahe back for Xiao Ling.

After listening to Xiao Ling’s hearttroubles, Zhang Qiu’s meal was tasteless; he was very upset.

Since they like each other, why can’t they be together?

Li Shu touched Zhang Qiu’s head and ZhangQiu looked up at Li Shu. “I’m not Xiao Jiang, still coaxing me likethat.”

“Who says that only children need to becoaxed?” Li Shu retorted.

Zhang Qiu thought it was reasonable and sohe had nothing to refute. After a while, he wanted to eat Li Shu’s tofu. First,he grabbed Li Shu’s waist. Uh, why did Li Shu grow so tall? It was not like aliitle bird leaning in his arms at all. Anyway, he’s in good shape. You look at his waist; all his muscles are veryhard...

“We’re outside, are you sure you wantit like this?” Li Shu looked down at the person in his arms with tolerancein his eyes.

“Wha-what does it look like?”Zhang Qiu’s face was as dull as waking up from a dream. He clearly held Li Shuin his arms, why was it changed to him clinging in Li Shu’s arms? Moreover, hishand even stroking Li Shu’s hard pectoral muscles and his face looked hungryand thirsty.

This was definitely not him!

“Daddy, does Big Daddy’s stomach feelgood to touch?” On the opposite sofa, Xiao Jiang inclined his headcuriously and then pointed to the dimple on his own face and said, “Daddy,you have saliva here.”

I feel like selling Xiao Jiang for one woolyarn, whoever wants, takes him!!!

Zhang Qiu thickened his face and adornedunperturbness. “How could there be drool?” When he reached for it,there really was saliva. He felt numb on his scalp. He turned his head and LiShu was looking at him with a smile.

“Well, today’s lunch was delicious,hahaha.” Zhang Qiu laughed awkwardly. Xiao Jiang and Li Shu looked at himcalmly. Then he couldn’t laugh any more. “Check out!”

“Wait a minute.” Li Shu opened hismouth, smiled and took out a card from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Qiu.“Take this.”

Bank card?!

Fcuk, was this Li Shu’s cue to provide forhim?!

He was making progress too quickly. ZhangQiu was bashful. “This is not very good, right?”

“I don’t usually use it very much. It’seasy to lose it when I put it on my body. You take the cost of the meal to bepaid and deduct it yourself. The password is six ’1’.” Upon seeing ZhangQiu was stupified, Li Shu could not help pinching his face. Holding Xiao Jiangin his arms, he calmly said, “You can settle the bill now.”

Zhang Qiu held the bank card in his hand. Wasthis teasing him for fun?! Agreed to provide for him, and then papapa?!

In fact, providing for him was not important,papapa was atually the focus. Butwhen Zhang Qiu saw the balance of the card on the ATM, he wished he could putthe card next to his skin. He was afraid to be robbed when he walked on thestreet. Such godly, he had better hugged the golden master’s thigh!

They had just returned to the hotel and ZhangQiu saw Erge and ErSao coming back from the outside. He said with a laugh,“What did you two do?”

“Don’t laugh so loudly. We went to do ourbusiness.” Zhang YuShui poked a finger at Zhang Qiu’s head. “I heardsomeone was drooling on Li Shu at the restaurant today.”

“Who has such a big mouth?!” ZhangQiu blew up.

At the side, Pixian Hui Wang laughed. “Youcan see it for yourself in the groupchat.”

Zhang Qiu immediately pulled out his mobilephone and Qixi sent a picture in Wechat group. It was him clinging on Li Shuwith both hands while his mouth drooled like a love-struck fool. His teeth itchedwith anger; he wanted to kill Qi Xi.

Qixi: Hehehehe, Xiao Qiuqiu, have you forgotyour dearest is me?!

Li Shu made a silent expression.

Zhang Qiu saw that expression trembling alittle. Qixi was the drama queen.

“Anyway, Qixi is here?” Zhang Qiuhad a headache and made killing gestures @Qixi.

Soon Qixi responded in the group.

Qixi: Xiao Qiuqiu, you are so enthusiastic!Room No. 906. Come, there’s a beautiful man waiting for you.

Zhang Qiu: Drama queen, if I don’t beat you todeath today, I won’t be surname Zhang.

The trio took the elevator by the way. Onlythen did Zhang Qiu known that Erge and Ersao had gone to the Lin’s IndustrialCinema to do proper business and drive away evil spirits.

“Just now Gao ZhiHao called and invitedus to the party at 8 o’clock in the evening. He asked me if Li Shu wouldgo.” Zhang YuShui laughed. “It’s a good chance to deal with foreign TameHead Master[2].”

[Tame Head Master = native witch popular in Southeast Asia, which use witchcraftto tame/subdue victim among other things]

Zhang Qiu thought of Yue QinCang’s storyabout the disappearance of the Jade Bi and Gao ZhiHao’s eager invitation to LiShu, could it be——

“The Jade Bi is in Gao ZhiHao’shand?”

“Gao ZhiHao invited people [witch] todeal with Lin Household because of the industry competition using evilbackstage manipulation. Meanwhile, dealing with Yue Household, it started twomonths ago, which seemed it was obviously targeted.” Zhang YuShui said as heagreed with Zhang Qiu’s guess.

Pixian Hui Wang smiled slightly. “You’llknow tonight. Xiao Qiu, remember to make your Li Shu priced higher.”

Zhang Qi had a second of silence when hethought of the amount in the card that Li Shu gave him and still had to be (paid)higher ah...


When the elevator arrived, Zhang Qiu stormedstraight into 906, and soon came Qixi’s damn yelling voice from inside.

“It’s quite lively?”

A faint voice came from the door. Zhang Qiu stayedhis hands immediately and looked back and sure enough, it was Li Shu. He saidquickly, “I really have nothing to do with him.”

“Wow, Xiao Qiuqiu, you have a heart ofiron! You had just gave me a little punch of love——”

Li Shu closed the door. Qixi, who had justbeen playing bastardly, saw Li Shu looked sullen and immediately noticed thatit was not good. He quickly said in laughter, “It’s a joke, a joke.”

“I’m going to guard the door, you fightproperly. It’s okay to beat him to death.” Zhang Qiu gave a cold sneeredand having said that, he left Qixi with an unfeeling back figure. He really ranto the door to guard it.

He was frightened to death. Li Shu’s facewas terrible just now. He must stay away from the drama queen in the future!!!

Zhang Qiu hugged the soft Xiao Jiang andkissed his son’s face. “Come on, Daddy will take you to eat deliciousfood.” After Li Shu knocked Qixi out, it should not be a problem for himto come back again, right?

“Why did Big Daddy beat up pretty uncle,Daddy?” Xiao Jiang sat in Daddy’s arms and asked, tilting his head.

“Because Qixi is a drama queen and yourBig Daddy– wait a minute.” Zhang Qiu suddenly realized and gave a bigkiss to his son before happily said, “Li Shu is angry, could it be jealousy?”

With this in mind, Qixi was not withoutcontribution, but in the light of Li Shu’s calm face just now, Zhang Qiu still decidedto bring his son to eat a delicious meal before return back.

The father and son went to the street tohave snacks. Chengdu had a lot of delicious food. Zhang Qiu saw his son pinchedhis nose because of the stinky tofu. He smiled and stuffed it into Xiao Jiang’smouth. Xiao Jiang’s fleshy face was wrinkled, but he didn’t want to lose faceby spitting it out. He said vaguely, “stinky Daddy.”

“You chew it. It’s really delicious andnot stinky.” Zhang Qiu smiled at Xiao Jiang’s crumpled face.

Xiao Jiang choked, chewed two times, andthen the dislike little expression changed as his eyes instantly sparkled.

“Tasty Daddy!” Xiao Jiang swayedhis little head, ate it and asked for it again. Suddenly, he looked somewhereand pointed while saying, “Uncle Qi!”

Zhang Qiu followed his line of sight and sawonly a black car leaving. He wondered, “Shouldn’t be, how can Qixi comingout so soon?”

“Not pretty uncle, but cold-faced UncleQi.” Xiao Jiang stressed.

Qi ZhiRong?

Zhang Qiu took his eyes back and coaxed hisson, “Let’s go back!”

Xiao Jiang pointed to the stinky tofu, andin the end Zhang Qiu packed another box. In his bosom, his son happily ate withtwo tiger teeth out. Upon seeing this, Zhang Qiu was a bit worried. It never occurredto him that Xiao Jiang was even a stealth foodie. His EQ was not very good, too.It seemed that only his business ability was strong; keeping a straight faceseemed to be quite capable of pitting people.

How would he chase after a girl then?

Zhang Qiu was distracted.

As soon as they entered the hotel, they metLi Shu. With all smiles, Zhang Qiu grabbed the stinky tofu box in his son’sarms. “Bought it for you, it smells good.”

Xiao Jiang, who was reluctant to finish allhis meal: ...

“The son is watching you.” Li Shusaid lightly.

Zhang Qiu felt that he couldn’t live anylonger. He stuffed the tofu box back and cried out with an innocent expression.“I swear, I have nothing to do with Qixi the queen drama, my heart onlyhave—”

Li Shu looked at Zhang Qiu calmly andleisurely.

“Xiao Shushu is quiet bad, deliberatelymaking people said such.” Zhang Qiu said with a grin.

From behind came Qixi’s voice, “ZhangQiu, I got a bad stomach with you being like this.”

Zhang Qiu turned his head and was startledby Qixi’s appearance. Wearing the super huge sunglasses could not cover thebruise at the corner of his lips. He looked at Li Shu and said, “Did youreally beat him?!”

“Your regret it?” Li Shu’s tonewas melodious.

At this moment, it would be stupid to say heregret it. Zhang Qiu shook his head and said, “No, I only think he’ssilly. Why wear glasses instead of face mask when his mouth is split?!”

“Look at what LaoZi’s beautiful facelooks like after being beaten by your man!” Zhang Qiu hadn’t said not bad,but once mentioned, Qixi exploded and took off his sunglasses. Zhang Qiu darednot laugh. It was just like a panda.

Xiao Jiang licked his mouth after eating andlooked up. “Wow, pretty uncle has turned into a panda!”

Son, you really don’t have friends if you tell the truth like that.

“LaoZi has still need to record aprogram in the evening, so how can LaoZi record it?!”

Xiao Jiang asked with his head tilted:“Uncle Panda, won’t you go to a cocktail party with us? Cold-faced UncleQi is coming too——”

Zhang Qiu only hated that his hands were not fast enough to cover his son’s mouth. He looked at Qixi. Qixi’s expression was cold. He put on his sunglasses and his expression could not be seen clearly. He said, “Oh, he’s coming too.”

> Chapter 72


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