I Was Reborn With All Max-Leveled Classes of Mage, Warrior, Rogue, and Healer!

Chapter 194 - Beaten Up

Chapter 194: Beaten Up

The Green-eyed White Monkey used its strength to escape the vines’ control.

However, low-level tree spirits were best at strength.

Although their levels were very low, their strength was only slightly lower than the Green-eyed White Monkey.

The Green-eyed White Monkey’s strength was not enough to escape the vines’ control.

At this moment, it felt like its body was about to be removed.

Bright lightning appeared on the body of the Green-eyed White Monkey.

Then, a large amount of lightning appeared on the entire body of the Green-eyed White Monkey.

At this moment, the strength of the Green-eyed White Monkey increased greatly.


[Charge: A wild monster skill that infuses a large amount of electric current into its body to enter a charged state. After use, it can increase its body’s strength and speed by several times.]

The Green-eyed White Monkey, whose strength increased greatly, exerted power all over its body and directly tore the vines on its four limbs.

After breaking the vines on its neck…

The Green-eyed White Monkey quickly left the place.

Now, be it the ground or the trees, both were dangerous for the monkey.

Trees were supposed to be its territory.

However, after the tree spirits appeared, it became somewhat afraid of trees.

The reason for this was the large amount of fog around it.

The thick fog completely blocked its vision.

This prevented it from seeing McRae’s magic being released.

So it was very difficult to face McRae.

It quickly left the region of the thick fog.

And at this moment, McRae wouldn’t let it go.

He quickly followed.

But he wanted to teach Alice right now.

So he was slower on purpose.

After the Green-eyed White Monkey rushed out of the thick fog,

It quickly climbed up the tree.

Then, McRae rushed out.

After seeing McRae, the Green-eyed White Monkey kept scratching the tree trunk angrily.

At this moment, the Green-eyed White Monkey was already a little afraid of McRae.

However, the Green-eyed White Monkey wanted to kill McRae.

To make McRae pay.

After McRae rushed out of the thick fog, he directly lost track of the Green-eyed White Monkey.

However, because the Green-eyed white monkey had the stench of the swamp.

Finding the Green-eyed White Monkey was not a difficult matter.

A summoning array appeared under McRae’s feet.

“Summoning Spell, Hound.”

[Summoning Spell, Hound (E-level skill): can summon Hound to help you in battle.]

A hound covered in black fur appeared.

McRae gave it an order to find the whereabouts of the Green-eyed White Monkey.

McRae was a mage right now, not a summoner.

So the wild monsters that could be summoned weren’t very strong.

However, it was enough to be a support function.

The Hound kept sniffing the air.

Soon, it smelled the unique stench of the swamp.

The Hound ran to the tree under the Green-eyed White Monkey and kept shouting at it.

The Green-eyed White Monkey on the tree immediately knew that it had been discovered.

The Green-eyed white monkey looked fiercely at the hound under the tree.

If not for the dog, it wouldn’t have exposed his whereabouts.

The Green-eyed White Monkey struck out in the air, and then a Thunder Palm hit the Hound.

“Thunder Palm!”

[Thunder Beast skill. After hitting the target, it will cause high damage and at the same time cause the enemy to fall into a numb state.]

The Hound that McRae summoned was too low-level.

It couldn’t even be considered a wild monster. It was just an ordinary dog.

So this dog was very weak. It was directly killed by the Green-eyed White Monkey with a slap.

Although the Hound was dead, McRae didn’t care.

Now that he knew the whereabouts of the Green-eyed White Monkey, this was very important to McRae.

McRae continued to say to Alice, “After discovering the Green-eyed White Monkey, if you can’t kill it quickly, you can restrict its movements and deal with it. The best way is to cut down all the trees around it.”

McRae raised his staff.

“Storm Chaos Blade!”

[Storm Random Blade (D-level skill): Gathers a large amount of wind attribute magic power. It can be used to restrict enemies, and at the same time, it has a very strong killing power.]

A 15-meter tall tornado appeared.

It quickly rushed towards the Green-eyed White Monkey.

When the Green-eyed White Monkey saw this, it quickly jumped towards the trees beside it.

But before it could jump into the tree…

The tornado blew up, and a large number of sharp blades were constantly fired.

These sharp blades had a very terrifying cutting ability.

The trees around the Green-eyed White Monkey were instantly cut by a large number of wind blades.

The Green-eyed White Monkey in the air was stunned.

The trees around it were gone.

Without the trees to move around on…

It could only be on the ground.

After reaching the ground, the speed of the Green-eyed White Monkey would decrease significantly.

The Green-eyed white monkey saw that there were no longer any trees for it to use.

At this moment, it looked at McRae fiercely.

Then, it entered charge mode.

Its speed increased rapidly.

When McRae saw the Green-eyed White Monkey coming towards him, he didn’t panic at all.

McRae said to Alice, “If the wild monster goes all out with you, don’t panic. Turn on the magic shield. After it loses its vision advantage, it’s not much stronger than the other wild monsters.”

McRae directly chanted magic.

A mud wall that was several meters tall appeared in front of the charging Green-eyed White Monkey.

The Green-eyed White Monkey jumped into the air and dodged the earthen wall that McRae had just used.

The Green-eyed White Monkey that had just jumped into the air saw something in front of him..

Dozens of magic fireballs.

“Magic Consecutive Strikes!”

[Magic Combo Missile (Grade E skill): Emits a large number of magic combo attacks in a few seconds.]

Dozens of small fireballs kept attacking the Green-eyed White Monkey.

Although the fireballs were small and not strong,

There were a lot.







The small fireball hit the Green-eyed White Monkey.

It directly ignited its body again.

The Green-eyed White Monkey quickly rolled on the ground.

It wanted to extinguish the flames on its body.

McRae said to Alice, “Wild monsters like this Green-eyed White Monkey have a lot of hair on their bodies. Using fire-type skills will have a very good effect.”

Alice was listening intently.

And at McRae’s side, the magic in his hand didn’t stop.

“Vine Bind!”

McRae’s staff hit the ground.

Instantly, the roots of all the trees on the ground heard McRae’s summon.

Then, they crawled out of the ground.

Usually, when the Green-eyed White Monkey saw this, it would directly dodge.

But at this moment, the Green-eyed White Monkey was busy extinguishing the flames on its body.

So it didn’t notice the vines that appeared around him.


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