I Was Possessed By An Unknown Manga

Chapter 52: Awkward Relationship

Chapter 52: Awkward Relationship

The long-awaited weekend had finally arrived.

As always, I woke up at 4 a.m., went for a jog outside, and then ate breakfast.

While other parents might have nagged, The day after tomorrow is the exam. Arent you going to study? Mine showed no such concern.

Thats because Ive been at the top of my class since entering high school.

However, at that moment, there was something more important to me than exams.

It was a phone call for which I had been eagerly waiting.

After a quick shower and to pass the time, I did dumbbell curls while reading a manga I had bought last weekend.

Perhaps because I was in good condition today, my muscles seemed to be getting a better workout than usual.

About 30 minutes had passed since I started reading the manga.


As soon as my phone rang, I hurriedly set down the manga and dumbbell I was holding and answered the call with both hands.

Yes, yes, you can come to the address marked in the GPS. Thank you.

After the call, I immediately began cleaning my room.

I wanted to welcome the special guest who would be arriving soon.

I moved the dumbbells and barbells I usually use for warm-ups to the living room and vacuumed the dust that had accumulated in their place.

Then, I opened the window for ventilation and neatly arranged the manga on the bookshelf, which I usually neglected.


The sound of the doorbell followed.

Yes! Coming!

I rushed to the door and opened it to find two men wearing hats with Kaito Health written on them, looking at me with slightly surprised expressions.

Then, as if suddenly remembering their purpose, they pointed to the long box set beside the door and asked,

Uh where should we install this?

This way, please!

I opened the door wider and led the two men to my room, which was now clean.

If you have any issues using it, please contact us here.

Yes, thank you.

The men handed me their business cards and left with their toolbox.

After seeing them off to the end, I closed the front door, returned to the house, and clenched my fists in uncontrollable joy.

The reason? With the money I had received from Sasha last time, I had finally completed my long-dreamed home gym.

Although the space was not very large to begin with, with the addition of a large rack, one side of my room is now brimming with exercise equipment.

But what did that matter? Now I could do heavy squats at home!

After settling my usual barbells and dumbbells into their new spots, I gazed lovingly at the rack installed in one corner of the room.

This sight made the struggles of the last Golden Week seem trivial.

Ah, this is not the time to just stand here.

I immediately grabbed the pull-up bar of the newly installed rack to test it.

This action made my shoulder and back muscles tense sharply.

With a joyful heart, I pulled my upper body upwards.

Ah, this is great.

I could feel my muscles celebrate.

Had I known it felt this good, I would have bought it sooner.

I felt as if I had wasted half my fitness life.

It was then that I was deeply engrossed in my love affair with the new equipment.


The phone suddenly rang again.

What? Im not expecting any calls.

Wondering if the men from earlier had forgotten something, I quickly picked up the phone.

However, the voice that came from the speaker was not the deep tones of the men, but the animated voice of an active high school girl.

[Ah, Ryu-chan. Im on my way to pick you up. Are you ready?]

What? What do you mean?

[Ah, come on, remember? We agreed the day before yesterday to have a study session at Karens house.]

I never really agreed to participate

But Rika was not done talking.

[Right now, Im in Sashas car, heading to your house. So, if you havent prepared yet, get ready quickly. You know the saying time is gold, right?]


Just as I was about to retort, the call ended abruptly, leaving me staring at the now-dark smartphone screen in astonishment.

Her ability to say only what she wanted and then hang up was no small feat.

Considering Rikas assertiveness, it seemed that my participation in the study session was a foregone conclusion, so I quietly decided to pack my things.

Since I planned to exercise only in the morning and study for the exams in the afternoon, I might as well help the others with their studies.

Ill be going then.

After telling my parents, who were working in the store, that I was going to a friends house to study and grabbing my bag, I stepped outside to find a vehicle rarely seen in Japan parked in front of the store.

It was a black armored truckthe kind youd see in movies.

Wondering what it was doing there, I peered curiously, and the back door of the vehicle opened, revealing a familiar face.

Are you here?

It was Rika.

I greeted her and then headed towards the back seat, only to be startled.


It was because a towering Russian man, over two meters tall, whom I had fought in the middle of Akihabara just two weeks ago, was sitting next to Sasha and waving his hand.

He had bandages wrapped around his head, apparently still recovering from the injuries he had sustained last time.

Unaware of my history with him, Rika cheerfully explained,

Boris is Sashas uncle and doesnt speak Japanese. But he seems really nice, unlike his appearance. He even bought us cola.

Oh? Uh-huh.

I half-listened to Rikas animated explanation and whispered to Sasha, who was already seated,

Whats going on?

Boris is my bodyguard. If I go out during a holiday, I have to be accompanied by him.

That being the case, it definitely couldnt be helped.

As I awkwardly took my seat, Boris knocked on the wall towards the drivers side of the truck.

Bang! Bang!

Then, the vehicle began to move quietly without making any noise.

An eerie silence fell over the inside of the truck.

Fortunately, Rika, always the one to lift spirits in such situations, was the first to break the silence.

So, what does Boris do? Hes quite large.

Sasha glanced at Boris and then produced a suitable answer.

My uncle works as a bodyguard. Hes a former soldier, skilled in VIP protection.

Ah, I see.

Rika nodded, looking at Boris with a new sense of interest.

It definitely feels reassuring to have him around.

Hearing this, Boris looked at Rika intently and replied,


Ah, what did Boris just say?

Thats thank you in Russian.

Though she didnt know Japanese, the nuance seemed to have been conveyed.

Then Rika, sporting a cat-like smile, responded to Boris in the same language.


An unexpected Russian lesson unfolded in the back seat of the armored truck, but it all ceased as we pulled up at Karens house.


After I opened the bulletproof door and stepped out, the grand mansion I had visited once before came into view.

Luckily, it appeared the driver had navigated the way correctly.

Boris followed us out of the truck, and the black armored vehicle drove away as if nothing unusual had occurred.

Standing at the entrance, searching for the doorbell, we noticed people coming out and moved toward them.

Excuse me

The men in black suits, who were clearly yakuza, were startled and took a step back.

What?! Which organization sent you guys?!

Hey, I wasnt finished talking, was I?

Just as I prepared to clarify the misunderstanding and engage in conversation, Boris suddenly stepped forward, his right arm extended.

Lets talk calmly.

This further frightened the yakuza, who reached into their coats.

What? You want to start something?!

This scene felt eerily familiar.

As I stood with a knowing look, anticipating the inevitable misinterpretation, Rika, observing from the side, suddenly cut in.

Were not suspicious! Were just here to see Karen-chan today!

The yakuza began to stir upon hearing this.

Ah, now that you mention it, didnt the young lady say her friends were coming over today?

Could these guys be the young ladys friends?

Idiots! Where in the world would you find high school students who look like that? Dont be fooled!

They pointed at Boris and me as they said this, and I felt oddly offended.

Seeing their disbelief, Rika fiddled with her smartphone as if searching for evidence, then thrust it forward.

Look! Heres a photo of me with Karen!

Initially doubtful, they seemed to realize the truth of Rikas words, startled and bowing deeply.

Were so sorry! We were rude to the young ladys friends!

Please, come inside!

The yakuza stepped aside to let us pass.

With the assistance of one of them, who continued to bow apologetically, we easily entered the interior of the house where Karen lived.

This incident reinforced the importance of appearances and kindness.


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