I will be The Monkey God!

Chapter 29: Repeat until it works!

Chapter 29: Repeat until it works!

[Cave Frenzy Rhino Lv. 35 HP: 14050/17000 MP: 4000/5000]

The whole mine cried in the presence of this monster. A terror that had been ruining everyone's life finally revealed itself wholly, forcing the mountain's tremors to sweep through the passageways up to the first floor.

Nonetheless, it would take some time for everyone to come here and who would take the challenge?


Rhino let out its cry, its thick leg sweeping the ground.

Nothing stood in his way as everything had shattered to the pieces that eventually turned into dust. A faint dust cloud conjured from its natural action, but even it lost against Rhino's thickness and strength.

Its eyes, red and wild, glared at Michu.

"You failed to kill me, so you are angry!" Michu responded to those eyes, unwavering and focused. The monkey pointed his staff at the monster while soldiers stepped forth to form a wall to protect Michu.

At the same time, the other soldiers took both sides of the corridor, sealing any ways of escape. Of course, it was already a known fact that this Rhino could go through walls and dig better than a mole.

However, there had to be a limit!

Michu felt like he found one, "His HP is low. Mana too!" Since the monster had been quiet lately, how could it lose HP and MP? Surely it was related to his unique ability to go between passageways!

One of the soldiers suddenly shouted, "It's coming! Protect Michu!" Rhino rushed forth, his charge summoning shockwave after shockwave! It instantly shut both the mine and Michu who had been assessing the situation.

The first wall of soldiers took a few steps forward and raised their shields. On their side, the swords waited for the perfect moment to strike. One of the weaknesses was the eyes. The beast was clad in the hard as stone body, so swords were the least threatening weapon for it.

Nonetheless, laced in various skills with a five-level advantage, the soldiers could inflict considerable damage to the monster. Yes, they aimed at the monster's body and were not even bothered about the eyes.

The beast had fought many players and residents, its instincts to protect the weakness were honed enough.

However, it was also part of the plan.

The monkey's plan - Surprise Eye Attack!

"I am far from the weakest!" Michu shouted and entered the battle. He carefully approached one of the soldiers, then bonked on the rhino's horn.

[0 HP!]

"Ehh Am I the weakest?" Michu didn't cover his words and faintly whispered while accepting the reality. He didn't step down, though. More bonks fell onto Rhino's horn until its frenzied heart thumped.

The beast violently swept horizontally with its horn and forcefully pushed away from the first wall of soldiers back.

Michu recoiled fast enough, but his back hit the wall, "It's too narrow here!" A joint attack quickly followed after! From all possible directions, the soldiers stormed with their swords and other weapons laced in skills.

The beast withstood every strike, then raised its two front legs high up!

Michu's whole body got overshadowed by the monster, then its eyes followed the fall diligently. After those two front weapons landed, the raw wave flung away all soldiers, utterly shattering their wall and defense.

Carlos exclaimed after hitting the ground, "Of course! This fucking monster! If it was easy to get its eyes and beat him, then Lord Fabian wouldn't wear a wig!" The soldier pulled himself up, but the monkey had always been the primary target.

The player was as if embraced by the wall, glued to it with no ways of escaping!

However, at the last moment, Michu raised his staff and mimicked the monster's previous technique. His staff hit the ground, "Expand!" The staff expanded and sent the monkey up to the ceiling.

Though Michu hit the hard ceiling with his head, his eyes remained focused. "Shrink!" The staff returned to its initial length, then Michu descended. His staff's tip quivered with the bonk's might!

[-50 HP!]

"Haha! Repeat until it works!" Michu's excitement invaded other soldiers' hearts and they repeated their former formation as well. From all sides, they aimed to inflict as much damage as possible while limiting the monster's escape routes.

They also wanted the monster to not focus on Michu and pull its attention toward them, even though taunt was not in their skill sets!

Michu repeated his newly fun technique as well. He flew up into the sky, hit the ceiling, then bonked its way toward Rhino!

It angrily screamed and its shouts pealed from within its heart.

[-46 HP!]

"It's okay!" Michu's battle lust didn't wear off, even after the second bonk took lesser HP than the first one. He continued to jump up and down and waited for his friends to stand up after the monster's mass kicked them away.

The whole battle seemed like an arduous task and heavily sucked both HP and MP.

The player and soldiers weren't invincible.

Rhino also wouldn't be a problem if he could be defeated in such a way. If both Michu and the soldiers continued this weird and highly exhausting formation, then at least half of them would die before the monster turned around to escape.

That was why Michu shouted, "Escape! We will meet near the elevator area!"

"Michu! What if this catches up to you? You are done if even its' horn scratches your back!" Carlos responded instantly and poured down the truth to the monke.

[Michu Lv. 23 HP: 305/5555 MP: 504/3205]

[Cave Frenzy Rhino Lv. 35 HP: 8120/17000 MP: 2730/5000]

"You guys can't die! If we fail, then we will try later! It's okay to lose!" Michu wouldn't allow his friends to sacrifice themselves for his solo quest. It was kinda an egotistical quest that mainly aimed to impress Yumi who had been constantly telling him to research stuff on his own.

Michu also wanted to learn more stuff and fight something else other than a wooden boss in the dungeon.

It was all for him.

Even though soldiers also would gain their lord's favor and thanks by erasing this abomination, the whole solo quest had been initiated by Michu, so he took the lead and ordered the soldiers to escape!

"Leave!" Though it sounded like the situation straight out from the movie, Michu didn't plan to die here. He clenched his staff with both hands, "Expand!" And flew up to the ceiling! This time, his head didn't hit anything.

He even leaned forward in the mid-air and kicked the wall to fly toward the opposite direction! "See! I can do it! Regenerate your HP and let's meet up later!" Michu's friends could only obey him!

They left the passageway and looked at his flying body until Michu disappeared.


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