I Will Disappear, Grand Duke

Chapter 116: Side story (7)

Chapter 116: Side story (7)


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When Fernan was silent, Julia got up quietly and went to the seat next to him.

Julia, who was sitting next to him as if she was slumping down, held out her hand.  She opened her mouth as she gently held his hand wrapped in bandages.

"I saw Your Highness didn't look good when you look at Jerome.

Julia let out a low sigh. She thought it was her speculation, but apparently it wasn't.

"I don't know what you don't like about him, but Jerome is a honest gardener."


Since Jerome came, the greenhouse has been taken care of better than before.

Her words were blocked by the sudden touch of her lips.

  Julia opened her eyes wide in surprise.

Fernan muttered low between their lightly touched lips.

"Stop talking about him."

Julia still looked up at him with wide open eyes. Fernan gradually loosened his slightly narrowed forehead.

However, as much as his eyes, he could not hide his emotions and was shaking greatly.

Are you mad?"

At her careful question, Fernan swallowed a simmering sigh and clasped her hand tightly.

Then, in the end, he let out his inner thoughts.

  okay. The truth is, I am very angry.

Fernan, who lowered his gaze slightly, continued speaking slowly, as if chewing on each word.

I dont want you to make eye contact with him, nor to respond kindly to him, so Im going crazy.


Seeing him look at you and flirt with you making me even angrier.

As he spoke, he scratched his head as if he was a whiny child.  Still, the voice, once raised, could not be stopped.

When I think you be with that b*stard every morning, it makes my blood boil.

He was jealous and anxious, and he tried to get rid of it on his own. Because he decided not to oppress Julia and let her do whatever she wanted.

It was a promise he had repeated thousands of times after losing her so many times.

He tolerated well without Julias knowledge when he saw someone flirting with her, or when someone needlessly courteous and eager to kiss the back of her hand. 

But he had never done anything something like he did today.

Come to think of it, he should have been more angry then, but why this time he couldnt stand the sight of the gardener.

Was it because Julia at Jerome? 

Or was it because the name of the gardener that kept coming out of her mouth?

What was certain was that he (Fernan) shouldn't be acting like this in front of her. Perhaps she will hate him.

Fernan was rubbed his face to control his emotions, but belatedly, he met Julia's eyes and bit his lips.

Julia looked embarrassed but at the same time confused.

Fernan looked at her, feeling anxious.

Are you disappointed in me?

When Julia remained silent because she didn't know what to say, his face turned pale in because he thought she really was disappointed in him.

D*mn it, I didnt mean to do this.

He murmured low. Julia tried to say she wasn't disappointed, but she was speechless for some reason.

She had never seen Fernan so exasperated before.  At least he had been like that since she came back.

So Julia was a little more embarrassed. She vaguely knew he didnt like Jerome, but she didn't know he was thinking like that.

Naturally, Jerome was just a gardener at the castle. And she was just being nice to him.


As Julia kept silent, Fernan looked anxious and lowered his head. As she looked at him, Julia reached out without realizing it.


Fernans eyes widened as he saw her suddenly hugging him. Julia buried her face on his neck.

She wasn't angry. She wasn't even disappointed. There's no way she would hate him for this.  If she had been that shallow, she wouldn't have come back to him. However, her heart fluttered when seeing Fernan so unstable.

She just wanted to reassure him that he was her only one. 

So instead of answering, the action said it all. Julia released her arms and looked into his shaky eyes, then kissed him first.


It was an act that she would not have done in the first place because she was usually shy. Fernan hand fluttered in the air for a moment at her sudden reaction.

 Recalling what Fernan had always done, she clumsily gripped his lips, stuttering and hugging his back.

Fernan, who had been staring blankly at Julias closed eyelids, finally wrapped around her waist with one hand. Then he cupped her cheek with the other hand and lowered his head deeper to her.

As the subject of the action was reversed, the kiss deepened at once. Fernans tongue entered between her lips and kissed her deeply. Julia's face gradually turned red as if on fire.

Julia, who grabbed his collar tightly, slowly adapted to his action.  Slowly she took her breath and accepted him. She was half lying on the sofa.

They embraced each other passionately, forgetting all the emotions they had before. Julias clothes were crumpled and her hair was tangled.

Fernan lowered his head and buried his lips in the nape of her white neck. Julia suppressed her moan and bit her lip. At that moment, suddenly someone knock on the door.

"Your Highness! This is Lloyd. Are you inside?"

After a moment of silence, Julia made a loud ah, and pushed Fernan away. Fernan took a deep breath and ruffled his hair, annoyed at the interruption.

"I heard you got hurt, are you okay? How on earth"

Wait there.

Fernan gave orders to Lloyd in a low-pitched voice and looked down at Julia.  Her cheeks were red as if they were about to burst.  He quietly reached out his hand, wiped her wet lips and straightened her messy clothes.

After one last gentle brushing of her messy hair, he got up. Then he whispered softly after barely closing his still boiling eyes.

Ill be right back.

Julia nodded her head slightly.  Her heart raced as she looked at his back as he left. She felt embarrassed as if she was caught doing something bad.


It wasnt until night that the unfinished story could continue.

Julia said Jerome was already married and had a child. She was just spending time with him to learn about plants.

When she added that she would be very sad if he misunderstood her, Fernan hurriedly replied.

I didnt misunderstand you.

He was just jealous because he wanted to have Julia all for himself.

He wanted to have her smile, her eyes, and even her time, but he couldn't do it, so he got angry like a child.

Fernan looked at her, clearing his throat.

Dont be upset. It's my fault."

Then Julia shook her head.

She didn't mean to make him to openly apologize to her.  She pushed the blanket that covered her legs and slipped into his arms. Fernan hugged her tightly.

"Your Highness my everything.

At her whisper, Fernan looked at her with deep affection and closed his eyes.

 "You don't know how happy those words make me."

Feeling his heart pounding deep in his chest, Fernan hugged Julia a little more deeply. As he hugged her so tightly, he wanted to touch her a little more. He turned his head and kissed Julia on the cheek.

"You're the only one for me, forever."

Julia gently raised her lips. They looked at each other, gently moved their bodies.

No matter who came first, their lips met. Quietly, Julias back was laid on the bed.

 Fernan took off her nightgown and kissed her bare shoulders. Slowly, he pressed his hot lips to her slender clavicle, and Julia let out a soft moan. Her stomach tingled at the sensation of obsessively kissing all over her body.

 Hmmmm, Your Highness..

 Call my name.


Julia wrapped her arms around his neck with her round eyes.  When she couldn't answer, he hurried her on.

He lowered his lips to her chest and tenaciously sucked the spot where her heart was beating. Her back twitched at the hot, tickling sensation.

As she hugged the back of his head, Julia muttered in a wet voice.


Fernan smiled contentedly and positioned himself on top of her. Then he slowly took off his robe and let go. Julia looked at his large, strong, muscular body as if possessed.

It was a night when desire engulfed reason, as always.


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