I Was Possessed By An Unknown Manga

Chapter 88: Rich And Poor

Chapter 88: Rich And Poor

Wait, the Vice President and Minami are ninjas?

It was such a casual revelation that I almost missed it entirely.

The President, who had accidentally spilled the beans, looked at me guiltily. Knowing she couldnt retract her statement, she reluctantly admitted.

Yes, both of them are ninjas serving our family. They have been doing so for quite a long time.

I never imagined someone connected to the underworld would be so close.

Actually, perhaps this was normal.

It would be more unusual for the heiress of Japans top conglomerate, the Saionji family, to walk around without any protection.

Ninjas certainly fit the bill as specialists in personal protection.

After revealing the Akagi siblings true identities, Senior Fuma brought instant coffee to the President and me and asked,

So, have you changed your mind? Kim Yu-seong. If you dont help, the martial arts lineage thats been passed down for hundreds of years will be severed. Dont you find that regrettable? And dont you want to become stronger? Now you have the chance to learn the martial art of the Black Night Demon, one of the legendary Seven Powers, with a beautiful bride.

Please dont try to sell your familys secret like its a home shopping product

Honestly, it was becoming pitiful.

What had driven her to this extent?

Anyway, Ive heard enough between what was said last time and today.

Im willing to learn the martial art called Gale, but I refuse to marry you, Senior.

Senior Fumas expression darkened suddenly.

Am I that unattractive?

No, its not about being attractive or not. As I said before, I believe marriage should be between people who love each other. If its done for any other reason, the remaining married lives of those involved will surely be unhappy. Thats my concern.

Im more than willing to dedicate my life to one husband. Even if its not someone I love, as you say, I think its not bad to slowly learn about each other.

Ultimately, the discussion between Senior Fuma and me continued without finding a point of agreement.

Then, perhaps realizing something from our previous conversation, she decided to stop insisting on marriage.

Sigh For now, Ill inquire if its possible to learn the martial art without getting married, as you, Kim Yu-seong, suggested.

Yes. That would be appreciated.

The village elders will probably be furious. This would mean proposing to preserve the familys secret techniques by revealing them to an outsider without any compensation. I cant guarantee the success of this proposal.

If thats the case, then it must mean it wasnt meant to be for me.

After concluding the conversation to that extent, Senior Fuma sighed in relief and brushed her chest.

It seemed she had expected me to flatly refuse again.

With a brighter face than before, she asked,

What are your plans for dinner? I can prepare something if youd like. Especially since I just received a cheque from Miss Saionji, Im financially comfortable at the moment.

Her tone seemed to subtly suggest that she wanted us to stay for dinner.

It must mean she was confident in her cooking skills.

It appeared she hadnt given up on the idea of having me as her husband.

I looked over at the President sitting beside me.

Seeing my look, the President, seeming uncertain, bit her lip and then turned to me, asking,

If I just leave, youll stay and eat, right?

Um I suppose so?

Then Ill join as well.

Decision made. Ill use the wisdom Ive gained from three years of living alone to prepare the best home-cooked meal.

Senior Fuma said this, confidently smiling.

Youre planning to eat here?

Is that alright with you?

Perhaps thinking there was no longer a need to hide, the Akagi siblings, who were not visible until a moment ago, suddenly appeared.

Not just mere attendants but ninjas. It seemed they were hiding nearby.

But pointing out that fact now and acting as if I knew it all along would only make the atmosphere awkward, so I held my tongue.

You rookies over there, you should eat too. Ill treat you today.

Rookies? Thats a bit harsh.

Were not that different in age.

Then, Senior Fuma chuckled, giving them a moment to grasp reality.

I am the interim head of the Fuma Clan and a superior ninja. By 14, I had already mastered all the techniques, making me a promising heir. In contrast, what do you two have to boast about?

Taken aback by her straightforward approach, the Vice President and Minami closed their mouths, their expressions filled with displeasure.

It seemed they were inferior in terms of status.

As the two sulked, we decided to go shopping at a nearby supermarket, following Senior Fumas lead.

Wow, Ive never been to this kind of supermarket before.

Havent you been to convenience stores a few times?

Convenience stores and supermarkets are different. This is a great opportunity to experience the lives of ordinary people.

The President declared this decisively, then cheerfully grabbed a shopping basket.

Senior Fuma, accompanying us, also picked up a basket.

I was personally very excited to see what kind of dish she would prepare today.

As we entered the food section of the supermarket,

[Attention, for the next 10 minutes only, bean sprouts are on sale for 100 yen. Bean sprouts, now 100 yen for a limited time.]

Hearing the typical promotional announcement, Senior Fuma, who had been right there a moment ago, had completely vanished from sight.

No, dont use ninja techniques for something like this!

Lucky me.

Senior Fuma said, returning triumphantly like a victorious general.

Her basket was filled to the brim with 100-yen bean sprouts, limited to the time sale.

This decides todays main menu. A bean sprout party centered around bean sprout dishes.


The dinner members began to stir at the sight of the unusual amount of bean sprouts.

But Senior Fuma, exuding confidence as if she owned the world, urged us to hurry.

She sang the praises of bean sprouts as we made our way to the meat section.

Bean sprouts are affordable, flavorful, and abundant. Theyre the ideal vegetable for those living alone. Their crunchy texture is delightful in a salad, soup, or stir-fry. Personally, I love to blanch them in boiling water, add a dash of soy sauce for a savory kick, and serve them over white rice

Oh my, the meat is on sale.

However, her accolades for bean sprouts were quickly overshadowed by the Presidents excited voice.

What kind of meat do you prefer, Yu-seong? I, for one, am partial to A++ grade wagyu. Steaks are wonderful, but theres something special about thinly sliced beef for shabu-shabu dipped in a delicate broth. Its a slice of heaven.

In contrast to Senior Fumas frugality, the Presidents basket overflowed with a variety of cooking ingredients, with no concern for their cost.

The President decided to treat us to homemade shabu-shabu, even purchasing a hot pot and katsuobushi.

Initially, the meal was meant to be prepared by Senior Fuma, but somehow, the plan had changed, and I wasnt quite sure how.

Senior Fuma watched the Presidents back before letting out a chuckle.

Ultimately, the flavor of a dish relies on the cooks skill. With such premium ingredients, even a novice could create something tasty.

The President responded with a laugh, covering her mouth with her fan as if she had heard something amusing yet undeniable.

An interesting perspective. But ultimately, the secret to great food is using the finest ingredients. Why deny the obvious? Fuma-san, perhaps you should consider being a bit more liberal with your spending.


As the President delivered a sharp retort to the previous jab, Senior Fuma clenched her teeth in frustration.

Fine! Ill prove it! I can create a dish with more affordable ingredients that rivals those made with expensive ones!

Reaching the meat section, Senior Fuma firmly declared his choice and first picked up some front-leg meat.

Compared to the commonly sold pork belly, neck meat, or beef, it seemed a bit inferior, but the quality appeared good.

As a natural competition arose between the two regarding the dinner menu, the President pretended to be relaxed but showed a tense face.

Even so, it cant match the taste of pork and beef.

Really? Ill clearly show you that theres such a thing as compatibility between foods.

I thought about introducing lamb as a third option but decided against it as it would be too much of a brain-twister.

However, it seemed I wasnt the only one with such thoughts, as the Vice President, who shadowed the President, smirked.

During this, our eyes met, and we awkwardly avoided each others gaze.

Perhaps the Vice President was the one I was closest to in the Student Council?


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