I Was Possessed By An Unknown Manga

Chapter 57: Aspiring Disciple

Chapter 57: Aspiring Disciple

Koto Kazuya.

At 17 years old, he had become the third leader of Hyakki Yako, a biker gang active in the Setagaya area.

Since his youth, he admired strong men, which caught the attention of the second leader, and he joined Hyakki Yako during middle school.

Under his command, Hyakki Yako expanded to roughly 100 members, transforming into a biker gang that could hold its own anywhere.

The street race three months earlier celebrated this milestone.

Yet, on that day, Kazuya felt fear for the first time in his life.

Motorcycles ridden by biker gangs were typically louder than standard bikes because of illegally modified mufflers.

When dozens of such bikes roar in unison, the noise becomes unimaginably deafening.

He had always mocked residents who would open their windows at night to curse at them, but he had never envisioned someone bold enough to halt a convoy of dozens of motorcycles while shirtless.

The man, apparently fresh from a workout and clad only in a towel draped over his torso, glared at them with the eyes of a wild beast from beneath his unkempt hair and said,

Get off. Youre gonna wake up my parents.

Naturally, Kazuya and his followers attempted to laugh off the mans command, but the man quietly walked up to the motorcycle Kazuya rode and seized its back end.

Heh, you think that will scare me?

Challenged by the mans serene presence, Kazuya, brimming with defiance, gunned the accelerator.

He assumed this would force the man to release his grip to avoid being dragged along by the bike.

But, against his expectations, the bike didnt move even an inch.

Why isnt this moving?

In a growing panic and throttling again, he received no response.

Glancing down to discern the cause, Kazuyas shock mounted.

The man was effortlessly hoisting his motorcycle with a single hand.

More accurately, he was lifting it with one hand.

With the vital wheels suspended in the air, no amount of effort would propel it forward.

Indeed, the mans strength was beyond belief.

Ill get down! Im getting off!

Realizing his fear, Kazuya immediately declared surrender and dismounted the bike.

This marked the first encounter between Koto Kazuya and Kim Yu-seong.

As soon as I entered the store, the regent-haired1 guy who abruptly called me big brother introduced himself as Koto Kazuya after he had finished his meal.

Please, feel free to call me Kazu, big brother!

Dressed in a gakuran, I felt awkward being called big brother by someone who appeared older than me, so I cautiously inquired,

May I ask how old you are?

I turned 17 this year! I became a second-year high school student a month ago!

I thought I looked mature for my age, but this guy took it to another level.

Perhaps it was his retro biker gang style from the 70s-80s, but he seemed to be at least in his 20s.

Contemplating how to navigate this awkward situation, I finally responded.

I see no reason to be called big brother by you. Were the same age, after all.

For me, you epitomize what a real man is, so I want to call you big brother! Please, let me!

Hes crazy.

Having experienced a myriad of events for two years in a world akin to a manga, I never envisioned encountering this scenario.

Biker gangs, often romanticized in Japanese manga, were, in reality, criminal groups made up of minors.

Noticing the prejudice in my eyes, Koto patted his chest and declared,

I make no excuses for my past actions. But Ive come to you now because I wish to demonstrate my sincerity.

What do you mean by that?

Ive idolized strong and macho men since childhood, which led me to join a biker gang. However, upon reflection, I realized I was merely a thrill-seeker trying to look tough in front of others with life-risking stunts. Although I respect the choices of those still in the gang, it was my encounter with you during spring break that enlightened me.

After expressing this, Koto paused briefly before he confidently continued,

A real man doesnt show off his strength.

Feeling a headache coming, I said to Koto,

If youve realized that, why not go home now and be filial to your parents? That might be at least somewhat helpful to society.

Of course, thats my plan! But, before that, I have something important to ask you, so I came here.

And what is that?

Please take me as your disciple!

Koto Kazuya said this and suddenly prostrated himself on the ground.

The sudden performance naturally drew attention.

Perhaps because he was a former biker gang leader, Koto Kazuya was a master of over-the-top, chuunibyou-like reactions.

It was a scene that could easily lead others to mistake even me for a delinquent, so I quickly helped him to his feet.

Lets not do this here. Lets go outside and talk.


And keep your voice down.


I apologized to the regulars and other customers dining and I quickly led Koto Kazuya out of the restaurant.

The place I took him to was a playground in a park near my house.

It seemed like a place where we could talk quietly without attracting attention.

I handed him a can of cola from a vending machine and started talking.

Well I can somehow understand the big brother part, but whats this about being a disciple?

Koto Kazuya, holding the cola can, replied with fervor,

Its exactly as I said! I want to be your disciple! I want to become a real man like you!

Unknowingly, I touched my forehead, as the topic hadnt changed much from our previous conversation.

Exactly, what does he mean by a real man?

But Koto Kazuya, whether oblivious or stubborn, didnt stop promoting himself.

I know you might find my biker gang background distasteful! Thats why Ive completely left the gang at this opportunity!

Uh Okay.

For a prominent biker to give up his leadership overnight certainly felt like a significant resolution.

But that was one thing, and this was another.

Im not the amazing person you think I am. The reason I stopped you guys back then was because my parents, who work late at night, would have woken up from the noise and been tired the next day.

Yes! I understand! The fact that you did that just out of filial piety is proof that you are a real man of this era!

This was getting nowhere.

I sighed softly and asked,

What do you want to learn by becoming my disciple?

There are many things. Like the mindset of a man, training methods to become a truly strong man, how to become a cool man like you, and so on.

At this point, I might have looked desperate for not being able to literally gild my face.

I have nothing to teach you. Yet do you still want to be my disciple?

Koto Kazuya nodded and replied,

They say when you go to an artisans shop, you can steal their skills just by observing! If you permit, I want to learn the secrets of becoming a real man by spending the whole day with you, from morning till evening!

Even if I had said no, he probably would have kept coming to our shop, begging to be accepted as a disciple.

That was a clich in shonen manga, after all.

Rather than endure that, I decided to shake him off differently.

Okay, then. Ill give you three days.

I said that and spread three fingers to give a meaningful impression.

Then, Koto Kazuya swallowed hard and murmured,

Three days, you say?

I cant just accept anyone as my disciple. Ill give you a chance for just three days to prove youre worthy. If you do, Ill acknowledge you.

How should I prove myself, then?

You just said you wanted to learn how to become a real man by spending the day with me, from morning till evening.

Yes, I did say that.

So, excluding the time Im at school, lets spend three days following my daily routine together. If you can endure that, Ill acknowledge you as my disciple.


A man doesnt go back on his word.

Thank you so much! Ill work hard!

As soon as I gave my permission, Koto, like a child receiving a Christmas present, became overjoyed and bowed his head repeatedly.

I looked down at the back of Kotos head and thought,

Im sorry, but I have to keep going until he says he wants to give up.

  1. ED/N: The "regent" hairstyle is the Japanese name for the pompadour. It's a popular men's haircut that involves combing the hair upwards and back to create a high and voluminous "pomp" on top. 


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