I Was Possessed By An Unknown Manga

Chapter 139: Kazama

Chapter 139: Kazama

We followed Senior Fuma’s grandfather into the main building of the mansion.

The surrounding scenery was that of a typical Japanese-style mansion.

The old mansion had a tranquil yet simple elegance.

Unlike Karen’s house, which had been remodeled in a modern style, this mansion seemed to retain its original, old-fashioned design.

Walking along the creaking wooden corridors, a well-maintained indoor garden came into view.

Though artificially created, it was as beautiful as something natural.

Sensing my gaze lingering on the garden, Senior Fuma, walking beside me, briefly explained,

“This is the garden cherished by my grandfather. He has tended to it since his youth, so most of it reflects his personal touch.”

Just like his outward strictness, Senior Fuma’s grandfather seemed to be very meticulous about growing plants.

The well-kept garden seemed to reflect the personality of its owner.

Eventually, we arrived at a room made up of eight tatami mats.

Seemingly to emphasize the beauty of simplicity, the spacious room was devoid of any decor except for a scroll and a jar.

Whether it was to exhibit the beauty of emptiness, the spacious room was devoid of any decorations except for a scroll and a jar.

Entering the room awkwardly following Senior Fuma’s grandfather, who had already gone inside, he turned slightly and asked,

“What would you like to drink?”

Since the question was directed at me, I quickly replied,

“I will have whatever you offer.”

“Very well.”

After a small cough, her grandfather, who had settled on the cushion, glanced alternately at Senior Fuma and me.

“Sit down, please.”


Senior Fuma and I slowly knelt and sat down across from her grandfather.

Immediately after, her grandfather rang a small bell placed beside the cushion, prompting a middle-aged woman in a dark apron to enter the room through the sliding door.

“Prepare some tea.”

“Understood, Elder,” she replied, bowing her waist slightly before quietly leaving the room, her movements reminiscent of a historical drama.

After she left, it seemed everything was ready for the conversation, as Senior Fuma’s grandfather finally spoke.

“I already know about you, not just from my granddaughter’s letters, but also through many people. You are Kim Yu-seong, aren’t you?”

Her grandfather already knew my name, even though I hadn’t mentioned it.

But many people?

“What do you mean?”

“It’s exactly as it sounds. A high school student who took down ‘Ivan the Destroyer’ with his bare hands. It would be strange if you weren’t a topic of discussion. Especially after you appeared in my granddaughter’s letter, many elders have been looking forward to your potential. With your extreme yang constitution, you could learn our family’s secret martial arts without the need for a harsh training process.”

“I didn’t expect you to know not only my name but also such detailed information about me.”

“Of course. I personally gathered information about you.”

After casually mentioning this rather intimidating piece of information, Senior Fuma’s grandfather then stared at me with wide-open eyes.

“Well then, let’s end the small talk and get to the main point. You asked about how to learn ‘Swift Wind’ besides the method of becoming a son-in-law to my granddaughter, right?”

“Ah, yes.”

Right now, learning any martial art is beneficial.

Though there were some struggles along the way, there was no harm in learning the basics.

“Firstly, I can only give you a general answer. Essentially, Swift Wind is a martial art born for hunting demons, but it’s a dangerous technique that can certainly kill humans. I can’t teach it to someone who’s not a family member, let alone an outsider.”

“I see.”

In fact, I had already heard this much from Senior, so I didn’t have much hope.


As he said this, Senior Fuma’s grandfather proposed a new condition.

“There’s an abandoned Western-style house not far from our village, and recently, a Snow Woman has settled there. If you can drive her away, I will specially permit you to learn Gale.”


Senior Fuma looked at her grandfather with a shocked expression.

However, Senior Fuma’s grandfather just looked at me expressionlessly.

It seemed like this staring contest would only end if I responded.

Considering my current situation, I couldn’t be choosy, so I gladly accepted this offer.

“Alright, let’s give it a try.”

“You fool!”

On our way back after meeting Senior Fuma’s grandfather, she scolded me like that.

Wondering why she suddenly said that, I looked at her, and Senior Fuma spoke as if she were frustrated.

“The Snow Woman mentioned by my grandfather is a demon usually seen only in winter. But for such a creature to roam around in the middle of summer? She must be at least a major demon. Even if you have an extreme yang constitution, fighting such a being is suicidal. Grandfather set this condition to make you give up.”

A major demon… a major demon?

Not quite grasping the extent of the strength of a major demon as described by Senior Fuma, I asked.

“How strong are they, roughly?”

Hearing my question, Senior Fuma, looking incredulous, held her forehead and said,

“Hah~ You might be the only person in the world considering fighting a major demon. The scary part about a major demon is that it can talk, think, and act like a human. Lower demons, born from negative human emotions and rumors, act solely on instinct, so they’re not too difficult to deal with. But a demon that has accumulated power and wisdom over hundreds of thousands of years becomes a threat to humans in its own right.”

“Give me an idea based on the masked guy I caught last time.”

Then, after a moment’s hesitation, Senior Fuma answered.

“Maybe you’d need about ten of those guys to stand a chance against a major demon.”

“So, in other words, incredibly strong.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

I clenched and unclenched my fists.

“Then I absolutely can’t give up.”

I was cautious about fighting humans to avoid a criminal record, but I had no reservations about fighting demons.

If possible, I wanted to test my limits.

I felt like I was getting stronger in real time, but there was nowhere to test this power.

“…It can’t be helped. Now that it’s come to this, I’ll stick with you to the end. I can’t face your parents if you die because of your recklessness.”

“If you’re willing to do that, I’m grateful.”

As I said that half-heartedly, Senior Fuma chuckled and spoke.

“It looks like you’ve fully digested lunch. I’ll prepare a feast that’ll break the table legs today.”


As I made a surprised gesture showing concern for her, Senior Fuma brushed under her nose with her finger and said,

“You can look forward to it. The food at our house is delicious.”

To cut to the chase, Senior Fuma’s words were true.

After a quick shower, I returned to find a meal already set in my room, and surprisingly, there was alcohol on the table.

Normally, I avoid alcohol since it negates the benefits of exercise, but I thought, if not now, when? So, I drank without refusing.

The rare tipsy feeling made me momentarily forget that I was in a remote ninja village.

Anyway, perhaps due to Kim Yu-seong’s low tolerance for alcohol, even after just one bottle, I felt the world spinning, so I asked to have the table cleared after eating and drinking just enough.

Then, to compensate for the day’s exhaustion, I decided to go to sleep earlier than usual.

I laid the bedding on the floor, changed into comfortable clothes, and flopped down.

The cotton bedding on the floor seemed so soft that it felt like sleep would come easily once covered.

Without even a proper fluorescent light, and using candles instead, I blew out the candles and looked around the dark room.

The only source of light was the moonlight coming in through the window.

Lying in the futon in the serene atmosphere, I fell asleep without even realizing it.

Rustle. Rustle.

This happened while I was deeply asleep.

Startled by the rustling sound nearby, I lifted my heavy eyelids.


Senior Fuma, whom I rarely saw, stood by my head in a light yukata.

Startled, I was about to sit up, but restrained myself with superhuman patience.

I wanted to know what Senior Fuma, who sneaked in during the night, was up to.


Senior Fuma reached for the belt that was securing her yukata.

‘Surely not?’

And as they say, ‘never say never,’ Senior Fuma effortlessly untied her belt.


What was revealed were black underwear and dangerously exposed skin.

I hastily closed my eyes.

Then, Senior Fuma, standing by my head, murmured,

“Kim Yu-seong, are you awake?”

But I couldn’t say a word.


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